IndividualLine Dance Project Middle School –7th8th Grade
You will be creating a line dance, of your own.You may take steps from other dances and combine them into your own dance, but the dance has to be a new dance created from your own mind.
These are the requirements for the dance project:
- Create a name for your dance: the more creative and original, the better
- Create a dance that can be continuously danced for a minimum of 1 ½ minutes for 7th Grade and 2 minutes for 8th Grade: rotating through a sequence of at least 10 separate dance steps that are then repeated. Think about the Macarena and the Electric Slide for examples of repetitive sequenced steps: they both have 8 steps and 16 counts then repeat.
- Put your dance to music; decide on a specific song that the dance accompanies. I know that you understand what should and should not be included in the song lyrics.
- Transitions (moving from one dance step to another) should flow.
- Turn in a Videotaped (DVD or Google drive) version.
To be turned in:
- Line Dance Project Sheet – 20 points
- Group Project evaluation sheet – 15 points.
- Videotaped routine presentation – 60 points
- Name of the Dance – 5 points
A grading rubric is included so you can see what you are being graded on.
Line Dance Grading Rubric
Your Names: ______
Name of Line Dance: ______
4-5 Points– Creative name showing thought, originality and ownership, ties into the dance.
0-3 Points– Not much thought put into the name, not original, doesn’t tie into dance.
______Line Dance Project Sheet - 20 points
15-20 Points - Student incorporates at least 10 separate but repetitive moves in the routine based on the dances learned in class and the counts are accurate.
10-15 Points - Eight moves are incorporated in the routine and the counts are written properly.
5-10 Points–Five or 6moves are written down and the counts are mostly right.
0-5 Points–Four or less moves are written down and/orthe counts are missing or inaccurate.
______VideotapedPresentation- 60 points
46-60 Points - Presentation is clear and shows the routine has been practicedbecause all group members move in unison. The moves flow from one to the other and transitions are seamless.
31-45 Points - Presentation is fairly clear, however some students are lost occasionally during parts of the routine. The moves flow most of the time; however, some transitions are rough.
16-30 Points - At least 1/2 of the presentation is choppy and unrehearsed.The routine is rough and needs much more practice.
0-15Points - The routine is choppy and unrehearsedwith many of the group members unable to move together in unison. The routine does not have a clear beginning, ending, or cycle.
______Group Project Evaluation Sheet– 15 points
13-15 Points – All questions are answered in complete sentences. Two reasons are explained in detail as to why the project was (not) enjoyed. This dance experience was described in detail and had two good and two bad things that happened included as examples.
9-12Points -Most questions are answered in complete sentences. One reason is explained as to why the project was (not) enjoyed. This dance experience was described and had one good and one bad thing that happened included as examples.
5-8 Points–Half of the questions are answered and not in complete sentences. One reason is explained as to why the project was (not) enjoyed. This dance experience was not described well and had only one good OR one bad thing that happened included as an example.
0-4 Points–Less than half of the questions are answered and not in complete sentences. No reason is explained as to why the project was (not) enjoyed. This dance experience was not described well and had only one good OR one bad thing that happened included as an example.
Total Points: ______ / 100 POINTS = ______(GRADE)
Line Dance Project Sheet (20 Points)
Your names: ______
Name of Your Dance: ______
Name of Song Used: ______
Name of Artist of Song Used: ______
Dance steps and counts they are performed on:
Counts Steps
Line Dance Group Project
Group Project Evaluation Sheet (15 points):
Your Names: ______
Name of Your Dance: ______
How long did it take for you to create this dance: ______
Did you get help from someone? ______If yes, who helped you? ______
How did you feel while performing this dance as you were being videotaped? (2 pts)______
Did you enjoy this project? Explain 2 reasons why or why not. (5 pts) ______
Describe your experience with this project and include2 good and 2 bad things that took place as examples.(5 pts) ______