December 12, 2011
December 12, 2011
The Board of Education of Greenfield Community Unit School District No. 10 met in regular session, in the Administrative Office, on December 12, 2011.
1.President Phillips called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Upon roll call the following members were present: Larry Pembrook, Jeff Naville, Elliott Turpin, Russ Bishop, Josh Roberts, and President Phillips.Board member Greg Griswold was absent. Also present were Superintendent Kevin Bowman, High School Principal Beth Bettis, Elementary Principal Christopher Raynor, District Librarian Jan Prough, Julie George, Judy Bishop and Bob Langley.
2.Item 6F - Foundation Report was deleted from the Agenda, due to no activity.A motion was made by Bishop, seconded by Naville, to approve the Agenda, as amended. Upon roll call Bishop, Pembrook, Naville, Turpin, Roberts, and Phillips voted "Aye". Motion carried.
3.A motion was made by Turpin, seconded by Bishop, to approve the regular and executive session minutes of the November 21, 2011 regular meeting as presented. Upon roll call Pembrook, Turpin, Bishop, Naville, Roberts and Phillips voted "Aye". Motion carried.
4.It was motioned by Naville, seconded by Roberts, to approve the Consent Agenda items as presented. Upon roll call Turpin, Roberts, Pembrook, Bishop, Naville and Phillips voted "Aye". Motion carried. (See Exhibit No. 1 attached to the Official Minutes)
5.High School Principal Beth Bettis reported that students named as Illinois State Scholars were Courtney Bowman, who plans to attend Southeast Missouri State University to study political science or psychology; Bri Ann Langley who will attend St. Louis University to study physical therapy; and Monica Murphy who has plans to attend Illinois College or Illinois State University in the medical or technology field. President Phillips commented they are in an elite group and should be proud of their achievements.
6.Board members reviewed the Elementary School Report, with Principal Christopher Raynor informing the Board of a trip to the Holocaust Museum in Creve Coeur, MO. He said it was a great experience and the 8th grade students were commended for their good behavior. Mr. Raynor also informed Board members that 18 parents have requested access to the on-line student information system.
7.The High School Report was reviewed with Principal Beth Bettis commenting that the 2011 Yearbook was again honored by Walsworth Publishing in the Gallery of Excellence. She congratulated teacher Angela Brown and her students.
8.Superintendent Bowman reported on building issues as follows:
- issues with core and locks on the doors
- new light has been installed at the maintenance shed, and by Ameren, on the
HighSchool gym parking lot
- a small leak in the water line at the high school
- carpets will be cleaned over the holiday break
- "green" salt ordered for use on roadways
- update on the Elementary School Boiler
- concerns with the outdoor freezer
- the Health, Life, Safety Amendment approval for three projects - gas shut-off valves by the door in the High School Science Lab; update of fire alarm system; and painting of the High School Gym exterior
9.Board members held discussion on the rescheduling of Board meetings in January and February, due to the regular dates being on school holidays. Consensus was to change the meetings to January 23rd and February 27th, with action to be taken later in the meeting.
10.It was reported by Superintendent Bowman that District student enrollment currently totals 517, with 352 at the Elementary School and 165 at the High School. He also noted that the figures include tuition students from Carrollton and North Greene School Districts.
11.Superintendent Bowman and Board members reviewed the Tax Levy, which had been adopted at the November meeting. He reported the Equalized Assessed Valuation had increased by 1.17%, as of December 6th. (See Exhibit No. 2 attached to the Official Minutes)
12.A motion was made by Bishop, seconded by Naville, to go to Executive Session at 7:40 p.m. to discuss personnel. Upon roll call Pembrook, Turpin, Bishop, Naville, Roberts and Phillips voted "Aye". Motion carried.
Turpin motioned and Bishop seconded to return to Open Session at 8:05 p.m. Upon roll call Bishop, Pembrook, Naville, Turpin, Roberts, and Phillips voted "Aye". Motion carried.
13.A motion was made by Bishop, seconded by Naville, to approve the reinvestment of the Certificate of Deposit at 1.1% for 30 days with United Community Bank of Greenfield. Upon roll call Turpin, Roberts, Pembrook, Bishop, Naville and Phillips voted "Aye". Motion carried.
14.It was motioned by Naville, seconded by Roberts, to reschedule the January Board meeting from January 16th to January 23rd. Upon roll call Roberts, Naville, Pembrook, Turpin, Bishop and Phillips voted "Aye". Motion carried.
15.Bishop motioned and Naville seconded to reschedule the February Board meeting from February 20th to February 27th. Upon roll call Naville, Turpin, Bishop, Pembrook, Roberts and Phillips voted "Aye". Motion carried.
16.A motion was made by Bishop, seconded by Roberts, to take no action on Item 8C - "Consideration/Action Upon Transportation Report". Upon roll call Bishop, Pembrook, Naville, Turpin, Roberts and Phillips voted "Aye". Motion carried.
17.It was motioned by Turpin, seconded by Roberts, to adopt Board Policies "2:250 - School Board - Access to District Public Records"; "6:150 - Instruction - Home and Hospital Instruction"; "7:300E1 - Students - Exhibit - Agreement to Participate"; and "7:305 - Students - Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries". Upon roll call Pembrook, Turpin, Bishop, Naville, Roberts and Phillips voted "Aye". Motion carried.
(See Exhibit No. 3 attached to the Official Minutes)
18.Bishop motioned and Roberts seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Upon roll call Roberts, Naville, Pembrook, Turpin, Bishop and Phillips voted "Aye". Motion carried.
Dr. Howard R. Phillips
Larry L. Pembrook
1. Meeting called to order
2. Deletion from Agenda
3. Minutes approved
4. Consent Agenda items approved
5. Illinois State Scholars named
6. Elementary School report
7. High School report
8. Superintendent report
9. Discussion on January/February meetings
10. Student enrollment
11. Tax Levy reviewed
12. Executive/Open Session
13. CD reinvested
14. January Board meeting rescheduled
15. February Board meeting rescheduled
16. No action taken on Transportation Report
17. Board Policies 2:250, 6:150, 7:300E1, 7:305 adopted
18. Meeting adjourned