The Mission of VUMC: Love Christ/Serve Others/Accept All
The Vision of VUMC; Become a vital intergenerational multi-ethnic congregation, making disciples of Jesus Christ and working to transform the surrounding community.
We supported a local school, Johnson Elementary, through the year in many ways. We furnished three tutors to work with the children in Math and Reading. A Staff Appreciation Luncheon was prepared and served by 10 VUMC members to their staff at their school in May. At the beginning of school in August we asked their 16 classroom teachers to Make A Wish for specific learning games and equipment. VUMC members bought requested items and took them to school and delivered them to the teachers. Many said they would return and help in the classroom. We partnered with the Village Lions Club to shop for and provide coats for the children through the Coats for Kids mission. Sixty coats were taken to Johnson Elementary School and Britton Elementary School, also a local school in the Village.
In another mission involving local children, we partnered with Chapel Hill UMC through Project Transformation in June and provided 12 reading tutors. We also served 2 dinners to PT's 15 interns housed at OCU.
Hope Pregnancy Center is a local organization serving single mothers. In May we donated 100 onesies and dozens of bibs and bags through our Serving Mothers in May project.
We served the downtown homeless in February by distributing 30 jackets, scarves, hats, socks and gloves.
A Fall Festival was held in October on our parking lot for our surrounding community. The party included a bouncy house, a slide, trunk or treats, booths, games, food and live music.
Through the year we served a free hot meal on every Wednesday evening to our local community at Village Cafe. Attendance was around 150 weekly and a team of 10 VUMC members prepared and served the meal weekly. We also handed out bags of non-perishable food items through our Manna Bags mission.
Approximately 16 local shut-in people were taken a hot meal for lunch every Wednesday through Mobile Meals. The food was prepared and delivered by a dozen VUMC members.
At Christmas we bought gifts for 15 children and 4 mothers and sent them to Pearl's Hope in Tulsa. We also contacted and served 6 families for CJAMM.
Our missions give VUMC members many opportunities to serve our surrounding community, make a difference in the lives touched and spread God's love.
Submitted by Annette Fisher, Mission Chairperson