The Methodist Church
Burley-in-Wharfedale Minister: Rev. Tim Perkins
01943 864187
Church website:
Please note: We have a loop system installed in church. Users of a hearing aid should switch it to the ‘T’ position and for best results, sit in the main body of the church.
Sunday 5th November 2017 (31st Sunday in ordinary time)
9.00am – Holy Communion
led by Revd. Roberta Topham
10.30 am –Morning Worship
led by Revd. Roberta Topham
When the preacher and steward enter the church, please stand as the Bible is brought to the lectern by the steward.
Steward: The Lord is here!
All: God’s Spirit is with us!
Call to worship:
Jesus said: “Whoever drinks of the water I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I give them will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.”
StF 175: Light of the world
StF 363: My Jesus, my Saviour
Prayers of thanks and praise
Introducing the theme
StF 481: The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want (and I will trust)
Children leave for their own activities
Bible Reading: Proverbs 9: 1 – 10
StF 693: Beauty for brokenness
Bible Reading: John 2: 1 – 11
Hymn: One shall tell another (come on in and taste the new wine)
Prayers of intercession
StF 465: Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
Coffee and orange juice will be served in the Fellowship Area today. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Newsnotes: If you know of anyone unable to be present at worship today, who would appreciate receiving a copy of these Newsnotes, please take a copy with you and push it through their door! Dorothy Hardstaffe
Church Flowers
Do you know someone who is unable to attend church today perhaps because of illness or a recent bereavement? If so, please have a word with one of the stewards and we will try to ensure that the flowers are delivered, together with a card expressing our love and prayers. The Church Stewards
Please note that Wendy’s “Day Off” is usually on a Saturday. Dorothy Hardstaffe
This afternoon
5.00pm – The Handbell Ringers will meet in Salem Church hall this week.
Tonight: There is no evening service here this week.
This Week:
Monday: 10.30am – Music & Movement Group
Tuesday: 10.00am – Coffee served in the Fellowship Area
Wednesday: 9.00am – 9.30am – Ecumenical prayers at Burley U.R. Church Hall
2.00pm – Three Cs in the Fellowship Area
2.00pm – Table Tennis in the Hall
Thursday: Newsnotes to Dorothy Hardstaffe, by noon as usual
3.30pm – 5.00 - Cyber Café (years 5 – 6)
Friday: 2.00pm – Bridge Club
Next Sunday 12th November 2017 – (32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Remembrance Sunday
10.00 am - United Service at St Mary’s (lasting about 40 minutes) followed by the Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial. (see p. 6 of Nov. Outlook)
There is no evening service here next week.
Coming up
The Pinsuti chamber choir is performing in celebration of St Cecilia at St Mary’s Church on Saturday 11th November at 7.30 pm.
Tickets on the door, from the Parish Office, or from the BTFT trustees, Janet Squire 862582 or Mary Wood 864404. Mary Wood
*Burley-Téréli Friendship Trust
Once again our annual fund raising calendar is on sale. Inside you will find information and updates about recent projects together with photographs taken in Burley and Téréli.
Calendars cost £6.00 and are available from Mary Wood 864404. Mary Wood
Our lovely little boys and girls, aged 0 – 4, are currently in need of loving volunteers to take care of them during church services in our Toddler Ministry. The toddlers currently meet in the Fellowship Area, so you will still be able to feel a part of the service, even as you engage with the children. Basic activities and Bible Stories will be provided to keep little hands busy and little hearts engaged.
Please speak to Wendy. Wendy Walker
*Godly Play Training
Date: Sunday 5th November
Time: 3-5pm
Join Wendy Walker and Viv Pitts for an exploration of “Godly Play”. We will explore the foundations of the Godly Play philosophy and talk about ways that we might incorporate them into the ministry of our church, not only in our ministry to children but to people of all ages.
Who should come?
* Anyone interested in Christian education or ministry to children
* Anyone interested in new ways of approaching spirituality
* Anyone looking for an opportunity for woodwork based craft making
* Anyone interested in using the stories for the elderly or those with dementia
* Anyone who would enjoy the opportunity to experience something new
* Anyone wanting to develop and deepen their own spirituality Wendy Walker
*Social Justice Team
There will be a meeting (hopefully fairly brief!) of the Social Justice Team in church following the Remembrance Day service next Sunday. If you are a team member, please come along if you can – we’ll be talking about how we can support Growing Champions, as well as other upcoming events. Gillian MacIntosh
*The Christmas Musical “Simeon”
The Christmas Musical “Simeon” by Roger Jones is being performed at St John’s, Ben Rhydding, on Saturday 25th November at 6 pm, with choir, orchestra and drama and with Roger Jones in attendance. Following the concert mulled wine and mince pies will be served and Roger Jones will be speaking about how and why he wrote the musical. Entrance is £5.00, free for children. Speak to Chris Price or Tessa Moran for any more information. Chris Price
Please be aware of the following dates .
Items for next week’s Newsnotes (12th November) and the week after that (19th November) should be sent to Gillian MacIntosh by noon on the preceding Thursday at the latest.
Items for the 26th November and following should be sent to me (Dorothy Hardstaffe)
as usual by noon on the preceding Thursday.
Readers for the 19th November please ring Gillian for the readings. Dorothy Hardstaffe
Unity in Prayer
Guide your Church, O Lord, with your perpetual providence; that it may walk warily in times of quiet and boldly in times of trouble; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Franciscan Breviary (13th century)
Pray for the Sick and Housebound.
Please remember in your prayers those who grieve over the loss of a loved one.
Please pray for peace in all the places in the world where there is war and strife.
Pray for the countries where the people go hungry and for the aid agencies who are working to alleviate their need.
Please remember in your prayers all those you know who are in special need at the
Please pray for all members of the church family who are sick at home or in hospital.
Pray for those in residential homes; the housebound and the lonely.
Please tell one of the stewards if you know of anyone who should be included in the prayers of intercession, or who should be visited, or add their name to the Intercessions Book in the vestibule.
For your own devotions. “The Covenant of Faith” (31st week in ordinary time)
Sunday 5 Luke 6: 20 – 31 StF: 746 Psalm: 149
Monday 6 Genesis 12: 1 – 9 464 118: 1 – 18
Tuesday 7 Genesis 17: 1 – 10 518 118: 19 – 29
Wednesday 8 Genesis 18: 1 – 33 527 119: 1 – 16
Thursday 9 Genesis 19: 15 – 29 137 119: 17 – 32
Friday 10 Genesis 21: 5 – 20 540 119: 33 – 48
Saturday 11 Genesis 22: 1 – 19 91 119: 49 – 64
Please take this leaflet with you to refer to in the week