The Mystery at Kill Devil Hills
Project Choices
Due Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Your project will be mostly completed at home. You will have 2 days in school to use the computer lab and some time during class with your literature group. You can also work with a friend outside of school. However, you MUST have your own project to present. Choose from one of the choices below.
Choice # 1 – Brochure
Create a Brochure about the Outer Banks. Think about who your audience is; families taking a vacation, school field trip, or someone who may wish to move/relocate to the Outer Banks area. Your Brochure should be an ‘inviting’ one! There are 2 sample style brochures on my website you can use as a guide/template; one was made using Publisher 07 and is a sample of “The Earth’s Crust.” The other sample is of T.J.’s project on Isla Mujeres. I scanned this one for you to see a visual. There are 2 scanned pages; side 1 and side 2 of the brochure. You can also use construction paper (and not Microsoft Publisher).
Your Brochure MUST have 6 panels.
* Panel 1 – The Cover. It must include:
A Title of your Brochure
Picture of the Outer Banks (You can use link # 1 on my web page for this)
Your name
* Panel 2 – Location of the Outer Banks
Depiction of the Wright Brother’s travels to get to the Outer Banks. Please use # 8 link on my web page for this information if you need.
* Panel 3 – Information on Jockey’s Ridge. Lure your reader in to visit this amazing area of the Outer Banks.Please use # 1 link on my web page for this information if you need.
Be sure to include:
* Panel 4 – Your Choice
* Panel 5 – Your Choice
* Panel 6 – Back Panel - Adjectives/Verbs and
Write a Summary. Which would be your favorite place to visit in the Outer Banks? Include:
5 or more adjectives and/or verbs (refer back to pages 28 and 39 in the book for examples)
Include 2 sentences that use similes (refer back to page 32 for an example of a simile)
Choice # 2 - Power Point
Create a Power Point about the Outer Banks. You can either email me your ppt or download it to a flash drive (ask your parents which they would prefer you do. They may need to help you download your ppt to a flash drive).
Your Power Point MUST have 6 slides.
Your Power Point MUST include animation and color
* Slide 1 – Front Cover
* Title of your PPT
* Picture of the Outer Banks
* Your name
* Slide 2 – Location of the Outer Banks
*Depiction the Wright Brother’s traveled to get to the Outer Banks.
Please use # 8 link on my web page for this information if you need.
* Slide 3 – Jockey’s Ridge
Lure your reader in to visit this amazing area of theOuter Banks.Please use # 1 link
on my web page for this information if you need. You may need more than 1 slide.
Be sure to include:
* Wildlife
* Recreation
* Ecology
* Slide 4 – Characters
* 3 Characters from the book and 3 character traits for each character (from our listof traits)
* Slide 5 – Your Choice
* Slide 6 – Adjectives/Verbs and Similes
* Write a Summary, which is your favorite site to visit in the Outer Banks.
* Include 5 or more adjectives and/or verbs (refer back to pages 28 and 39 for examples)
* Include 2 sentences that use similes (refer back to page 32 for an example of a simile)
Choice # 3 - Collage
Create a Collage about the Outer Banks.
- Your Collage should be on paper that is larger than 8 x 11 and not larger than poster board.
- Your Collage MUST include 1 or more clipart, 1 or more free hand illustrations, and 1 or more magazine pictures.
* Your Collage Needs to include:
- Title of your Collage
- Your name
- Picture of the Outer Banks
- Depiction the Wright Brother’s traveled to get to the Outer Banks.
Please use # 8 link on my web page for this information if you need.
- Information on Jockey’s Ridge. Please use # 1 link on my web page for this information. Include:
- Wildlife
- Recreation
- Ecology
- 3 Characters from the book and 3 character traits for each character (from our list of traits)
7. Adjectives/Verbs and Similes
* Write a Summary, which is your favorite site to visit in the Outer
* Include 5 or more adjectives and/or verbs (refer back to pages 28 an
39 for examples)
* Include 2 sentences that use similes (refer back to page 32 for an
example of a simile)