The Gambler Exam

A&P Spring Final 2013

1. Good Luck!!!

2. Use the diagram of the cat musculature to identify any 25 muscles

3. Trace the pathway of sperm from where they are made to when they exit the urethra. Include all organs/pathways/glands and any secretions that are added as well as the purpose/function of each secretion.

4. You have just graduated first in your class at "Cardiovascular-R-Us". Your first patient is in need of open heart surgery. You have several students coming to watch you do your surgery. Starting on the right side as you enter the heart, trace the path of blood as it flows through the heart. Be sure to include all relevant vessels and valves.

5. You have just eaten a piece of toast with butter and jelly, and a slice of ham. Trace the path this food takes as it travels from the mouth to the anus. In each part of the system include: (a) what type or digestion is taking place; (b) enzymes and hormones involved; (c) results of the processes occurring there.

6. Fanny Fertility has come to her obstetrician/gynecologist with a problem. It seems she and her husband have not been able to conceive a child. Fanny’s physician has done a complete endocrine workup and found the following results: LH levels are normal, FSH levels are abnormally low, estrogen levels are normal, and progesterone levels are abnormally low. Why can’t Fanny and her husband get pregnant? Explain to the couple what these hormone levels mean in terms of Fanny’s inability to get and keep a pregnancy.

7. Distinguish between active and passive humoral immunity in terms of acquisition, components and length of protection

8. Holly Hydro is a water molecule floating around in Tad Trackmeet's circulatory system. Tad has just finished a 10K run and his tissues are dehydrated. Describe Holly's path through Tad's renal circulation as she travels from the renal artery, through Tad's system, and back out the renal vein. Be sure to include all relevant structures Holly passes through on her journey and well as relevant hormones in Tad's system at this time.

9. Describe a situation that would trigger a humoral immune response; then describe the processes involved in carrying out that response, including antibody structure as it relates to their response and function(s).

10. Tad Trackmeet is a weekend jock who prides himself in keeping fit. Tad just finished a 10K run at high noon on a hot Texas July afternoon. Tad is going to go celebrate his success, and replace lost body fluids, at the local bar by drinking a few beers. Describe what will be going on in Tad's excretory system (i.e. his kidneys) after he drinks those beers. Be sure to include relevant hormones the body will secrete in response to Tad's actions, and what those hormones will, hopefully, do for Tad

11. Ollie Oxygen Molecule has travel plans through the pulmonary system. The problem is that Ollie has lost his map telling him how to get to his departure point. Help Ollie by tracing the path for him through the respiratory system starting at the nose and ending at the tissues. Be sure to include all relevant blood vessels.

12. You are standing on the high dive platform at the 2012 Summer Olympics. You are about to “dive for the gold”. Just before executing a perfect half gainer triple pike, you quickly review the steps your body will go through to activate your muscles. Starting at the neuromuscular junction, describe, in order, the sequence of events involved in muscle contraction ending at the relaxation of said muscles.