

PRESENT: Mrs M Paines (Chair) Mr P Chambers Mrs M Hurst Mr M Paines Mrs P Ross and Mrs P Webster Two members of the Public Mr K Weeks and Mr J Easter. County Councillor B Spratt

Apologies : District Councillor B Stone.


Mr Weeks had come to the meeting to take advantage of the 10 minutes to say thank you to the Parish Council for the maintenance of the footpaths in the village. He very much appreciated it, especially the path running from Common Road opposite Lime Tree Farm, as he enjoys walking his dog on this path. He was told that it is thanks to Ivan Lord who has voluntarily taken on the job of keeping the paths accessible.

Mr Weeks also wished to pass on thanks from his wife for the cakes for the stall at the fete.

The Chair thanked Mr Weeks for coming and continued the meeting by thanking everyone for coming.


As these had already been checked before going on the website they were signed on a proposal by Mr P Chambers and seconded by Mrs P Ross.




There was no report from the District Councillor as he was unable to attend. He had sent his monthly newsletter which had been circulated to members.


Councillor Spratt said that Norfolk County Council continue to provide front line services, like the fire stations and libraries.

A second grass cut of the verges has been agreed and should happen soon.

NCC is investing in Adult Social Services by taking on 50 new workers.

20 Million pounds are to be spent on the roads and hopefully the potholes.

Councillor Spratt finished by saying that the Village fete (which he had opened the previous Saturday) was a well organised event, with lots of hard work having gone into ensuring the smooth running on the day.

Mrs Ross asked Councillor Spratt if anything was done when plans for new urban builds are sent to the Planning Department to ensure that a Swift Brick was added. Swifts are very territorial and return each year but if they have no nesting spots they will die out. Councillor Spratt was very interested in the point and will consider it.

The Chair thanked Councillor Spratt for his report and for his continued support to the Parish Council.


Any important emails had been forwarded to members but the clerk did show members a poster to remind villagers about the Recycling centre at the Village Hall and one about the Waste Collection Service that South Norfolk Council provide. Reminding the public not to use anyone who just calls at the door offering to remove rubbish, as this could lead to fly tipping.


The Responsible Financial Officer reported that there is £4,468.54 in the current account at present. Cheques needed for Ivan Lord for his fuel costs (£20.00) and to reimburse Pam for Stella Taylor’s chocolates following the Wild flower walk (£10.03)

The RFO also reported that the accounts were with the External auditors who had rung with some small matters, Wanting a copy of the Asset List and proof from our internal auditor that we held no petty cash. These matters had been dealt with.


The clerk reported that the Community Rangers should be coming to the village soon and had asked for any matters which need attention.

A discussion followed and various points were made for attention. The clerk will email these to the Highways department: Pile of clippings for removal. Check all drain covers and the culvert on Common road. Gulley in Druids Lane and the small drain in the laybye by the bus stop. Branches near Hall Lane. Clean any signs which need it.


No reply had been received regarding the clearing of the path running from Bellrope to The small wood. No one had been that way so there was no confirmation if this had been done.

One of the new Footpath signs had been knocked over by the large farm machinery working on the field opposite the garage. This machinery had also done lots of damage to the bridge at the junction of Heywood road, Wash lane and Rectory Road. This had been reported to the Highways Department more than once but no reply had been received to date. The clerk to chase up.

The bridge had also been hit about a week before by another farmer with a big tractor coming down from Heywood road carting bales.


The Wild flower walk had taken place on 2nd July with 11 people taking advantage of the extensive flora knowledge that Stella Taylor has. She was thanked with Chocolates. Pam will do a report on all the various flowers which were spotted that day.

The hay has not been cut yet but should be done anytime soon.

A vast amount of Molehills are a problem at the present time, which has meant that David Riches with his ride on mower is unable to cut the paths as the soil has damaged his machine.

Colin Webster has topped the west section which will help regenerate the plants.

There is to be a working party on 29th July at 10.00 am. One aim of this is to learn to use the strimmer and more general clearing.

Mrs Ross reminded the Parish Council that The Friends of Boyland Common was formed when the group needed to re generate the common, after the abuse it had suffered, but wanted to apply for fund. The Parish Council were not able to apply to the lottery fund so a separate group was formed in order to secure the funding.

The Parish Council is responsible for the common and act as managers. The District Council are deemed to be the owners.

The funds for the work on the common are now running fairly low and so should any work be needed in order to continue to the work, the group may need to look to the Parish Council for some aid. Helen B. from the Wildlife Trust may be able to help find money too.


Mr Easter presented the Parish Council with a copy of the Village Hall Accounts saying that the hall is fairly well used but he would like to see more use made of it. With this in mind at the Village Fete a questionnaire had been added to the back of the programmes. 40 responses had been received with the most popular thing people would like to see was a New Children’s play area, followed by Ballroom Dance practice nights, 5 a side football and overs 50’s walking football.

As the Fighting Cocks pub does no longer have a football team the possibility of 5 a side will definitely be a priority.

Tennis Court equipment has been discovered in a shed so hopefully a court can be marked out for occasional use.

The Village Fete was a great success with approximately £2,500 being raised on the stalls etc and nearly £1,000 taken at the bar.

Future events include the Flower and Produce show (26th August) and a classical guitar recital evening.

The Telephone box has been purchased by the Village Hall committee to house a defibrillator. An application to the Lottery for funding is being made. This will also include training.

The Chair thanked Mr Easter for his report and also praised him for all the work he had put into making the fete such a success. She wished him well with all the future events that are to be held at the hall, and for the application for the funding from the Lottery.


Mr Chambers reported that he is still receiving content to be posted on the website. There is now new contact email addresses so messages can go direct to the person best to deal with them.


1 Druids cottages – replacement windows – Parish Council approved.

Malvern Lodge – Extension to kitchen and pitched roof. - Parish Council approved.

The Clerk reported that The Caravan site on High London Lane had been giving some cause for concern. The Planning Enforcement Officer had attended and tried to set up a meeting with the four Owners but to date had not succeeded. At that point no breaches of planning had been made. After his last visit Mrs Webster reported the arrival of a Mobile Home on the site. The Enforcement Officer has been informed of this development.


The Environment Agency has issued information which means that any Septic Tanks which discharge to a surface watercourse have to be changed before the year 2020. Any property which is sold with such a Septic Tank has to be changed. This information has been posted on the website but needs to be circulated as much as possible.

The meeting closed at 9.00 pm

Signed ______Dated ______