The Mickey Reynolds Memorial Scholarship
The Virginia Alliance of Social Work Practitioners announces the annual Mickey Reynolds Memorial Scholarship. Mickey A. Reynolds began his career as a Social Worker in 1980 and from his first Child Protective Services case assignment to his last in 2000, he led an inspirational style of case work and concern for his fellow man and made his colleagues strive for higher goals and commitment to the profession of social work. This scholarship seeks to honor his goals to further enhance the profession through education and training.
Members are eligible to apply for a scholarship up to $500.00 for educational and professional development.
Award Determination
- Applicants must be current employees of a local department of Social Services and have been employed 12 months or longer.
- Any active member of VASWP in good standing whose membership is paid by August 1, 2014 of current membership year (July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015) is eligible to apply for the scholarship.
- One scholarship will be awarded for the 2015-2016 year
- Announcement of the member selected to receive the scholarship will be made by August 31, 2015.
- Previous recipients of the Mickey Reynolds Memorial Scholarship are ineligible.
- Scholarship funds must be used for payment of college tuition, books related to course work, registration or tuition for professional development training.
- Validity will be determined by the content of the application.
- Selection process for the award will be by lottery. Each person with a valid entry has an equal chance of being drawn, relative to the number of entry forms received by the August 1st 2015 deadline.
Recipient Responsibilities
- Applications for scholarship are due July 31, 2015.
- At the time of application, applicants must specify where funds will be allocated.
- Scholarship funds must be used during the remaining 10 ½ months of the membership year in which the scholarships are awarded.
- All disbursements will be made directly to the institution (college or other institution providing the professional development training). It is the responsibility of each person selected to receive the scholarship to provide the State Alliance Treasurer the information needed in a timely manner and on the appropriate forms so that payment can be made on their behalf.
- Any funds not used by July 1 the following membership year will revert to the State organization, and any agreements become null and void.
- If an Alliance member selected to receive the scholarship chooses a college class, professional development training class or books that exceed the amount of the scholarship, the member will be responsible for paying the excess costs prior to the Alliance providing a check to the institution. If the scholarship exceeds the cost of the class, books or training, the remainder of the funds will revert to the State Alliance organization.
- Recipient must also provide to the scholarship committee satisfactory proof of completion of the class or course within 30 days of completion. Recipients who fail to provide satisfactory proof of completion must repay the scholarship in full within 6 months of the committee’s request.
Mickey Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Application
Deadline July 31, 2015
Daytime Phone Number:
E-Mail Address: / @
Agency: / FIPS:
Job Title:
Years at Social Services: / Degrees Held:
Are you an Alliance Member in good standing including paid membership for 2014-2015?
Briefly describe in the box below the education or training class that you are interested in, and how that education or training will enhance the profession. [The box will expand as you type.]
Start Here:Funds will be used for :
It is the responsibility of the recipientto provide the VASWP Executive Board with tuition payment information, such as institution address, total cost of class, training or books (not to exceed $500), and department to which payment should be disbursed. Recipients must also provide to the scholarship committee satisfactory proof of completion of the class or course within 30 days of completion. If the recipient fails to provide satisfactory proof of completion must repay the scholarship in full within 6 months of the committee’s request.
By signing below, I agree to follow the recipient responsibilities of the Mickey Reynolds Scholarship as stated above.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Forward this application to:
Vesna Farrar, Committee Chair:
or by courier to FIPS 031, or mail to:
Campbell County DSS, Attn: Vesna Farrar
P.O. Box 860 Rustburg VA
by deadline ofJuly 31, 2015.