Hospitalization Guidelines (for use at CAPS Clinic)

Involuntary Hospitalization (refer to P&P for details)

1. Contact Campus Police by using panic button or calling 911 if there is high risk of violence or flight that could endanger patient/client or others. For lower risk, call police at 752-1230 to request a Civil Standby if the patient/client is not fully cooperative.

2. Walk client down to Urgent Care unless counter-indicated (after calling Urgent Care Nurse at 752-7416 to advise that patient will be arriving.) For assistance escorting patient/client, contact Urgent Care Nurse or another clinician as described below.

3. Find another clinician to assist, usually in the following order: POD (661-5023), any available Counseling or CAPS clinician, MOD (661-5017), Urgent Care Nurse (752-7416). Receptionist will locate a clinician if needed. Assisting clinician may get or copy forms, sit with patient/client, guide EMTs to office, etc.

4. Call ambulance at (800) 913-9112 to respond to 930 Orchard Road (cross street La Rue). Request nonemergency transport if patient/client is cooperative.

5. Complete 5150 (forms in file drawer in POD office). Give original to ambulance EMT and keep copy of 5150 for chart. Forward a copy of 5150 Form to Director of Quality Improvement/Risk Management. (Note: 5150 Form must be signed by clinician authorized by Yolo County.)

6. Fax clinical note to Sutter Davis Hospital ER (fax 757-5128) or call to convey information to ER physician (phone 757-5111)

Voluntary Hospitalization (refer to P&P for details)

1. Walk patient/client down to Urgent Care, if indicated (after calling Urgent Care Nurse at 752-7416 to advise that patient/client will be arriving.)

2. Find another clinician to assist, if needed

3. Call hospital Intake Department to arrange intake appointment (Sutter Center for Psychiatry 916.386.3620, Heritage Oaks 916.489.3336, Sierra Vista 916.288.0300)

4. Plan safe transport to hospital (usually driven by friend or family)


1.  Obtain Authorization for Release of Health Records when indicated (e.g., to communicate with friends, parents, faculty, staff, and other health care providers).

2. For SHIP patients/clients, enter insurance authorization in the chart.

3. Note: 5150 Form must be signed by clinician authorized by Yolo County.

Hospitalization Guidelines (for use at North Hall)

Involuntary Hospitalization (refer to P&P for details)

1. Contact Campus Police by using panic button or calling 911 if there is high risk of violence or flight that could endanger client or others. For lower risk, call police at 752-1230 to request a Civil Standby if the client is not fully cooperative.

2. Find another clinician to assist, in the following order: Licensed Clinician familiar with hospitalization process, Clinical Director, or any available clinician. Receptionist will locate a clinician if needed. Assisting clinician may get or copy forms, sit with client, guide EMTs to office, etc. Note: Inform Clinical Director or other manager that you are in process of hospitalizing a client.

3. Call ambulance at (800) 913-9112 to respond to North Hall on East Quad Avenue between North Quad Avenue and Shields Avenue. Request non-emergency transport if client is cooperative.

4. Complete 5150 (forms are in file drawer under mailboxes). Give original to ambulance EMT and keep copy of 5150 for chart. Forward a copy of 5150 Form to Director of Quality Improvement/Risk Management. (Note: 5150 Form must be signed by clinician authorized by Yolo County.)

5. Fax clinical note to Sutter Davis Hospital ER (fax 757-5128) or call to convey information to ER physician (phone 757-5111)

Voluntary Hospitalization (refer to P&P for details)

1. Find another clinician to assist, if indicated.

2. Call hospital Intake Department to arrange intake appointment (Sutter Center for Psychiatry 916.386.3620, Heritage Oaks 916.489.3336, Sierra Vista 916.288.0300)

4. Plan safe transport to hospital (usually driven by friend or family)


1.  Obtain Authorization for Release of Health Records when indicated (e.g., to communicate with friends, parents, faculty, staff, and other health care providers).

2. For SHIP clients, enter insurance authorization in the chart.

3. Note: 5150 Form must be signed by clinician authorized by Yolo County.

Phone Numbers

UCD Police 752-1230

POD Pager 661-5023 SHCS Appointment Desk 752-2349

MOD Pager 661-5017 CAPS Clinic phone 752-2351, fax 752-4543

Medical Assistant (Janet) or UC Nurse 2-2311 (counter in UC main room)

Advice/Triage RN office 1421 (Dana) 2-7416

Advice/Triage RN office 1422 (Emily or Katie) 2-7727

Advice/Triage RN office 1423 (Kim) 2-1928

Clinic Manager (Tanya McMannus RN) 2-8133

Primary Care 1 4-9596 (Clay, Kono, Porter, Schorzman)

Primary Care 2 4-7896 (Judson, Kalman, Kennedy, Van Alstine)

Primary Care 3 2-8118 (Moussas, Schultheis, Satow, Sekhon-Atwal)

Psychiatric Hospitals (in order of frequency of use by UCD students)

Sutter Center for Psychiatry 916 386-3000

Heritage Oaks Hospital 916 489-3336

Sierra Vista Hospital 916 288-0300

Woodland Memorial Hospital 530 662-3961 Phone Numbers
