



The name of this organization shall be HOOD RIVER-TSURUTA,




Section 1 The Corporation is organized exclusively for educational

purposes that qualify as being exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal

Revenue Code of 1954, with the primary purpose being to recognize and foster

friendship and understanding between the Cities of Hood River and Tsuruta and

between the United States of America and Japan, and to promote, cultural, educational

& industrial exchanges between the two countries and peoples. To accomplish this

purpose, the corporation will sponsor cultural exchanges; various exchange programs

between the youth of the two cities and informational and educational exchanges on


Section 2 No part of the net earnings of this organization shall inure to

the benefit of any member.



Section 1 Any person may become a member of this organization upon

payment of required dues.

Section 2 There shall be four types of Membership in this organization:

A. Individual Membership

B. Family Membership

C. Business Membership

D. Honorary Member

Section 3 The qualification of membership shall be as follows:

A. Individual, Family and Student Members, shall be

those who pay their annual dues. Dues will be set

annually by a vote of the board.

B. The Business Members shall be any business,

partnership or corporation which contributes $100

for the first year to the organization and $50.00 per

year after the first year.

C. An honorary member is one who shall be selected by

two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. Such

membership shall be given in recognition of

extraordinary service towards the purposes of the

organization. The honorary members shall posses all

privileges of active members with the exception of be

the director of the corporation.

Section 4 Membership dues shall be paid annually on a calendar year




Section 1 The corporation annual meeting shall be held on the Second,

Tuesday of November in each calendar year.

Section 2 Special Meetings of the membership may be called by a

majority of the members of the Board of Directors. Notice if

such meeting shall state the time, place and purpose of the

meeting and shall be signed by the President of the Board of


Section 3 Written notice of every regular or special meeting of the

membership shall be mailed out by the secretary to each

member at least one week before the date of the meeting.

Such notice shall designate the time and place, and in the

case of special meeting, the object thereof.

Section 4 A quorum for a meeting of the membership shall be a

majority vote for those in attendance, regardless of the

number in attendance.


Board of Directors

Section 1 The business and affairs of this organization shall be

managed by the Board of Directors.

Section 2 The Board may enter into contracts for and on behalf of the


Section 3 The board should have the power to select one or more banks

to act as the depository of the funds of the corporation.

Section 4 The Board of directors shall consist of at least eight members of the corporation, elected for a two-year term with four positions open each year.The Board of directors of the Corporation shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership at the annual meeting. (Revised 21 June 2010)

Section 5 The Mayor of the City of Hood River and the Chairperson of

the Board of County Commissioners, or their designated

representative and the Past President of this organization

shall automatically serve as members of the Board of


Section 6 A vacancy on the Board of Directors shall be filled by an

appointment by the remaining directors. The person so

appointed shall hold office for the remainder of the

unexpired term.

Section 7 In the event that any Director misses three (3) consecutive

meetings without acceptable reason, such action may result

in the removal of that director by a majority vote of the

remaining members of the board.

Section 8 The presence of a majority of the members of the Board of

Directors at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for

conducting business.



Section 1 The Officers need not be members of the Board of Directors,

but shall have full voting rights. The officers shall consist of a

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer & Student


Section 2 The officers of the Corporation shall be elected by a majority

vote of the board of directors at the annual meeting. Said

newly elected officers shall then take office on the first work

day of January of the succeeding year.

Section 3 Officers shall hold office for one year or until their

successors are elected. No officer shall be limited to the

number of terms they serve.

Section 4 The Board of Directors may from time to time appoint

additional officers or agents to hold office at the pleasure of

the board.


Standing Committees

The Board of Directors of the corporation may appoint standing

committees as may be deemed necessary to perform the specific functions of the

corporation. The Board of Directors may specify the responsibilities of said committees

at the time of their appointment. The Chairpersons of the Standing Committees may

attend the Board meetings.

Section 1 The Standing committees are Membership, Middle School

Visitation, High School Visitation, Taste of Tsuruta,

Scholarship, Election of Board of Directors, Budget, CIR interviews &

Student Exchange to Tsuruta.


Duties of Officers

Section 1 The President shall exercise and perform the following

powers and duties.

A. Preside at all meetings of the corporation

B. Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors.

C. Sign with the Treasurer all contracts, checks or other

obligation authorized by the Board of Directors.

D. Call special meetings of the corporation or Board of

Directors in the manner provided by these bylaws.

E. Make an annual report to the membership of the activities of

the corporation at the annual meeting.

Section 2 The vice President shall exercise and perform the following

powers and duties:

A. Discharge the duties of the President in the absence or

disability of the President

B. Perform any other duties which may be given to him / her by

the Board of Directors.

C. Shall be ready to take over when the President steps down.

Section 3 The secretary shall exercise and perform the following

powers and duties.

A. Be present at and record the minutes of all the meetings of

the Board of Directors and all meetings of the Corporation.

B. Minutes shall be emailed and or mailed to the membership

prior to the next scheduled meeting.

C. Give notice of all meetings of the corporation in a manner

provided in these bylaws.

D. Keep a file of essential records that shall be transferred to the

successor upon termination of the term of Office.

E. Keep a correct and classified list of names and addresses of

all members.

Section 4 The Treasurer shall exercise and perform the following

powers and duties:

A. Shall be responsible for all funds paid by the corporation and

for the receipt and deposit of said monies in such bank as be

designated by the Board of Directors. The funds of the

corporation shall be deposited in an account in the name of

the corporation and shall be withdrawn or disbursed by

checks bearing the signatures of the Treasurer, or President

B. May be required to obtain a bond at the discretion of the

Board of Directors in an amount determined by the Board.

The premium for any such bond shall be paid by the


C. Shall keep a full and accurate account of all funds of the

corporation and render a report thereof at the regular

meetings of the Board of Directors and at the annual

meetings of the corporation.

D. Shall at the termination of office turn over to a successor all

the books and financial records of the corporation.

Section 5 The Student Representative shall exercise and perform the

following powers and duties.

A. Be interested in the Sister City program.

B. Attend monthly Board meetings

C. Be an actively involved student at the high school

D. Be an advocate of the high school exchange program in

October and work with the high school liaison.

E. Be aware of and support the Sister City exchange program to

Tsuruta & interaction with other students.

F. Help with the Taste of Tsuruta by being part and overseeing

the student serving committee.


Rules of order

Robert’s Revised Rules of Order shall control the proceedings at all




These bylaws may be amended or repealed by majority vote of the membership voting at

the annual or special meeting, or by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at any

regular or special meeting.

ADOPTED this 13th day of January, 2009.

Revised this 21stday of June, 2010. (Article V section 4)





