Tel No. 033 – 392 247 2; Fax No. 033 – 392 253 2



Tenderer's Name:
Postal Address:
Telephone No.
Fax No.
Cell No.
Contact Person:
E Mail Address:

Sealed tenders endorsed on the envelope “SPECIALISED QUOTATION No. Q12/150 OF 16/17" must be placed in the Tender Box located in the Foyer, Ground Floor, City Hall, 169 Chief Albert Luthuli (Commercial) Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, not later than 12h00 on Monday,12 May 2017. Only tenders placed in the tender box will be accepted and considered.



The Checklist below is attached hereto to assist Tenderer with the completion of the tender document. Tenderers are required to TICK the relevant boxes for verification purposes. Where information is not applicable to the tender, the symbols N/A must be inserted in the space provided.

It must be noted that the Council shall not be held liable for any loss or damage incurred to the Tenderer should the Tenderer fail to fulfil the requirements of the Tender.

No. / Description / Tenderer to Tick (√ ) / For Official Use Only
1 / Has the Tender Document been completed in INK and all corrections counter-signed? (No correction fluid used) / D
2 / Are the Tender amounts and totals correct?
3 / Has all information as required in terms of the tender document been submitted with the tender? / D
4 / Has the Site Inspection/Tender Briefing Certificate been completed and has the Compulsory Site Inspection/Tender Briefing Meeting been attended? / D
5 / Has the “Authority to Sign” Document been completed and signed? / D
6 / Has the “Statement of Previous Experience” Form been completed? / D
7 / Has the “Schedule of Resources” Form been completed? / D
8 / Has the “Proposed Sub-Contractors” Form been completed?
9 / Has the “Tender Form” been completed and signed? / D
10 / Has the “Preference Points Claim Form in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations 2011” been completed in its entirety and signed?
11 / As an EME, is a certificate issued by an Accounting Officer or a Verification Agency accredited by SANAS or a Registered Auditor attached to the tender document?
12 / As a NON-EME, is an original and valid B-BBEE status level verification certificate or a certified copy thereof attached to the tender document?
13 / Is a valid Original Tax Clearance Certificate attached to the Tender Document? / D

*** D: Failure to comply with these Sections may prejudice the tender.

Tenderer: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______





The Msunduzi Municipality hereby invites suitably experienced tenderers to submit quotations for the above works.

Printed Quotation documents shall be available from the Supply Chain Management Unit Offices, 5th Floor, A. S. Chetty Centre, 333 Church Street, Pietermaritzburg, from 12h00 on Monday, 05 June 2017. A non-refundable tender fee in the amount R150.48 (Including VAT) per document shall be levied. Only cash or bank guaranteed cheque will be accepted.

Tender documents can also be downloaded and printed at the tenderer’s cost from the National Treasury eTender Publication Portal on

For any technical related enquiries, please contact Mr. Vishal Singh on direct Telephone No. 033 – 392 5329 or e-mail address . For any procurement related enquiries, please contact Fundile Zondi (Supply Chain Management Unit) on direct Telephone No. 033 – 392 3093 or e-mail address .

Sealed quotation endorsed on the envelope “SPECIALISED QUOTATION No. Q12/150 OF 16/17” must be placed in the Tender Box located in the Foyer, Ground Floor, City Hall, 169 Chief Albert Luthuli Street, Pietermaritzburg, not later than 12h00, on Monday, 12 June 2017, when it will be publicly opened. Only quotations placed in the Tender Box shall be accepted.

The Validity period shall hold firm for ninety (90) days commencing from closing date of the quotation.

Tender Adjudication & Evaluation Criteria will be implemented in line with the Msunduzi Municipality’s approved Supply Chain and Preferential Procurement Policies on the 80/20 point system. Adjudication criteria will be as per the tender document, the allocation of points will be in line with B-BBEE as prescribed in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, Act No. 5 of 2000.

The Msunduzi Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any quotation and reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of a quotation. Each Service Provider will be informed of the quotation result. The Msunduzi Municipality expects businesses within the Pietermaritzburg and Midlands Region to support its contract and BEE/SMME initiatives.





The Conditions of Contract governing this contract is marked below which can be inspected at the offices of offices of the Head: Supply Chain Management, 5th Floor, A S Chetty Building, 333 Church Street, Pietermaritzburg.

Conditions of Contract / Mark Applicable Condition/s
General Conditions of Contract by National Treasury (GCC 2010) / ü 
Supply, Delivery and/or Installation, and/or Commissioning of Plant & Equipment / ü 
General Conditions of Contract for Civil Engineering Work (GCC 2010)
Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Regulations Act No. 38 of 2000
General Conditions of Contract for Mechanical Engineering Works – The latest Model Form document shall prevail
General Conditions of Contract for Electrical Engineering Works – The latest Model Form document shall prevail
Professional Service Providers – Model Form 1 as published by SAACE
Architectural Services - Guideline of Services and Tariff of Fees for Persons Registered in Terms of South African Council for the Architectural Professions Act 2000, (Act No. 44 of 2000
Quantity Surveying Services - Guideline of Services and Tariff of Fees for Persons Registered in Terms of Quantity Surveying Professions Act 2000, (Act No. 49 of 2000)
Project Management Institute of S A for Project Management related works





1.1 The Msunduzi Municipality’s Standard Conditions of Tender, Legislation Section, Special Conditions of Contract (if any), Supply Chain Management Policy and the Preferential Procurement Policy shall also apply. The above-mentioned documentation may be inspected at the offices of the Head: Supply Chain Management, 5th Floor, A S Chetty Building, 333 Church Street, Pietermaritzburg.

1.2  Further to the above, the following terms and conditions shall also apply:-

a)  Where in the tender document reference is made to a compulsory Site Inspection/Tender Briefing Meeting, the Tenderer shall be required to attend the Meeting prompt on the date and time mentioned in the tender document. Tenderer s arriving at the meeting after the stipulated time WILL BE DISQUALIFIED and the Council shall not be held liable for any loss or damage due to the above. Tenderers are to ensure that they sign the Attendance Register circulated at the meeting and to also ensure that the Site Inspection/Tender Briefing Certificate attached hereto is duly signed by the authorised official.

An official will chair the meeting and answer queries raised by prospective Tenderers. Any amendment to the tender documentation arising from such answers will be circulated in terms of the meeting's attendance register.

Tenders will not be considered from Tenderers who do not attend the meeting and whose Site Inspection/Tender Briefing Certificate has not been commissioned by the authorised official.

Tenderers shall be required to present the tender document at the meeting.

b)  All materials must comply with the SABS 1200 or SANS 1200 specifications shall apply where applicable.

It is a condition of tender that the taxes of the successful tenderer must be in order, or that satisfactory arrangements have been made with the South African Revenue Service (SARS) to meet the tenderer’s tax obligations.

Tenderers shall be required to submit, together with the tender document, a valid original Tax Clearance Certificate or a Tax Compliance Status Verification Pin issued by SARS. Failure to submit a valid original Tax Clearance Certificate or a Tax Compliance Status Verification Pin will result in the invalidation and disqualification of the tender. Certified copies of the Tax Clearance Certificate will not be acceptable.

Further to the above, Tenderers are to note that the Tax Clearance Certificate must be valid for the full duration of the tender validity period i.e. three (3) months commencing from the closing date of the tender.

Should the validity of the Tax Clearance Certificate expire prior to the final award of the contract being made, the Council reserves the right to request the Tenderer to submit a further valid Tax Clearance Certificate. In this instance, the Tenderer shall be given seven (7) working days written notice in which to comply. Should the Tenderer fail to comply with this request, the Council further reserves the right to make no award to the Tenderer and the Council shall not be held liable for any loss or damages sustained by the Tenderer.

If a tenderer has already submitted an original Tax Clearance Certificate when registering on the Central Supplier Database (CSD), then there is no need to submit a hardcopy of another Tax Clearance Certificate provided that the Tax Clearance Certificate is still valid for the full duration of the validity period for this tender. In this instance, the Tenderer will be required to indicate below the CSD Supplier Number and Unique Registration Reference Number for verification purposes:-

CSD Supplier Number
Unique Registration Reference Number

Failure to comply with these conditions will prejudice the tender.

c)  The prices, rates or percentages quoted in the proposal shall be deemed to include all costs, including but not limited to materials, plant, labour, patent rights and royalties, freight, insurance, customs, railage, delivery, etc., unless the Tenderer states otherwise on Annexure A hereto.

d)  Tenderers are advised that this document must be completed and submitted in its entirety. All Data Sheets including the Tender Form must be completed for adjudication purposes. Where information is not applicable, the symbols N/A must be inserted in the space provided. Failure to comply with these conditions will prejudice the tender.

e)  The document must be completed in ink, and in neat, legible handwriting. All corrections are to be countersigned. The use of correction fluid is strictly prohibited and shall lead to disqualification.

f)  Where compliance with CIDB Regulations are required, only those Tenderers who meet the required grading mentioned herein or higher or whose status is active at the time of tender shall be considered for appointment. In this instance, Tenderers shall be required to indicate in their tender document their CIDB Registration No. for adjudication purposes Failure to comply with these conditions will prejudice the tender.

g)  With regards to electrical works, only Tenderers who are registered with the Electrical Contractors Board (ECB) shall be considered for appointment. In this instance, certified proof of such registration must be submitted together with the tender for adjudication purposes. Failure to comply with these conditions will prejudice the tender.

With regards to plumbing works, only Tenderers who are registered with the Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA) or any other relevant authority shall be considered for appointment. In this instance, certified proof of such registration must be submitted together with the tender for adjudication purposes.

Failure to comply with these conditions will prejudice the tender.

h)  Tenderers should propose a detailed implementation plan for the completion of works and the production of deliverables.

The following framework should serve as a rough guide for the preparation of tenders:

- Background of the Contractor;

- Experience and capacity relevant for the project;

- Overall management of the project in terms of personnel;

- Approach and understanding of the project requirements;

- Implementation plan to achieve the objectives within the required time frame;

- Phasing of tasks, deliverables and reports for the project; and,

Curriculum Vitae for all proposed professional personnel on the project should include biographic data, educational qualifications and experience.

Tenderers may assume any number of forms including but not restricted to a consortium/joint venture that draws on multiple disciplines, practices and experiences.

It is also strongly recommended that in selecting their partners, consortia consider “smaller” but capable organizations which, while strengthening the proposal, will also receive some developmental benefit from partnering with larger organizations. In the event the selected proposal is a consortium/joint venture, the contract will be signed with the lead organization, which must be identified in the proposal.

i)  Proposals are to be formulated using efficiency, effectiveness, economy and sustainability as a basis.

j)  Tenderers shall be required to detail their experience applicable to the works mentioned herein in Data Sheet 1 – Statement of Previous Experience for adjudication purposes. Failure to comply with this condition will lead to disqualification.

k)  In the event of late delivery, penalties in the amount of R500.00 per calendar day shall be levied. Such monies shall be deducted from any monies due to the Contractor or which shall become due to the Contractor.

l)  Tenderers claiming preference points shall be required to complete Annexure “C” hereto in its entirety and to fully comply with the General Conditions, Definitions and Directives stated therein. Failure to do so shall result in no preference points being awarded to the Tenderer and the Council shall not be held liable for any loss or damages in this regard.

Tenderers who do not submit B-BBEE Status Level Verification Certificates or a certified copy thereof or are non-compliant contributors to B-BBEE will not qualify for preference points for B-BBEE but will not be disqualified from the tendering process. Such Tenderer s will score points out of 90 or 80 for price only and zero (0) points out of 10 or 20 for B-BBEE.