Executive Committee Meeting

February 4, 2013

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Fresno, California 93740-8023

Office of the Academic Senate FAX: 278-5745

Telephone: 278-2743 (EC-15)

February 4, 2013

Members Present: Lynn Williams (Chair), Jacinta Amaral (State-wide), Kevin Ayotte (Vice-Chair), Provost William Covino, Magda Gilewicz (At-large), Michael Jenkins (At-large), Melanie Ram (At-large), Shawn Clark (ASI), President John Welty

Excused Absent: Gena Gechter (University-wide)

Visitors: Venita Baker, Michael Botwin, Michael Caldwell, Mamta Rawat

The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by Chair Williams in ML 3212.

1. Agenda.

MSC to add an item, President Welty Celebration Committee, immediately after Communications & Announcements.

MSC to approve the Agenda as amended.

2. Minutes of 1/28/13.

MSC to approve the minutes of 1/28/13.

3. Communications and Announcements.

A. Memo dated January 31, 2013, from Marilyn Wilson, Chair, University Graduate Committee to the Executive Committee re: Clinical Nurse Specialists.

MSC to refer this item to the University Budget Committee for review.

B. Memo dated January 31, 2013, from Marilyn Wilson, Chair, University Graduate Committee to the Executive Committee re: Certificate Nursing Programs.

MSC to refer this item to the University Budget Committee for review.

C. Email dated February 4, 2013, from Marilyn Wilson, Chair, University Graduate Committee to the Academic Senate re: Policy on Dual-Listed and Co-Scheduled Courses - Revised.

MSC to place this item on the next Agenda of the Academic Senate for Second Reading.

4. President Welty Celebration Committee.

Vice Chair Ayotte summarized a conversation with Dr. Peter Smits, Vice President for Advancement, one of the members of the committee organizing the celebration of President Welty’s years of service to Fresno State. Vice President Smits asked Vice Chair Ayotte to represent the Senate on this Committee since Chair Williams is not available.

The Executive Committee approved Vice Chair Ayotte’s appointment to this committee.

5. APM 360 Policy on Sabbatical and Difference in Pay Leaves. First Reading.

Mamta Rawat (Chair, Personnel Committee) presented the proposed new policy and rationale for it.

Senator Ram (At-large) noted that pages 6-8 of the policy are missing from the hard copy provided. The full document will be emailed to members of the Executive Committee.

Provost Covino asked if the new policy implies that sabbatical applications deemed meritorious but not awarded by a dean are to be funded centrally. Discussion ensued.

Senator Ram asked for clarification re: what in APM 361 Policy on Faculty Leaves of Absence specific to sabbaticals had to be changed due to inconsistencies with the new Collective Bargaining Agreement. Discussion ensued.

Discussion ensued re: scenarios where sabbatical applications may be denied on grounds other than merit and the procedures for deferring sabbaticals.

Discussion ensued re: the process by which the Senate Research Committee would evaluate meritorious sabbatical applications not funded at the College/School level.

This item will return on the next Agenda of the Executive Committee for Second reading.

6. Graduating with Honors. Second Reading.

Item will return on the next agenda of the Executive Committee for Second Reading.

7. APM 206 – Technology-Mediated Instruction.

Item will return on the next agenda of the Executive Committee for First Reading.

8. APM 235 – Honor Code.

Item will return on the next agenda of the Executive Committee for First Reading.

9. Articles of Governance for JCAST.

Item will return on the next agenda of the Executive Committee for First Reading.

10. Interim APM 315 Interim Revised Policy and Procedures for Fingerprinting and Conducting Background Checks.

This item was referred to the Personnel Committee on 1/28/13 for review.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:58 p.m.

The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be announced.

An Agenda will be distributed prior to the meeting.

Submitted by: Approved by:

Kevin J. Ayotte Lynn Williams

Vice-Chair Chair

Academic Senate Academic Senate