Faculty of Art Education

Dimentional Expression Department

"The Modern Egyptian Sculpture Between Globalizing The Form and The

National Identity"

Presented To

The Faculty Of Art Education,HelwanUniversity ,

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for obtaining The PHD Degree in Art Education

(Sculpture Branch)

Presented By

Hesham Abdallah Abd elmoaty

Demonstrator in Faculty Of Specific Education,

Zagazig Univerdity , Banha Branch .

Supervised By


Mohamed Hamed Rasmy

Professor of Sculpture

President of Dimentional Expression Dept.

Faculty Of Art Education



The Research is trying to find out the reasons. Behind the clear similarity between most of the sculptured arts in recent days allover the world which results from the effect of globalization on the field of composition art including sculture.

The researchers generally discusses the phases of the form development in the modern sculpture, in addition to, the form develop ment in the modern Egyptian sculpture.

The researcher presents his personal experiment dealing with the Egyptian countryside as one of the resources that can define a compositional Egyptian Identity for the modern sculptural art.

The research id divided into five chapters :

Chapter One:

Includes the Researchbackground,Problem,Importance,Objectives,Assumptions, Limitations,Methodology and Terms.

Chapter Two:

Entitled "Relative Form Development in Modern Sculpture ".

The researcher in this chapter discusses the formative and compositional aspects of the form development from an absolute perspective or a referential one, from the Greek era till the 21st century.

Chapter Three:

Entitled " Form Development in Theodern Egyptian Sculpture"

The chapter includes introduction, form development in the modern sculpture, formative and compositional aspects.

Chapter Four:

Selections of some works for Egyptian sculptors and some for foreign ones.

Chapter Five:

Entitled "EgyptianCountryside is a Source of Inspiration for the Modern Egyptian Sculptor"This chapter includes introduction, levels of artistic experiment, experiment and playing,experiment and atheistic experience, experiment and accident and the researcher personal experiment.

Chapter Six:

Includes the research results, recommendations and resources.


ResearcherName:Hesham Abd Allah Abd Elmo'ty.

Research Title :

"The Modern Egyptian Sculpturebetween Globalizing the Form and the National Identity"

Presented To:Faculty of Art Education- Helwan


Chapter One:

Includes the Research background,Problem,Importance,Objectives,Assumptions, Limitations, Methodology and Terms.

Chapter Two:

"RelativeForm Development in Modern Sculpture".

Chapter Three:

"Form Development in Theodern Egyptian Sculpture"

Chapter Four:

Selections of some works for Egyptian sculptors and some for forign ones.

Chapter Five:

"Egyptian Countyside is a Source of Inispiration for the Modern Egyptian Sculptor"

Chapter Six:

Includes the research results, recommendations and resources.

Keywords :

- Globalizing The Form.

- National Identity.