The Minutes of Old Mill and Millgates PPG who met on Wednesday 14th January 2015 at Hempnall

Present: Jeanette Armstrong, Irene Lincoln, Margaret Sparham, Maggie Burman, John Burman, Grace Cheese, David Keefe, Val Bailey, Adrienne Bailey, Barry Tarling, Elaine Bounds, Mary Parker, Dr Roy Newman, Ray Hollands, Denise Wright, Sue Ritchie, Malcolm Court, Stephen Roskilly, Lyn Crawshaw.

Apologies: Jenny Beer, Jenny Kereama-Ellis and Peter Simmons.

  1. Welcome: Ray gave everyone a warm welcome especially two new member. Jeanette informed the committee that Jenny was in hospital. Ray asked Jeanette to pass on our best wishes to Jenny. Dr Roy Newman was given a special welcome as this will be his last meeting with the PPG before his retirement.
  2. Minutes of the last meeting: were agreed as correct and signed by Ray (chair).
  3. News from the practice: Mary informed the committee that the new surgery is T shaped. The colour of the walls will be varying shades of lemon. The differing tones will aid people with sight problems. There will be a waiting area close to the Dr’s and nurse’s rooms which will be reserved for the elderly and disabled.

If patients want to they can check in on a screen but the receptionist will still be available for those who would prefer. There will be more space around the dispensing area for privacy and the dispensary itself will be much larger. Signposts will be put up to help patients to know where to go. The children’s area in the waiting room will be the same size as it is now. At the moment Mary is looking at seating for the waiting area as it will need a selection of different height chairs and widths that are washable. The gas and water are being connected now. Unfortunately that means traffic lights outside the surgery but there is no alternative. The sale of the existing surgery is going well.

The removal company will be booked around April 10th 2015. There won’t be any routine appointments at this time but a doctor will be available if necessary. Hempnall surgery will be open whilst this is taking place. The portakabin which is leased is to be collected during this week (Stoke Road will need to be closed during this process). Ray suggested that PPG members who are interested in acclimatizing themselves with the layout of the new surgery do so before it’s opened to patients. They will then be able to help patients when the surgery is opened to find their way around. All those interested were asked to give their names to Jeanette.

Mary informed the PPG that Tabbi the receptionist has unfortunately left for an accountancy job. A replacement has already been found called Jennifer. Practice nurse Pat is retiring at the end of February and interviews for the vacancy will start next week. Dr Roy Newman is also retiring and his replacement will be Dr Trina Denniss. The dispensary needs another dispenser. A lady called Liz has been employed and will be working 18 hours spread across both sites plus relief work. The dispensers may now start to wear a uniform. These and further additional hours have been given to dispensary to support a full double checking system in order to raise safety standards.

At the moment the surgery has registrar’s coming to the surgery but in the future the practice hopes to introduce a second registrar and medical students will be coming for 6 week blocks. There will be 6 students at a time once or twice a year. They will be either in their 2nd or 4th year of their training. It will be well advertised beforehand and they won’t see patients.

The problem with DNA’S is getting worse. Mary asked the PPG if they would consider how this could be reduced.

Age UK are coming to the surgery possible starting at the end of January on a regular basis for half a day initially. They will hold an open clinic. Its aim will be to signpost people in the right direction, advise and assist with filling out forms such as power of attorney, attendance allowance etc. No appointment necessary. Again it will be advertised.

A coffee group for Dementia sufferers and their carers is starting locally.

Mary said there have been no complaints but they have had some lovely compliments which is always nice and much appreciated.

  1. Open evening – ‘Your Eyesight Matters’ 22nd April 2015 at Hempnall. Jeanette explained that Jenny has made initial contacts with a dispensing optician, a specialist and the Norfolk association for the blind. Jenny gave them Jeanette’s contact details and Jeanette has already heard from the Norfolk association for the blind. A piece about this event will go in the local magazines well in advance.
  2. PPG survey: Barry plus a sub group had been asked to bring back ideas and examples of excellent waiting areas seen in their travels. Barry informed the committee that he and others from the sub group had visited the Chet Valley surgery at Loddon. They had met with Dawn Shepherdson assistant practice manager to discuss the layout of our new waiting area compared to Chet Valley which appeared much larger. At Chet Valley the reception desk is rarely used. Patients are encouraged to book in via a touch screen where you will be given a number. There is a screen for Dr’s and nurses to use which will give a number when it is your turn. It was felt by the committee that for our practice it would be better to have a receptionist on the desk as much as possible. Committee members were unsure of the layout of the new surgery at Poringland so Barry will draw a rough plan on the back of these minutes.

It was felt by the sub group that the Chet Valley surgery reception area was rather formal. They would prefer to see plants, a small children’s area and a children’s notice board. The PPG felt that some leaflets might be helpful though Mary wasn’t sure as yet where these could go. More leaflets meant the possibility of spreading more germs. The seating was washable which was thought a good idea. The seats were of various sizes high, normal, large and some with arms. Good signposting was seen to be very important.

Barry also mentioned that the Chet Valley PPG did simple fundraising such as a simple raffle at open meetings. They are also compiling a folder with useful information in for patients to look at.

Ray thanked the sub group for their work and feedback which was very interesting.

  1. Newsletter: Jeanette informed the committee that the next newsletter will go out in early March. The opening of the new surgery will be documented as in the Spring.
  2. Finances: Jeanette informed the PPG that in the past two donations have helped pay for venues. Ray said he would be happy to write to any local businesses to ask if they would donate any money. The PPG were in favour of this. At the moment we have £176.04 in the kitty which Jeanette takes care of. In the past the PPG has tried to open a bank account for the PPG but found it impossible. This can cause a problem with donations as some people don’t want to donate in cash. Barry said he will contact the PPG at Loddon to see how they operate their money. Mary will ask the accountant is it would be possible to put some money in a separate surgery account with separate entries.
  3. Any other business: Barry informed the committee that Danny has moved on as youth worker but Barry thinks it’s very important to get in contact with the youth again when we have moved into the new surgery.

Friends and family: Lynn Crawshaw (assistant practice manager) informed the committee about a survey that NHS England has asked all surgeries to participate in. This is to make sure you as patients are getting a quality service. A box of questionnaires will be left in the waiting room and the results have to be sent back once a month. What they are asking is would you recommend this surgery to your friends and family. Most of the committee thought this a waste of time and money but as a practice we have to do it.

PPG survey: Lyn has a questionnaire to fill in about what our PPG is doing. It seems that we have already fulfilled their requirements. Ray agreed to fill in the last part of this form on behalf of the PPG and liaise with Mary and Lyn.

Barry suggested that a sub group was formed to discuss how best to utilise the children’s area in the new surgery which will be the same size as the previous space. Toys etc need to be cleaned regularly with clinical wipes.

Barry commented on a meeting held in November 2014 arranged by the CCG which focused on communication. Barry was happy to email slides and notes about the meeting to those interested. Oliver Cruickshank was the speaker. Our surgery was mentioned as Oliver was very impressed with our open evenings and had conferred with Jeanette beforehand. Wymondham Medical Partnership was also mentioned as they had reduced their medication wastage. A North Norfolk GP said he didn’t want anything to do with PPG’s. Not all worked well with their practice, some were anti their practice. We are lucky as we have a very good working relationship with our practice.

It was noted that there are sometimes problems with ordering online medication. Mary will look into this.

Mary informed the PPG that the PPG DES is not continuing next year.

Mary also wanted the wastage of medication brought to the PPG’s attention. The CCG recently published figures showing that £1.3 million were lost each year in South Norfolk medicine wastage alone. This is an area that needs urgent attention. Mary requested that this information going into our next Newsletter.

Ray closed the meeting by thanking everyone for their hard work. Meeting closed at 21.20.

Next meeting will be at Poringland Surgery on Wednesday March 11th at 7.30.