The Mental Health Education Resource Centre Survey

1.  How often do you visit the Mental Health Education Resource Centre?

☐ Every day / ☐ Several times a week / ☐ Once a week
☐ Few times a month / ☐ Not very often / ☐ Once a year
☐ Other (please specify)

2.  How did you hear about MHERC? Please fill in answer.

3.  What resources do you use at MHERC?

☐ Books / ☐ DVD
☐ Audio Resources (CD) / ☐ VHS
☐ Training Kits / ☐ Magazines
☐ Newspaper / ☐ Newspaper Archives
☐ Public Computers / ☐ Printing
☐ Other (please specify)

4.  If you read the magazines at MHERC, which are your favourite?

☐ Abilities / ☐ The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry / ☐ Scientific American Mind
☐ Association / ☐ Cross Currents / ☐ Maclean’s
☐ BP Canada / ☐ DASCH News / ☐ Open Mind’s
☐Balance, Whole Living / ☐ Esperanza / ☐ Visions
☐ The Canadian Women’s Health Network / ☐ Psychology Today / ☐ Wave
☐ Other (please specify)

The Mental Health Education Resource Centre Survey

5.  What is your favourite book category at MHERC?

☐ Anxiety / ☐ Bipolar / ☐ Depression
☐ Anorexia / ☐ Stress / ☐ Inspiration & Spiritual
☐ Recovery & Self Help / ☐ Child & Youth / ☐ Schizophrenia
☐ Psychosis / ☐ Other (please specify)

6.  What is your favourite DVD category at MHERC?

☐ Mental Health Issues / ☐ Documentaries / ☐ Suicide
☐ Mental Health & Addictions / ☐ Child & Youth / ☐ Recovery & Self Help
☐ Other (please specify)

7.  Which book subject do you think MHERC could grow in?

8.  Which DVD subject do you think MHERC could grow in?

9.  Have you heard of MHERC’s new APP for IPhone, IPad and/or Android?

☐ Yes! / ☐ Not yet, please explain.

10.  If you’re not already, would you like to be on MHERC’s newsletter emailing list?

☐ I am already! / ☐ Yes, please add me.
Email: / ☐ No thank you.

11.  Would you recommend MHERC to people you know?

☐ Yes, I find it very helpful. / ☐ No I wouldn’t.

12.  How would you rate your overall experience at MHERC?

☐ Not pleased. / ☐ Could be better. / ☐ Satisfied. / ☐ Pleased. / ☐ Very pleased!


The Mental Health Education Resource Centre Survey



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