This document is to detail changes required to Loading Review Groups consequent upon the move to Faculties rather than Schools across the University. The document should be read as an addendum to the appendix to 1.5 of the staff handbook. The appendix to section 1.5 gives relevant definitions and a detailed outline of the operation of School Loading review groups which will be carried over to Faculty groups. This document is attached as Appendix 1. A copy of the academic contract is attached as appendix 5.
The purpose of the Staff Loading Review Group is to ensure that the principles of timetables and staff loading derived from the National Agreement and from the supplementary local agreements are applied fairly and consistently across the Faculty and the Departments within the Faculty.
Both HE and FE staff are covered by the review groups.
Due to the reorganisation of the University into Faculties rather than Schools, the specification of the Staff Loading Review Group has changed to accommodate this. Below is the revised specification.
2.1Each Faculty shall have one Faculty Staff Loading Review Group (FSLRG). It may be necessary for the FSLRG to have sub-groups on a site basis, but this is for the FSLRG to propose. Arrangements for Faculties will need to be approved by the JCC.
2.2The Dean of the Faculty has the responsibility for overseeing the work of the FSLRG and for despatching the report on due date to the Chair of the Academic JNC.
3.1The FSLRG is chaired by the Dean or his/her representative.
3.2There shall be four or five staff representatives elected by Academic staff to the FSLRG.
3.3The Dean will choose up to five management representatives for the FSLRG.
3.4Timetablers may be required to attend meetings of the FSLRG if necessary.
3.5Care should be taken in forming the membership of the FSLRG to ensure that, as far as possible, each site of DMU at which staff in the Faculty reside has a representative on the FSLRG. The Faculty should have clearly defined constituencies for election to the group which allow a balanced representation of faculty interests.
4.1Loading proposals in the approved format (see Appendix 2) are to be given to members of staff no later than 20 May and circulated to each Faculty office. (Appendix 3 describes a possible alternative to the existing loading form which needs to be discussed by the Deans.) Copies must be available for inspection at each site on which faculty members reside.
At the same time, members of the FSLRG each receive a copy of these documents.
4.2A meeting of the FSLRG will take place within 3 weeks of 20th May. Any actions required to ensure staff are within contract to be identified in the minutes of the meeting.
4.3Any actions required to be carried out from this FSLRG meeting will be undertaken as soon as possible, and no later than week 6 of the next academic year. A meeting of the Group will take place to confirm the loadings subsequent to action and agree the report.
4.4Deans must ensure that their FSLRG reports (to the approved format – see appendix 4) are despatched to Professor # before 14 December.
4.5There will be a meeting of the University-wide JCC in January to discuss the FSLRG reports.
4.6There will be a further meeting of the FSLRG in March to discuss the outcomes of earlier actions at the previous FSLRG and to consider any emergency changes forced on to Semester 2 staff loadings.
The electoral divisions for FSLRGs will be set by the JCC. Elections will be organised by faculties in accordance with guidelines set out by the University JCC with allowance for by-elections etc. The period of office shall be two years. Representatives who are elected should be pro-active in consulting on matters to do with timetabling, particularly where they cover different departments or groups of staff. The work of elected representatives will be recognised on their loading forms.
This document and its appendices will constitute the guidelines for working practice for FSLRGs.
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