The Mission Statement and Strategic Plan of the FPA

Draft January 12, 2014
Approved March 23, 2014

"United to Advance Healthcare and Pharmacy Practice"

FPA Strategic Issues:

  1. Membership Services, Recruitment and Retention
  2. Public Policy, Politics and Advocacy
  3. The Transitioning Role of the Profession of Pharmacy
  4. Financial Viability of the Association

Prepared By: / Approved by:
Members of the 2013-2014 FPA Board of Directors
At the 2014 FPA Leadership Summit
Renaissance Orlando Airport
5445 Forbes Place
Orlando, Florida 32812
January 12, 2014 / FPA Board of Directors at the March, 23, 2014 meeting in Orlando, Florida

Strategic Plan Closure Report Version Control

Version / Date / Author / Change Description
Introductory Statement on the FPA Strategic Plan

Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people. Strategic planning is the formal consideration of an organization's future course. Resources of any organization are not unlimited and as such leadership or management has to make critical decisions to maximize organizational assets to the benefit of the membership, the profession and the organization all of which depend on each other. Usually a SWOT analysis is performed to assist in plan development. All strategic planning deals with at least one of three key questions:

1"What do we do?"

2 "For whom do we do it?"

3"How do we excel?"

Simply put, strategic planning determines where an organization is going over the next year or more, how it's going to get there and how it'll know if it got there or not. The focus of a strategic plan is usually on the entire organization, while the focus of a business plan is usually on a particular product, service or program.
FPA Strategic Issue #1: Membership Services, Recruitment and Retention Goals and Objectives
Goal #1: Increase net membership by 18% annually
  • Objective 1–Increase pharmacist membership by 5% 200 annually
  • Objective 2 – Increase technician membershipby 100% the first year, 80% the second year, 60% third year and so on 50 annually.
  • Objective 3 – Increase student membership by 30% 200 annually
  • Objective 4 – Increase associate membership by 10% 5 annually
/ Percent Goal Achieved
(check one) / Date
0% achieved / 3/16/2016
x / 25% achieved
50% achieved
75% achieved
100% achieved
Goal #2:Set attrition of current members to no more than 20% annually
  • Objective 1 – Increase opportunities for involvement
  • Objective 2: - Identify reasons for not renewing
  • Objective 3: - Identify member retention benefits
/ Percent Goal Achieved
(check one) / Date
x / 0% achieved / 3/16/2016
25% achieved
50% achieved
75% achieved
100% achieved
Goal #3: Expand the offering of value added member services and opportunities by 2 annually.
  • Objective 1: Identify and Create value added services and programs
  • Objective 2: Assess current FPA member value added services
  • Objective 3: Providing marketing plan on value added member services
/ Percent Goal Achieved
(check one) / Date
0% achieved / 3/16/2016
25% achieved
X / 50% achieved
75% achieved
100% achieved
Priority Projects for Strategic Issue #1: Membership Services, Recruitment and Retention Goals and Objectives
Project Name: / Entity or Person Assigned / Resources Needed / Projected Completion date / Status
Develop FPA Student Opportunities with projects
  1. Legislative day and Health Fair
  2. FPA Conference monitors and support
  3. YoungEmerging Pharmacist Conference
  4. Student publishing on and Florida Pharmacy Today Journal
  5. Poster Presentation Awareness and outreach
  6. FPPC Student Advocates
  7. American Pharmacists Month
  8. Expansion and management of mentoring program
  9. Student Council/Committee Development
  10. Student Membership Drive
  1. Legislative Day Ad Hoc Chair
  2. EVP & CEO
  3. FPA President
  4. EVP & CEO
  5. EVP & CEO
  6. FPPC Chair
  7. Public Affairs Chair
  8. Board of Director Chair
  9. Organizational Affairs Council Chair
  10. Membership Council Chair
Resolution for item #9 to be submitted by March 15, 2014 /
  1. Event is scheduled and contracting with Civic Center. Space at Capitol is secured*Completed
  2. Several students are talking with FPA about volunteering at meetings
  3. Done
  4. In progress – Journal articles publishedDone
  5. Published in January and February 2015 issues of FPT. Also email blast to student member records Done
  6. FPPC student challenge under way. Student on FPPC BoardDone
  7. Banner and special web site published on Pharmview.comDone
  8. TBD
  9. Ad hoc student committee formed. Students appointed to councils and committees. Bylaw changes under development
  10. TBD

  1. Technician Membership Drive
  2. Technician Council/Committee Development
  3. Regional Technician Conferences/Tracks
  4. Technician Publication Opportunities
  5. American Pharmacy Technician Week
  1. Membership Council Chair
  2. FPA President
  3. Educational Affairs Council Chair
  4. EVP & CEO
  5. Public Affairs Council Chair
/ TBD / TBD /
  1. TBD
  2. Technicians appointed to each council
  3. TBD
  4. TBD
  5. EVP published special technician appreciation message to all FPA stakeholders

  1. Facilitate Pharmacist Membership Drive
  2. Innovate pharmacist continuing education program offerings and delivery
  3. Pharmacist member mentoring program
  4. Town hall meetings
  5. Membership surveys
  6. FPA leadership at local unit association meetings
  7. Developing and support new local unit associations
  1. EVP & CEO
  2. Educational Affairs Council Chair
  3. Board of Directors Chair
  4. EVP & CEO
  5. EVP & CEO
  6. Speaker Elect
  7. Speaker Elect
/ TBD / TBD /
  1. Mass mailer marketing ordered and delivery anticipated by Sept.Done
  2. TBD
  3. TBD
  4. PensacolaDone, West Palm BeachDone, Ft. Lauderdale Done, Gainesville Done. May consider doing this via webinar
  5. Done and in progress. Results article written and active published on Pharmview for 3 months
  6. In progress
  7. TBD

  1. Identify Associate Member Pool
  2. Develop Associate Membership Drive
  3. Identify Associate Member Interests
  4. Develop Associate Member Networking Opportunities
/ EVP & CEO /
  1. TBD
  2. TBD
  3. TBD
  4. TBD

Member Retention
  1. Survey and assessment of nonrenewing members
  2. Implement member since date on name badges
  3. Member milestone benefits
  4. Contact nonrenewing members
  5. Identify alternative methods of member renewal and notification process
  6. Birthday notes from the FPA
  7. Increase #1 Club member engagement
  1. Membership Council Chair
  2. EVP & CEO
  3. Membership Council Chair
  4. Board of Directors Chair
  5. Membership Council Chair
  6. EVP & CEO
  1. TBD
  2. Done
  3. TBD
  4. TBD
  5. TBD – FPA staff implemented modified member dues reminder system
  6. Preparing to operationalize: Done

Value Added Services –
  1. Facilitate a member services value summit
  2. Survey members on awareness of current FPA member services
  3. Survey local unit association members on FPA member services
  1. Board of Directors Chair
  2. Membership Council Chair
  3. Board of Directors Chair
  1. TBD
  2. TBD
  3. TBD

FPA Strategic Issue #2: Public Policy, Politics and Advocacy
Goal 1: Increase Involvement of FPA Members in Public Policymaking
•Objective 1: Connecting FPA members with those who make and shape public policy
•Objective 2: Increase number of contributing members to the Florida Pharmacist Political Committee by 10%
•Objective 3: Increase the dollar amount of contributions to the Florida Pharmacist Political Committee by 20%
•Objective 4: Educate FPA members about public policymaking / Percent Goal Achieved
(check one) / Date
0% achieved / 3/20/2016
25% achieved
X / 50% achieved
75% achieved
100% achieved
Goal 2: Increase involvement of members in politics
•Objective 1: Educate FPA members about getting elected/selected for political/governmental positions
•Objective 2: Seek to get a member in the Florida legislature and on the Board of Pharmacy / Percent Goal Achieved
(check one) / Date
0% achieved / 3/16/2016
25% achieved
X / 50% achieved
75% achieved
100% achieved
Goal 3: Increase involvement of members in advocacy
•Objective 1: Increase pharmacist involvement in legislative days and the health fair to 100 participants
•Objective 2: Connect FPA members with those who make and shape public policy
•Objective 3: Educate FPA members about effective advocacy / Percent Goal Achieved
(check one) / Date
0% achieved / 3/16/2016
25% achieved
X / 50% achieved
75% achieved
100% achieved
Priority Projects for Strategic Issue #2: Public Policy, Politics and Advocacy
Project Name: / Entity or Person Assigned / Resources Needed / Projected Completion date / Status
Increase involvement of FPA Members in Public Policymaking
  1. Schedule forums for politicians to speak to FPA members.
  2. Create and brand a toolkit for scheduling forums for politicians to speak to FPA members’ use.
  3. Create a member – legislator matching database.
  4. Create a legislative alert system to message a member on policy issues in which their legislator is involved
/ EVP & CEO / TBD / TBD /
  1. Escambia County, Dade County, 2015 FPA Annual Meeting
  2. Included as part of Capwiz software license. Also member management data fields added
  3. Done
  4. Done

Campaign Contributions in collaboration with FPPC Board of Directors
  1. Acknowledge and publish member contributions to FPPC
  2. Facilitate FPPC fundraising competitions in collaboration
  3. Create guideline on fundraising efforts for FPPC
  4. Create fundraising events at FPA conferences and functions
/ FPPC Chair / TBD / TBD /
  1. TBD

Educate members on the legislative process
  1. Create Youtube presentation on the legislative process and publish on
  2. Message members on the availability of the Youtube presentation
  3. Present policy training program at unit leadership meeting at each convention
  4. Present policy training programs at pharmacy schools
  1. EVP & CEO
  2. EVP & CEO
  3. Speaker Elect
  4. Board of Directors Chair
/ TBD / TBD /
  1. Pending (Tested a process with FPA lobbyist)
  2. TBD
  3. TBD
  4. EVP presented at PBA and UF JAX, UF Gainesville and NSU.

Increase members involvement in seeking political office and government appointments
  1. Facilitate a legislator – member forum on political campaigns
  2. Create toolkit on the Board of Pharmacy and other Agency appointment processes
  3. Develop a list of political appointments that FPA members may be interested in and share with members
  1. EVP & CEO
  2. EVP & CEO
  3. EVP & CEO
/ TBD / TBD /
  1. TBD
  2. TBD
  3. TBD

Increase members involvement in advocacy
  1. FPA Board of Directors should attend Legislative Days and Health Fair
  2. FPA Board of Directors should encourage 5 pharmacists to attend legislative days and health fair
  3. Contact wholsalers about including flyers on the legislative day event in their totes
  4. Encourage local unit association to market the legislative day events
  1. FPA Board of Directors Chair
  2. FPA Board of Directors Chair
  3. EVP & CEO
  4. Speaker elect
/ TBD / TBD /
  1. TBD
  2. TBD
  3. Not done – Time and attention diverted to other matters related to this event
  4. TBD

Connect FPA members with those who make and shape public policy
  1. Schedule forums for politicians to speak to FPA members.
  2. Create and brand a toolkit for scheduling forums for politicians to speak to FPA members’ use.
  3. Create a member – legislator matching database.
  4. Create a legislative alert system to message a member on policy issues in which their legislator is involved
/ EVP & CEO / TBD / TBD /

Educate FPA members about effective advocacy
  1. Arrange for FPA lobbyists to present at multiple meetings on effective advocacy
  2. Develop and publish YouTube videos and journal articles on effective advocacy
/ EVP & CEO / Budget allocation needed for item #1 / TBD /
  1. Ongoing
  2. TBD

FPA Strategic Issue #3: The Transitioning Role of the Profession of Pharmacy
Goal 1:Achieve Provider Status
•Objective 1: Implement 2 projects to support national provider status
•Objective 2: Implement 2 projects to support statewide provider status
•Objective 3: Showcase bimonthly those pharmacists providing clinical services in Florida
  • Objective 4: Educate pharmacy stakeholders on the transitioning role of the profession of pharmacy
/ Percent Goal Achieved
(check one) / Date
0% achieved / 3/16/2016
25% achieved
50% achieved
x / 75% achieved
100% achieved
Goal 2 Expand the role of pharmacy technicians
  • Objective 1: Advocate for additional credentialing of registered pharmacy technicians
  • Objective 2: Advocate for revisions in statutes and rules to allow for the expansion of the role for pharmacy technicians
/ Percent Goal Achieved
(check one) / Date
0% achieved / 3/16/2016
25% achieved
50% achieved
X / 75% achieved
100% achieved
Priority Projects for Strategic Issue #3: The Transitioning Role of the Profession of Pharmacy
Project Name: / Entity or Person Assigned / Resources Needed / Projected Completion date / Status
Identify in every legislative and congressional district pharmacist(s) that have transitioned or are transitioning their practice.
  • Assist these pharmacists in their efforts to invite their legislator and congressman to visit their practice
  • Have these pharmacists share their experience with the FPA for purposes of sharing with the membership
/ Public Affairs Council Chair
Develop talking points and white paper on the transitioning role of the profession of pharmacy. / Professional Affairs Council Chair
Publish and make available articles on pharmacist patient care services in local newspapers, media, social media business magazines, etc. / Journal Board Chair
Utilize the FPPC to support provider status activities. / FPPC Chair
Identify at least 2 legislators and 2 physicians who will join us in advocating for the transitioning role of the profession of pharmacy including pharmacist provider status in Florida. / EVP & CEO / Reached out to Dr. Ken Brummel-Smith for availability as keynote for convention. Scheduled for 2016 Convention
Considering extension of an offer to speak to Rep Pigman. Rep Pigman sponsored and passed Immunization bill. Received confirmation of Dr. John Armstrong as keynote for 125th Annual meeting. Dr. Armstrong unable to attend however Dr. Philip, Deputy Secretary of Health presented. Also video from Dr. Armstrong to the FPA shown during the 2015 annual meeting.
Encourage and influence payers of health care services to recognize pharmacists as health care providers and pay for those services / EVP & CEO / Appeared at Medicaid hearing on proposed reimbursement changes on 6/11/2015
Educate Pharmacists
  • Offer innovative advance practice education programs that is outcome based
  • Offer at least one CE module on the transition role of the profession of pharmacy

Educate Others
  • Create a pharmacist speakers bureau to present to the public on the transitioning role of pharmacy
  • Create presentation material that can be used to educate the public.
/ Educational Affairs Council Chair / Ongoing and operational
PTCB Standardization
  • Advocate for the changes in Florida Statutes to require PTCB certification for technicians.
/ EVP & CEO / Pending – Presentations to Florida Board of Pharmacy. Discussions ongoing with Florida Board
Implement House of Delegates Policy statement on technician role / Speaker of the House / TBD
Policy changes for pharmacy technician roles
  • Review and identify opportunities for changes to Florida statutes and rules that expands the role of the pharmacy technician
  • Assess and determine relevant opportunities for advocacy.
  • Advocate for identified opportunities.
/ EVP & CEO / Policy Statement from the House of Delegates / Proposed policy change not adopted by the 2014 House of Delegates and not introduced during the 2015 House
FPA Strategic Issue #4: The Financial Viability of the Association
Goal 1: Evaluate the office building and other fixed assets.
•Objective 1: Examine our real estate position in the Tallahassee market
•Objective 2: Determine long term viability of the FPA Office
•Objective 3: Review other fixed assets or technology for purchase, replacement or repair
/ Percent Goal Achieved
(check one) / Date
0% achieved / 3/16/2016
25% achieved
X / 50% achieved
75% achieved
100% achieved
Goal 2: Evaluate current reserves for purpose and intent to continue to achieve our operating objectives and fulfill the Association’s mission and vision.
•Objective 1: Review the purpose for FPA reserves.
•Objective 2: Create an endowment that could be used for specific projects or expenses
•Objective 3: Evaluate alternative locations or perhaps rebuilding or renovating the current location / Percent Goal Achieved
(check one) / Date
0% achieved / 3/16/2016
25% achieved
50% achieved
75% achieved
X / 100% achieved
Goal 3: Increase Revenue and Manage Expenses
•Objective 1: Identify and grow new revenue sources
•Objective 2: Evaluate, modify and improve financial reporting of FPA revenue and expenses to the Board of Directors
•Objective 3: Review all revenue generating programs and events for viability and purpose
•Objective 4: Review association expenses and operations for opportunities / Percent Goal Achieved
(check one) / Date
0% achieved / 3/16/2016
25% achieved
X / 50% achieved
75% achieved
100% achieved
Priority Projects for Strategic Issue #4: The Financial Viability of the Association
Project Name: / Entity or Person Assigned / Resources Needed / Projected Completion date / Status
Assessment of office space
  1. Consult with real estate agent on an appraisal on the current property and also the property next door
  2. Evaluate rental costs on property in the Tallahassee market
  3. Evaluate the benefits on renting space in the FPA office and the property next door
/ EVP & CEO /
  1. Moot issue – property is now occupied
  2. Range is significant depending on location and SQ. FT.
  3. Moot issue – property next door is now occupied. Also a fair amount of office space is vacant in our operational area. Offer of space extended to managing editor of the Journal but space not needed.

Long Term Viability of FPA Office
  • Obtain the services of a general contractor to evaluate the condition of the building for condition, age and durability
/ EVP & CEO / Budget item for assessment fees / TBD
Provide updated assets report to the FPA Board of Directors for review to determine if purchases, repairs or replacement are necessary. / Budget and Finance Committee Chair / TBD
Provide the Board with copies of the current policies on financial reserves and review with the Board.
Determine if the current policy is still relevant or needs to be revised. / Budget and Finance Committee Chair / TBD
Endowment program for projects and expenses
  • Identify projects and expenses that could best be funded through an endowment
  • Determine and allocate the funding source for the project and expenses
/ Board of Directors / TBD
New revenue opportunities
  1. Seek ideas from other state pharmacy associations
  2. Identify new nontraditional vendors for convention and for any FPA event
  3. Facilitate a focus group to look at other funding sources for the FPA and report findings to the Board of Directors
/ EVP & CEO /
  1. Discussions ongoing at NASPA meetings
  2. Open to ideas and input from FPA leadership and members. Tobacco Free Florida Group major 2015 Convention sponsor
  3. TBD

Review FPA expenses and operations for opportunities
  • Evaluate the FPA’s chart of accounts
  • Review how financials are reported to the Board of Directors and include programmatic report on revenue and expenses
/ Budget and Finance Committee Chair / TBD

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