St. Newlyn East Parish Council
Hereunder are the Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on Monday 14th March 2011 at 7-30 pm in the Hawken Rowse Room, St. Newlyn East.
Present -:
Cllrs. Mrs M Vale (Chairman) (MV), H Farmer (Vice-Chairman) (HF), Mrs. J. Brimacombe (JB), C Tankard (CT), J Vale (JV), D Laud (DL), M Harvey (MH), P Harris (PH), G Bone (GB), T Odgers (TO) & M Davis (MD)
Also attending -:
Mrs K Rees (Clerk), Cllr. J Clark (JC), Roz Symonds (RS) & Joy Harris
036/11 / Public Safety Announcement037/11 / Apologies:
038/11 / Urgent Business Identified After Circulation of Agenda:
039/11 / Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items:
DL & MD declared a personal & prejudicial interest in agenda item 11 (a), Allotments.
MH declared a personal & prejudicial interest in agenda item 10, planning application PA11/00380
MV declared a personal & prejudicial interest in agenda item 10, planning application PA11/01444
040/11 / Public Question Time:
RS updated the Council on the work of the St. Newlyn East Playground Improvement Committee. The recent agility trail open day was a success. A coffee morning has been held to raise money towards the planters. The person supplying the planters will do 3 for the price of 2 if a plaque advertising his details could be placed on one of them. 5 benches & 2 robin boxes have now been installed and the school will be providing the artwork for the mural. RS has approached Lappa Valley to ask them to sponsor a bin in the playground but they were too expensive. She is now going to approach the Council to inquire about recycling bins instead. The Committee have entered Cornwall in Bloom in a number of different categories. The next project is to put a hopscotch in the park and they would also like permission to put an old tractor tyre in there too.
HF arrived at 7.40pm.
MV advised that RS should write to Trevilson to update them on the project.
RESOLVED: to bring agenda item 12 (a), Installation of gate in recreation ground, forward.
MV advised that she had been approached at the open day about having a gate installed between the playground and the agility trail, at the Neeham Road end of the park. RS thought that a gate similar to the one at the other end would be appropriate. MH thought that buttresses were needed to support the wall. These will be on the playing field side of the wall. It was also discussed that the entrance gate on Neeham Road would be padlocked for security reasons.
RESOLVED: RS to put chalk marks on the wall where she would like the gate placed. Parish Council to then come up with a proposal for installation. Committee given permission to put tractor tyre in playground. Permission given for contact details of supplier to be placed on one of the planters.
041/11 / Community Police Report:
The Clerk read out the crime figures for February (appendix 2).
042/11 / Presentation by Chris Hine, Sunpower
Chris Hine has belatedly sent his apologies.
043/11 / Minutes:
RESOLVED: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting on 14th February 2011, as circulated, were correctly recorded. These were signed by the Chairman. (P/S: MH/CT)
044/11 / Cornwall Council Report:
JC not yet in attendance. RESOLVED: Delay this item until JC arrived.
045/11 / Planning Applications, Appeals & Decisions:
PA11/00757 / Tresillian House, Summercourt / OBJECT / HF had looked at this application and advised that the tennis courts were not visible from anywhere & were surrounded by shrubs. DL said that the issue is that it is agricultural land. A discussion took place. Application objected on grounds that there is sufficient domestic cartilage for development to take place. It is not necessary for agricultural land to be used.
(P/S: DL/MV, 7 for& 3 against).
PA11/0050 / 6 Piper’s Court, Mitchell / SUPPORT
PA11/00380 / Land at 182308 054279, Fiddlers Green / OBJECT / MH declared a personal & prejudicial interest. MV advised that the application does not directly border any houses. Very few people attended the exhibition so it is hard to gage the level of support/opposition in the village. Much discussion took place about the amount of solar farm applications in the pipeline in Cornwall. This application should not be considered in isolation. Cornwall Council should have a county wide policy to plan where this type of development is acceptable. Object on the grounds of the size, the visual impact & the amount of similar applications currently in the pipeline.
(P/S: DL/GB, 6 for, 2 against & 3 abstentions incl. MH)
PA11/00684 / Carn Mellyn Farm, Tregair / SUPPORT / P/S: MH/JB
PA11/01444 / Oakside Fishery, White Cross / SUPPORT / MV declared a personal & prejudicial interest, HF took over the Chair. Application supported on this occasion but if a similar application is received in the future, the application will be objected.
JC arrived at 8.20pm.
The Clerk read out the decision notices.
MV advised that flatbed truck which Smiley’s Café had been using had been removed. However, there is now another food wagon there. A discussion also took place about the use of Tresillian House. There is a website advertising conference space, cookery schools etc. but no change of use has been applied for. RESOLVED: Clerk to report both issues to enforcement.
044/11 / Cornwall Council Report:
JC advised that she had been invited to attend the strategic planning committee meeting where the Solar Farm applications will be discussed. She has written to the planning department asking if there is a Cornwall Council policy on the location of solar farms, what their thoughts are on the use of agricultural land and expressing concerns about the tenant farmers. She will advise the committee that applications should not be considered in isolation together, at the same time.
JC has received two complaints about mud on the road. One in Rejerrah and one in Metha Road. She also advised that the Ski Slope may or may not be delegated powers.
RS & JC departed at 8.30pm.
Matters Arising:
a. Allotments (agreement between PC & AA): RESOLVED: Council to discuss this in closed session at the end of the meeting.
b. Mitchell Village Hall Questionnaire: The Clerk had contacted CRCC to organise a meeting but had not yet had a reply. David Chadwick had given MV a map of Council owned land in Mitchell. Clerk had made a tentative enquiry with Cornwall Council about a piece of land by the A30 exit but the Council are unwilling to sell. PH had had informal discussions with David Lego about possible sites. RESOLVED: Clerk to approach David Lego about potential sites.
c. Refurbishment of the Railway Lamp: MV had spoken to David Scott who is going to make contact with DL to discuss the installation. MV to chase. ONGOING.
d. Parish Noticeboard: Installation is nearly complete. A key has been given to MV. ONGOING.
e. Parish Council Website: The Clerk has uploaded some more information but it is still a work in progress. ONGOING.
f. Village One-Way System: The Clerk has produced a questionnaire for distribution. ACTION: Questionnaire to be delivered with papers, attached to school newsletter, placed in shop & post office & note to be placed in village news.
g. Parish Office: No progress has been made as the next meeting of the Village Hall Committee is on 17th March. NOTED.
h. Community Plan Design Statement: MV has still not received the tool kit from Katie Cook. MV to chase. NOTED.
i. Community Action Plan: The Clerk has now finished the Action Plan which will be sent to Emma Ball for approval. NOTED
j. Grass Cutting in Mitchell: Before quoting, John Moffatt needs exact details of where the Mitchell Playground Association would like the verges cut. PH to contact Clerk with information. ONGOING.
046/11 / Business Matters:
a. Installation of Gate in Recreation Ground: Item previously dealt with under 040/11.
b. Feast Day: The Clerk advised that she was looking into the insurance. HF thought that the committee were going to apply for a grant for the village hall hire/band but no application has been received. RESOLVED: The Parish Council agree in principle to award the Feast Day Committee a grant of £200 if an application is received.
c. Award of Parish Council Grant’s: An application has been received from St. Newlyn East School for a grant towards a weather station. RESOLVED: Grant of £140 awarded to St. Newlyn East School.
d. Cornwall Council’s Core Strategy: The Council discussed the responses to the questionnaires. RESOLVED: Clerk to return questionnaires.
e. Community Emergency Plan: MV had been given a draft plan at the recent Community Network Meeting. Volunteers are required to implement the plan. RESOLVED: Clerk to place advert in the village news asking for volunteers.
f. Date for Annual Parish Meeting: RESOLVED: Annual Parish Meeting to be held on Monday 18th April at 7pm in the Oxnam Room.
047/11 / Correspondence:
CALC / Localism Briefing / Noted
Cornwall Council / Town & Parish Council Newsletter / Noted
Cornwall Council / Info about the new Face-to-Face service where libraries, one-stop shops & registration service will be combined thus allowing all libraries to remain open / Noted
Jonathan Grigg / Potential cost of CCTV in the Parish / Parish Council do not have enough information to make a decision. RESOLVED: Clerk to investigate running costs and get views of the police.
Cornwall Council / Information regarding the removal of recycling banks at Sainsburys – they are not happy with the new funding arrangements / Noted
Cllr. Mrs J Brimacombe / Letter confirming resignation from Council / Noted
Les Donithorne / Dualling of the A30, Carland to Chiverton campaign / Noted
Cornwall Council / Cornwall Council (Off Street Parking Places) Order 2011 / Noted
Shaun Skinner / St. Newlyn East Band would like to take over the Parish Council’s noticeboard at the bus stop once new noticeboard is up and running. / RESOLVED: Council accepts offer of St. Newlyn East Band to use the noticeboard. Clerk to write & confirm.
South West Ambulance Service / Newsletter / Noted
048/11 / Reports from Outside Bodies:
The following took place in the last month:
· Community Network – Emergency plan & solar farms were discussed
· Housing Needs Surgery
· Newquay Development Framework – MV did not attend. See appendix 3 for minutes
· Pre-application Task Group – MV unable to attend
· The Pit Committee – MV reported that this was well attended but more members are needed.
049/11 / Finance:
a. Accounts: RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £2090.02 were approved for payment. Replacement cheque also signed for Fresh Air Fitness. This was signed off last month and the Clerk was unable to do a BACS transfer.
b. Urgent Financial Matters: The Pit Committee wish to discuss how The Pit’s finances are to be managed. RESOLVED: Clerk to organise a meeting between The Pit Committee & the Chairman & Vice Chair to discuss.
050/11 / Items for the April 2011 Agenda:
· Allotments
· Mitchell Village Hall
· Railway Lamp
· Noticeboard
· Parish Council Website
· Parish Office
· One-Way System
· Parish Design Statement
· Maintenance of Public Toilets
DL reported that the toilet roll holders in the public toilets have been damaged and there is also a problem with the electrics. RESOLVED: DL to contact an electrician to look at the problem.
051/11 / Closure:
There being no further business, the Chairman thanked members for their attendance. She advised that the next scheduled Full Council Meeting will take place on 11th April at 7.30pm in the Hawken Rowse Room, St. Newlyn East Village Hall.
DL & MD departed at 22.15pm. The Council then went into closed session to discuss the Allotments. RESOLVED: Delegated powers given to the Chairman & Vice-Chair to resolve the issues between the Parish Council & the Allotment Association.
The meeting closed at 22.30pm
Signed: Dated: