The Monthly Newsletter of Riverside Community Church

United Church of Christ

June 2013

Summer Worship Time

10 am

Starting June 16

Join us as we shift into summer

with a variety of refreshing worship experiences

outdoors, in the Pioneer Room and

the Riverside sanctuary.

A complete summer schedule

will be announced soon.


It is the season of Pentecost, and God’s Spirit is blowing anew in this place we call Riverside.

Back in the day, when the Spirit first visited the fearful disciples in that closed room in Jerusalem, they were blown out into the world—speaking languages that they didn’t know they could speak, understanding words they didn’t know they could understand, loving people they never thought that they could love. (See Acts 2:1-21 for the whole story.) They connected and shared God’s dreams for the world across all kinds of human-constructed barriers, including race, ethnicity, class, and gender.

Here at Riverside, on the day of Pentecost in the year 2013, followers of Jesus came together in one place to consider the “Open and Affirming” statement proposed by the Mission Board. Those gathered were old, young and middle aged. Our political opinions, life experiences and sexual orientations were varied. Yet, in the midst of it all, we listened to one another, we prayed for one another, and with the power of the Holy Spirit, we loved one another as best as we could.

When the vote was taken, we gathered in a circle of prayer—each one of us a precious part of the Body of Christ. And I could feel the power of the Spirit in that place—binding us together, despite the world’s efforts to lure us into our private enclaves of sameness. I could feel the power of the Spirit in that place, and I still can, as it seeks to blow the diverse bunch of us out into the world to heal, to love, and to bring forth the life-giving dreams of God.

I give thanks to God for the gift of being in ministry with you, and I pray that the fresh wind of the Spirit might continue to blow in this place we call Riverside.

Blessings of Pentecost,

Pastor Vicky


June 2 & 9 Worship time 10:30 am. Worship time changes to 10 am June 16.

First Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday. Children grades K-Middlers are invited to Sunday Schoolin the Fireside Room after the Children’s Time on the summer Sundays we meet in the sanctuary.Younger children may remain in worship or in the nursery with Ann Zuehlke and Anik Suprapti.

Chancel Choir and Gospel Choirare on a break for the summer. We look forward to seeing them again this fall.

Greeters are needed each Sunday to welcome those who worship at Riverside. Please sign up in the Pioneer Room, or contact Janet and Leonard Wood, your Diaconate leaders for June.

Cheers group meets at 10 am on June 4 in Pastor Vicky’s office.

Local Missions offering will be June 16.

Pockets of Plentyoffering will be June 23. Proceeds will support the youth mission trip.

Council will meetTuesday, June 18 at 5:30 pmin the Ruth Wells Room.

Down Manor Bible Studyon Mondays from 10 – 11 am. Everyone welcome!

LOST & FOUND: A straw hat with a red band from the Spring Fling is missing. Contact Elaine Johnson if you have found it. Also, there is a straw hat with a blue band in the office. Yours?

Open & AffirmingAt the congregational meeting May 19, Riverside Church members voted to adopt the"Open and Affirming" statement proposed by the Mission Board. A special thanks toall who participated in the discernment and education processthese past several monthsin preparation for thedecision, and to all who thoughtfully and prayerfully cast their vote. A copy of the statement is available in the Pioneer Room.

Church League SoftballWomen and men who are post-high school ages are invited to join Riverside’s Softball Team.Games start in June. Contact Koach Kirby at 541-490-5315 if you are interested in playing.


June 2013

Diaconate Meeting @ Noon / 3
Down Manor
Bible Study 10 am / 4
Cheers 10 am / 5 / 6
Christian Nurture Board 5:30 pm / 7
Middlers 3:30 pm / 8
Don Hosford Memorial
Service @ Valley Christian
2 pm
9 Sunday Starters 9 am
Senior Recognition Sunday
“Health Care For All”
Presentation after worship
2nd Sunday Teen Group 5:30 pm / 10
Down Manor
Bible Study 10 am / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
16 Sunday Starters 9 am
10 am Worship Time Begins
Guest Preacher
Rev. John Boonstra
Special Music Tim Mayer
Local Missions Offering / 17
Down Manor
Bible Study 10 am / 18
Council 5:30 pm / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
23 Sunday Starters 9 am
Worship in Pioneer Room
Pockets of Plenty for
Youth Mission Trip
Commissioning of Youth for Mission Trip
30Sunday Starters 9 am
Worship in Sanctuary / 24
Down Manor
Bible Study 10 am / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29


Earth Day Celebration &

Blessing of the Animals April 21

Riverside Community Church Council Meeting Highlights

May 21st 2013

Compete minutes available in the church office

Congregational Meeting: Reviewed and discussed the May 19thspecial congregational meeting. There were 64 votes in favor of adopting the Open & Affirming statement and 17 votes not in favor of adopting the statement for a total of 81 votes.Proxy procedure needs to be evaluated. Questions such as: “Does an email count as a legitimate proxy”? Confirmed Youth can they vote?

Spring Fundraiser: Most successful fundraiser we have had thus far. It was an all-inclusive event including entertainment, excellent food and fundraising. We raised $6,616 (netted after bills were paid: $5,352) We had 116 participants and the venue was a good one for people with children as we had lovely weather and a safe place for the children to play outside.Thank you notes will be sent soon for food, dance instructor and band who generously donated food at cost and entertainment for free. We do need additional staffing for future fundraisers. Possibly look into Bethel and RCC collaborating to help at each church’s prospective fundraisers. Two silent auction items that did not receive bids will be saved for a future fundraiser. May 3rd 2014 is the tentative date for next year’s Spring Fundraiser.

Congregational Assessment: Draft developed “Congregational Assessment Implementation Plan”. Ten Items to discuss and prioritize: What areas/projects do we want to focus on? We will need an Action plan to proceed forward. We need a coordinating group of five people which can include: Moderator, Vice Moderator, Council Member and two lay persons

Giving Goals and Guidelines:

  • Start process earlier
  • Educate congregation on giving and what it entails
  • Make a statement
  • Council challenge: percentage giving goal

Pastor’s Report: The worship and arts team met on May 5th. Based on their input and feedback a summer worship plan has been developed to include a 10:00 a.m. service on June 16th and one service each month in the Pioneer room and two outdoor services. Christian Nurture Hour series has concluded. Vicky is looking for feedback for the next series and would like to have the time frame for meeting 9:00-9:45 for the summer months. Vicky conducted a memorial service for Judi Kane on May 4th. She will officiate with Steve Lusk on June 8th at Valley Christian Church for a memorial service for Don Hosford.

Treasurer’s Report:Revenue above projected amount and expenses are down. Need to check with Rich on cash flow status.

Mission: The Mission board would like to thank the congregation concerning the Opening and Affirming process. Bob Olson and the Mission Board were honored for their support and work for Helping Hands. POP offerings for Riverside youth will be collected on June 23rd. Bonnie New, retired physician, visits Riverside on June 9th to lead a discussion on Health care for all. Projects in Progress include: sewing machines to Ugandan woman, children’s books for Inside/Outside program and Hygiene Items for FISH. Next Meeting August 8th at 1:00 p.m.

Christian Nurture: There is a need for more help with Sunday School. We are blessed with many children and there is a need for more volunteers to help Elaine. VBS July 8th-12th (volunteers needed)

Building and Grounds: Committee determining needs and priorities.

Centennial Legacy: Working on arrangements for plaque to commemorate this event. Gean is looking into cost and other details for this item.

Minutes respectfully submitted by

Shaun Requa

Council Secretary

Next Council Meeting: June 18 at 5:30 pm

Spring Fling Fun!

A Poem For The Pentecost Season

GOD Stuck Her Tongue Out

God stuck her tongue out at the church

and we grabbed hold of the budded thing

and started flapping it around the neighborhood

like a swimming pool noodle or downy pillow

and before we knew it we were speaking things

we never bothered to dream or wonder

held our tight lips taught when we ever felt them

and yet there they were waggling out:

welcome, stranger, into the fold of mercy

now you are called brother, sister, friend

gather round, immigrants, we speak your language,

no one will shun your accent or poverty here

dance your way through the door, lost ones

and teach us your wild moves and we will teach ours

stroll in you wounded souls and skins

and let us wrap and kiss your pain to healing

make room, settled ones, for the wave is surging

and it will unsettle your closed-mouth silence

nothing, not even our provincial proclivities

can stop these mouths from sputtering

words of grace that blow open any door

any wall any blue law Sunday limitations

on what Spirit can do when set free to

tousle the world’s hair

until love has swept us all away

by Michael Coffey

Northwest Regional Women’s RetreatXXX

Kah-Nee-Ta Resort, Warm Springs, Oregon

November 1 - 3, 2013 To register, please go to:

Keynote: Rev. DaVita McAlister


Changes/Stages in Life Journeys:

1. Sexuality: Progressive Life Journey - Amy Johnson

2. Purpose Priorities and Paradigm in Women’s Health - Dr. Jennifer Phillips

Social Justice/Earth Stewardship:

3. A Local Journey through Geologic Time - Susan Moore


5. Joyful Journey Through the Chakras with Tibetan Singing Bowls

- Nicole Vanderhoff

6. Spiritual Dance - Jane Rickenbaugh


7. Finding Your Spiritual Path & Writing Memoirs of the Soul - Nan Merrick Phifer

8. Compass of Grace - Gabrielle Chavez

9. Strengthening the Spiritual Energy of Embodied Joy - Rev. Monica McDowell


10. Weaving Our Stories Together - Kaila Russell

11. Intuitive Finger Drawing - Dana Swee

Riverside Community Church

United Church of Christ

Hood River, OR 97031

Pastor Vicky A. Stifter

The Viewpoint

is published monthly by Riverside Community Church,

317 State St., P.O. Box 656, Hood River, OR 97031, 541-386-1412.

Editor: Lorre Chester-Rea - email address: . Editor reserves

the right to edit for space and content. All errors, typos and omissions

are sincerely regretted. © 2013 Riverside Community Church

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