Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 17th May 2016
in the WI Hall, Middle Street, Misterton starting at 6.50pm.
Present: Cllr I Rowland (Chairman), Cllr Mrs C Newbery, Cllr Ms D Benson, Cllr G White,
Cllr G Restorick, Cllr R Jeffreys, Cllr B McNeill, Cllr P Gillard, Cllr R Heyd-Smith.
In attendance; Clerk Ms C Langford,
Mr J Dyke (SCC) & one member of the public (part of meeting).
Public Question Time; there were no questions
Apologies: Mrs A Singleton (SSDC)
16/17-15: Declarations of Interest to receive any written requests for DPI dispensations: none.
16/17-16: Minutes of the meeting held on 19th April that had been circulated were agreed to be a correct record of the proceedings and signed by the Chairman.
16/17-17: Matters arising from the minutes not elsewhere on the agenda: the Beacon celebrating the Queens 90th Birthday went smoothly. Cllr White was thanked for building the beacon.
16/17-18: District Councillor’s Report: none.
16/17-19: County Councillor’s Report: Mr Dyke gave an update on the Hinkley Point C project that will be very important economically for Somerset if it goes ahead. Authorities across the South West are looking into how Devolution would work for the area.
16/17-20: Highways: i) noted that SCC Highways will complete their investigation into Knowle Lane drainage before carrying out any further work.
ii) the school crossing work has been contracted out. It is scheduled for the summer holidays.
Mr A Foot arrived to present a report on the Owsley & Norris and Crewkerne Alms Houses. Report in Annual Meeting minutes.
ii) Speed Indicator Device results & analysis (that had been circulated) were noted. Traffic levels are the same but the higher end speed has risen to 40-50mph. It was agreed to ask SCC to site the Station Road SID post on the left between the bus shelter and bridge. Clerk to ask SCC for a site meeting with the Roads Group and to ask if SIDs can be more frequent.
16/17-21: Planning: i) 16/00844/FUL & 16/00645/LBC Mr & Mrs Thackeray, Old Court Cottage, Church Lane alterations & erection of single storey extension has been granted by SSDC.
ii) 16/00911/FUL Messrs D R & E Symes, Wellspring Farm for two residential units to consider two amendments; installation of a footpath & traffic survey results (link circulated). Cllr Jeffreys analysis of the figures cast doubt on their accuracy. Proposed that submit to SSDC that “happy with proposed footpath installation but surprised at the traffic survey results as a traffic survey done in April 2013 in the area gave an 85th percentile of 36mph and average 32mph”. All in favour.
iii) 16/01829/FUL Miss N Parrett, 11 The Avenue to erect a two storey and part single storey rear extension. A planning committee was agreed for this application.
iv) 16/01560/FUL Mr D Borrill, 5 Monarch Road, Misterton to demolish and erect a replacement wall. A planning committee was agreed for this application.
16/17-22: Recreation Field & Play Area: i) the inspection reports were noted. Network Rail has been asked to trim back the vegetation along their fence.
ii) User Agreements; a meeting is being arranged with Misterton FC to discuss the draft.
The draft occasional user document (circulated) was approved and Cllr Jefferys and the Clerk will discuss these with the two regular users.
iii) Cllr Restorick and Cllr Heyd-Smith presented materials costs to repair 3 benches totalling £372. Council noted that several benches are deteriorating and so it was proposed that a request go in the magazine asking for villagers to adopt a bench ie pay for repairs and put a plaque on the bench rather than remove benches as they became unsafe. All in favour.
16/17-23: Finance: (circulated with annual & April/May bank recs & budget v actual doc).
i) The financial year ended on 31st March. The financial statement associated notes have been circulated (Sections 1 & 2 of Annual Return).
a) Council noted that the internal auditor has issued a clean audit report (circulated)
b) Section 1 was completed.
c) Proposed and all in favour to approve & adopt the accounts before they are submitted for external audit.
d) there were no comments to submit regarding the internal audit. The Chairman signed the auditors report and the Clerk will pass on Councils thanks for an efficient and timely audit.
ii) approval for the following payments will be sought:
Clerks (May expenses/salary) £754.80, Misterton WI (hall hire re Clean-up) £16.00,
Chalmers & Co (internal audit) £360.00, Somerset Association of Local Councils (affiliation fees) £249.39, Eon DD £4.85 (re MUGA), Vodafone DD £34.50, Cox & Co (payroll) SO £21,
Village Hall (rent) SO £45 & Misterton WI (hall hire) SO £11.
iii) Monies received: £181.00 cemetery fees, £543.25 VAT refund.
iv) HSBC has closed in Crewkerne with the nearest branch in Yeovil. Clerk to look into moving accounts to Lloyds or Nationwide in Crewkerne. Clerk to transfer £1500 to the reserve account.
Proposed and all agreed to approve the Financial Report.
16/17-24: Chairman’s Report: nothing additional to report. No further items for the magazine.
16/17-25: Clerk’s report: the report that had been circulated was approved. Council noted the Clerks five years of continual service.
16/17-26: Correspondence received:
i) SSDC Area West Committee, 18 May 5.30pm at Swanmead School, Ilminster.
ii) Misterton WI request for volunteers for the monthly defibrillator inspection rota; Cllr Rowland volunteered
iii) Clerks & Councils Direct and Somerset Waste Partnership newsletters.
The above will be available for inspection at the meeting.
16/17-27: Reports from Outside Bodies; The Village Hall Committee has been asked by SCC Community Resilience if they would be willing to provide emergency shelter if required. Council approved the request.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 21st June 2016, starting at 6.30pm.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.25pm.
Signed: Dated:
Christine Langford - Parish Clerk – May 2016 2 of 2