The Mothers Clubof Benet Academy
Wednesday August 22, 2012
Benet Academy Library
Welcome/Introduction – President Lisa Mojica
President Lisa Mojica called the meeting to order andwelcomed both old and new faces and thanked everyone for attending. There were approximately 100 members present.
Given the introductory theme for the meeting, Lisa introduced herself to the members. She reminded the members that Mothers Club Moderator Brother Columban had passed away and referenced the “In Loving Memory” poster which contained pictures of Brother Columban and was displayed at the Sign-in Table. Lisa also mentioned Brother Columban’s many contributions to the Mothers Club. She then introduced Father Ed Kucera, the new Mothers Club Moderator. Father Kucera is the Chaplin at Benet and St. Procopius Abbey. He has special ties to Benet as he was a student at St. Procopius Academy from 1941-1945. He served in the Air Force as Chaplin and has lived in many places. Father Kucera opened the meeting with a Hail Mary for Brother Columban.
Lisa thanked Father Kucera and advised the members that the format for this meeting was a-typical in that normally, there would be committee reports and a speaker who would address a topic of interest to the members. The focus of this meeting was to introduce the committee co-chairs and the members. However, Lisa indicated that two guests would address the members as well.
Auction Dinner – November 10th – Susie Fisher- Manager of Development Special Events
The first guest was Susie Fisher, a Benet mom who has accepted a position in the Development Office as Manager of Development Special Events. This position includes responsibility for the Auction Dinner and the Golf Outing.
Susie spoke to the members about this year’s Auction which will take place on November 10th at Drury Lane in Oakbrook Terrace. She explained that the purpose of the Auction is to fund Benet’s operational expenses that are not addressed by tuition – to “bridge the tuition gap.” The theme of the Auction is Benet’s 125th Anniversary and the event is black tie optional. New to the Auction will be the use of electronic devices for bidding. There will also be dancing.
Susie urged that the Auction provides lots of opportunities for volunteering such as live auction, greeters and transportation to name a few. She added that a volunteer sign-up sheet was located on the Sign-up Sheet Table. Susie indicated that the volunteer possibilities are varied so that a volunteer could work pre-Auction, at Benet or from home, or only the night of the Auction.
In addition, Sandy Szymborski, one of the Procurement co-chairs, will be looking for assistance in procuring donations. The Procurement committee is appreciative for all donations but is specifically looking for the following types of donations: sports and theatre tickets, vacation home stays, trips, and “Creative Experiences” (for example, a behind the scenes tour of the McDonald’s test kitchen.)
The fall sports teams donate to the Auction area of “Benet Treasures” – items which are unique to Benet. Also, the Friends of Benet Luncheon has been revamped. This is an area of the Auction which provides sponsorship for the live and silent portions of the Auction as well as the tickets of the faculty and their spouses to attend the Auction.
Susie thanked the Mothers Club for sponsoring a semester of the tuition raffle in which the prize is a year of Benet tuition. The Auction will also feature a cash raffle (500 maximum tickets sold). More information on the Auction will be available in the Mothers Club newsletter.
Member Introductions
Lisa urged the members to stand and introduce themselves. They were requested to provide their children’s school grade, hometown and a tip for the freshmen moms who were in attendance. The committee co-chairs were also asked to advise which committee they were assisting.
Jackie Bedore - Director of Campus Ministry
Lisa then introduced Jackie Bedore, the new Director of Campus Ministry at Benet. Jackie and her husband are alums of Benet. Jackie indicated that she represents a new phase in Campus Ministry because she is the first lay minister to run Campus Ministry, as well as the first woman. Jackie has worked previously in parish ministry. Her job description at Benet includes: prayer support, retreat coordinator and grief counseling. With the combination of the Outreach Program and Campus Ministry, Benet students now have the ability to put Benet’s motto, “Work and Pray” to use with programs to Feed My Starving Children, Our Lady of Angels and Appalachia. Jackie advised that she would welcome all support.
Mothers Club Executive Board
Lisa thanked both Susie and Jackie for coming to the meeting. She then asked the rest of the Executive Board to introduce themselves to the members and briefly describe their roles.
1st Vice President – Christine Parisi
After introducing herself, Christine explained that her job is to support the President and in the winter, to begin to determine the committee chairpersons for next year. She is also responsible for the spring social event - the annual “Mom’s Night Out.”
2nd Vice President- Colleen Brown
After introducing herself, Colleen explained that her job is to welcome members and provide the hospitality and prizes at the meetings. She is also responsible for creating a photo album for the year and to organize the annual end-of-the-year Installation Dinner.
Treasurer- Anne Dever
After introducing herself, Anne explained that her job is to manage and budget the Mothers Club funds. She is responsible for paying the bills and directed the members to the reimbursement form available online.
Secretary-Lise Bozych
After introducing herself, Lise explained that her job is to record and post the Minutes of the meetings and to send notes on behalf of the Mothers Club to acknowledge life events of Benet staff.
Mothers Club Committees
Lisa thanked the Executive Board and indicated that one committee co-chair would stand and speak about the committee and its responsibilities. Before this began, Lisa advised the members that the committees would all appreciate volunteers and that the Parent Volunteer Form could be accessed via or through the Benet website. She encouraged volunteering as a great way to be involved in the school and to meet new friends. Lisa also indicated that the volunteer lists would be wrapped up in the next few weeks and that a committee co-chair would be emailing each volunteer. If a volunteer was not contacted, Lisa advised calling her directly or using the on-line committee directory to contact the committee chairpersons directly.
Benet Cares – Elizabeth Roskam and Tonia Khouri
Elizabeth introduced herself and advised that the Benet Cares committee provides and coordinates support for Benet families in need.
Benet Moms Prayer Group – Mary Beth Sanchez and Karen Weinewuth
Karen introduced herself and said, “This committee does not ask anything of you, you just come and bless others. To belong to this committee you don’t have to pray out loud or know the Bible, you just pray for your children and Benet’s need with other moms.” She advised of the blessing in connecting with moms on a spiritual level. This committee meets during the day after the All- School Masses as indicated on the Mothers Club calendar.
Christmas Breakfast December 11th- Judy Koziol and Kathleen Gullott
Judy introduced herself and explained that this Christmas Breakfast for the students is part of the fund-raising efforts of the Christmas Drive. This committee would like volunteers to serve or bring food on December 11th.
Directory – Monica Earley
Monica introduced herself and explained that the Benet Directory will be on-line this year; however, the Mothers Club plans to pre-sell paper copies for $6 at the next Mothers Club meeting. Any updates to the Directory information should be provided to Mr. Meyer as soon as possible.
Grad Signs – Val Munson and Anne Matthews
Anne introduced herself and explained that senior parents have the opportunity to order graduation yard signs. These parents will be notified in the second half of the year of the ordering procedure.
Heart Screening – Janet Torrey and Marie O’Hara
Janet introduced herself and explained that this service is provided to the students every other year, and will occur this spring. Each child will receive an electrocardiogram performed by Midwest Heart. Training for this committee will occur this fall.
Homecoming - Week of September 17th– Maria Gulli and Molly McGinnis
Maria introduced herself and Molly and advised the members that Homecoming Week begins on September 17th and the theme is “There’s no place like home.” Maria explained that the committee co-chairs have put together ideas and submitted them to Student Government (“SG”) for approval. Because this committee works closely with SG, they cannot move forward until they receive SG’s responses to their suggestions. Possible suggestions include: (i) decorating the avenue leading into Benet the Saturday before the festivities begin; and (ii) giveaways/games during the lunchroom/homeroom period toward the beginning of Homecoming Week. When the ideas are coordinated with SG, this committee will need many volunteers and their sign-up sheet was referenced.
Freshmen moms were reminded that Freshmen cannot go to the Homecoming Dance on September 21st unless they are asked by an upper classmen.
Hospitality – Sheryl Athanassiades and Meike Uhler
Meike introduced herself and Sheryl and explained that this committee provides three lunches for the faculty. The first lunch will be on September 12th. The remaining lunches are on December 13th and May 1st. Lunch includes: main entre, side salad, desserts and drinks. Although the main entre is catered, this committee requests that members contribute side salads, desserts and drinks. They accept non-perishables the Tuesday before the event and perishables the day of the event. They send email reminders. Meike referenced their volunteer sign-up sheet.
Mother/Son Casino Night - February 23rd – Laura Uher and Julie Mudge
Laura introduced herself and Julie and described the fun and games that form the Casino Night on February 23rd. She advised the members that many moms and sons meet for dinner beforehand and then come to the event. Other mothers concurred that the event is very enjoyable. Volunteers to run the games were requested.
Mother/Daughter Event January/February – Karen Flavin and Sandy Szymborski
Karen introduced herself and Sandy and explained that they are still looking for ideas for this event. Typically it has been held in the afternoon and included a speaker. This committee will meet later in the fall to brainstorm ideas. This is a more casual event.
Mother/Daughter Fashion Show - April 21st – Julie Kelliher and Jeanine Jelinek
Julie introduced herself and explained that this event is for Juniors/Seniors and their Mothers/Grandmothers. Every interested Senior girl models and a group of Senior boys escort the girls who are modeling prom attire. Julie indicated that they are looking for a volunteer to coordinate the Senior boys. There are also volunteer opportunities to coordinate the raffles which are a portion of the event.
Mother/Son Communion Brunch - April 14th – Penny Kalebich and Wendy Durkin
Penny introduced herself and Wendy and explained that this end-of-the-year event at the Abbington in Glen Ellyn begins with a Mass followed by brunch. A video/picture collage and other surprises comprise the entertainment. This event has many opportunities for volunteers to help with invitations, decorations and raffles.
Spirit Store – Lori Henert, Mary Genovese and Leticia Tassone
Lori introduced herself and thanked all of the members who helped with Spirit Store sales at Registration. The event was very successful and Lisa congratulated Lori and explained to the members that all three co-chairs have been hard at work all summer on this committee. Lisa mentioned a new computer system which allows the co-chairs to track inventory and sales. In addition, Lisa informed the members that this committee and the Used Book Sale committee are the main revenue generators for the Mothers Club which result in the ability of the Mothers Club to make generous donations to Benet.
Lori described the new Spirit Store hours to be Tuesday, 2:00-4:00pm, and Thursday, 11:00-1:00pm. These hours may be expanded in the future. Also, because the Spirit Store is now “mobile” (on rolling racks), the co-chairs may sell spirit wear at some sporting events. Lori advised that an email will be sent out to request help. The co-chairs are hoping to have some regular basis volunteers to build up inventory knowledge. Mary is in charge of volunteers.
Lori described the brisk sales at Registration. Specifically, many students bought the “Spirit Shirt” for this year which SG designs and the Spirit Store sells. Lori advised the members that certain items sold out and will be reordered.
Lori indicated that a problem for the Spirit Store is that many students do not know of its location. The co-chairs plan to increase awareness. Also, Lori asked that the members tell their students to purchase their pens/pencils/notebooks from the Spirit Store. Finally, Lori advised that the on-line ordering will be managed on a regular basis to limit any possible problems.
Used Books – Karen Funk and ChristineCackovic
Christine introduced herself and Karen and explained that this is one committee that, “Could put money back in your pocket,” because students turn in books on consignment and the student and the Mothers Club evenly split the sale proceeds. The student’s portion is in the form of a tuition credit. In addition, volunteers who work two complete shifts in connection with the sale have the opportunity to be first to purchase the used books.
Lisa thanked the co-chairs for all of their hard work in connection with the change of the timing of this event to the spring at the end of classes instead of the fall as part of registration. As this committee is a major fundraiser for the Mothers Club, its success this previous spring was welcomed.
Website/Concussion Screening – Julia Cziesla
Julia introduced herself and advised that all of the new members of Mothers Club have been added to the website and Edline.
Julia also explained the baseline concussion screening that began in the spring with approximately 700 students screened already. The cheerleaders, soccer players, hockey players and swimmers are in the process of being screened (the system is currently down.) Doctors can use the screening to determine if it is safe for a player to return to action. Julia indicated that sometimes the brain can still be injured even if the symptoms are gone. School Nurse, Donna Schaffer, can administer the second screening at Benet. Julia indicated that this year already, a few students have been helped by this screening process.
Yard Signs – Mary Tuttle and Kim Welsh
Mary introduced herself and Kim and explained that plastic or metal yard signs may be purchased in connection with a student’s participation in sports/music/drama, etc. The signs for the fall organizations may be ordered currently. The signs for winter and spring organizations may be ordered later in the school year, as appropriate.
Past President – Clare Nelson
Lisa introduced Clare Nelson as the Mothers Club Past President and thanked her for her past efforts.
Clare indicated that she took pictures of every attendee to the meeting to create a picture collage to enable everyone to “put a name with a face.”
New Business
1)Lisa explained that new to the set up for each Mothers Club meeting is a Sign-up Table where all committee volunteer lists may be found. In addition, there is a Sign-in Table where nametags may be found, each member may put her name in for the Good Night Raffle Gift as well as submit any question to the Question Box. These questions will be answered during upcoming meetings.
2)Co-chairs should pick up their red folders and contact the volunteers who have signed up to help with their event.
Old Business
1)Lisa thanked those committees who have already completed events.
Closing Remarks
Lisa asked Father Kucera to say a few words in closing. He suggested that each member promote the idea of their child (ren) attending Mass/Confession/Adoration during the school day. He encourages the students to talk about themselves and their families and they are very receptive.