The Moon Phases and Tides
Background Info
It is well known that the moon, the earth, and the sun affect ocean tides. Along the west coast of the United States we experience 4 different tides per day: 2 highs and 2 lows. When the moon, the earth, and the sun are in a line Spring Tides are formed. During these tides you may observe higher and lower than normal tides. In other words, there will be very high tides and very low tides. When the moon, the earth, and sun are at right angles to each other Neap Tides are formed. During these tides you will not be able to observe a great deal of difference in the heights of the high and low tides.
8th grade science standards: d. Students know that stars are the source of light for all bright objects in outer space and that the Moon and planets shine by reflected sunlight, not by their own light. e. Students know the appearance, general composition, relative position and size, and motion of objects in the solar system, including planets, planetary satellites, comets, and asteroids.
1. Label and identify different phases of themoon
2. Name different kinds of tides
3. Create a graph using tide data and lunar phases
4. Predict the moon phases associated with your graph. /
Materials:Computer with internet access,tennis ball, pencil, flashlight or lamp
Procedure: Follow the instructions below to complete the assignment.BE SURE TO READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE GOING TO ANY LINK. Record your data on the activity sheets.
1. Fill in the definitions on your activity sheet.
2. Use the moon phases interactivepages to observe what each phase of the moon is called and what it looks like. Record this information on your activity sheet
3. Check the current moon phases for the month. Then go to the web site and experiment with different dates.
Definitions: Use your glossary to define the following terms.
  1. Moon-
  2. Crescent Moon-
  3. Gibbous Moon-
  4. Half Moon or Quarter Moon-
  5. Waning-
  6. Waxing-
  7. Full moon-
  8. Neap Tides-
  9. Spring Tides-
  10. Lunar Eclipse-
  11. Solar Eclipse-
Look at the moon simulation pages: Moon Phase Animation, and anotherMoon Phase Animation
Shade in the portion of the moon not seen on Earth. Name and label the phase of the moon.

Go to Moon Phase Imagesand record the current moon phase.
Questions Part A
1. How much of the lighted part of the Moon did you see after each change of position in the demonstration?
2. Whether you could see it or not, how much of the Moon’s surface is always lit?
3. What causes the darkness of a new moon?
4. What are lunar and solar eclipses? Draw and label a picture of each
4.Now that you have mastered the moon's phases you can explore how they affect the ocean tides. First, go tothe La Jolla, Scripps Pier, Californiatide predictions.
  • Click on view...scroll down to Predictions Options , now you can change the information you would like to investigate
For display type: click on graphic plot and change the strict interval scroll down to : 1 day intervals instead of the 1 minute shown
For select presentations options: choose 4 week length of time, and click on printer friendly and also select Force plot to B&W lines
For startingtime and time display options :change the date to the first day of the month
Scroll down and choose the large button that says: Make Predictions using options
 Print the graph, Then change graph plot to one month calendar-this will give you a graph with low and high tides.
5. Notice that your graph resembles a horizontal "hourglass" shape. Using a pen, pencil, or highlighter, trace the "hourglass shape." Starting on the left side of the graph trace the high tides all the way to the end. Repeat this step with low tides. You will need to write down the date from the 1st day to the last day underneath every thick black line.
6. Go to the website that will give you all the heights and dates for each San Diego Tide for the entire month: tides chart page.(If the first link does not work try this link, scroll to the bottom and click on one month tide calendar. The graph is for only one day of any month.)Copy and Print out the month tide chart, try to fit in all on one page.
Observe the heights of the tides. The higher the number, the higher the tide. The lower the number the lower the tide. Negative numbers indicate really low tides! Are the tides measured in feet or meters? (Circle one)
Observe the heights of the tides. Record the dates and heights of the 3highest tides. Record the dates and heights of the 3 lowest tides.
Take notice of the dates of any of the high and low tides that occur near one another.
7. Now go the month of moon phases website. Copy and Print out the month of moons.
Do you notice any patterns of moon phases with high and low tides from the tide chart?

Height Height Height Height
Full Moon : High Tide 1______Low Tide 1______High Tide 2______Low Tide 2______
New Moon : High Tide 1______Low Tide 1______High Tide 2______Low Tide 2______
1st quarter : High Tide 1______Low Tide 1______High Tide 2______Low Tide 2______
3rd quarter : High Tide 1______Low Tide 1______High Tide 2______Low Tide 2______
8.What do you notice about the 4 moon phases and the heights of the tides?
9.Review the definitions for Spring Tides and Neap Tides. Label the appropriate sections of the graph with the name of the tide. Now, draw a picture of the moon phase or phases associated with those tides.
10.Which moon phases are neap tides occurring? Describe what the graph looks like at this point.
11.Which moon phases are spring tides occurring? Describe what the graph looks like at this point.
PART C: EXTRA MILE/ Extra Credit(You do not have to do these.)
12. Choose another region and follow the previous directions. Once you have your graph, compare the new high and low tides with your first graph. Are the curves in the same location? Why or Why not? (Hint: it is not simply because you chose a new region!) Q1.Why does the moon appear orange, yellow or red at times?Q2.Why does the moon appear extra, extra large sometimes?Q3.Why can you see the moon at daytime sometimes? Cool Sites Check out a view of the earth from the moon -Navigate around.
Short Conclusion