Minutes of the L Street Running Club Board Meeting July 6, 2016

Attendance:Laureen Bina, Kathleen Casey, Theresa Cidlevich, Stacie Cohane,Jennifer DeSimone,Caitlin Doherty, Siobhan Farrell, Maureen Moroney, Laura Morrissey, Stan Nyberg, Julianne O’Neil,Joe Perdicaro.

The meeting was lead by President Theresa Cidlevich.

President (Theresa Cidlevich):

The police will have a detail here on 7/19 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM bag stuffing and semi-annual meeting.

Fall marathon training starts on July 17. Until Labor Day we will meet for training in the senior card room at 7:30 AM on Sundays. A copy of the fall marathon training schedule is attached to these minutes.

Tom Walsh’s brother-in-law is in charge of Special Olympics for the Town of Hanover. He has asked us to pay for Special Olympians running in the Jim Kane Race. The Board voted in favor of this.

Secretary (Stan Nyberg): Minutes of the June Board meeting were accepted as corrected.

Treasurer (Joe Perdicaro):Total$ 18,023.13

LSRC Charities 15.00

Jim Kane Race 8,273.40


Available$ 9,734.73

Membership income: July 6, 2016 $11,215.00; July 6, 2015 $11,905.00.

Apparel: $2,565.72 has been spent on apparel; $1,684.00 has been collected so far.

Events (Kathleen Casey): Kathleen discussed the following events: Race Day, after-race party including stuff to nosh on; raffle for the barbeque. Massage Works will be coming for the September 15 training run.

Media (Maureen Moroney): South Boston Onlinewill have a story on LSRC.

Membership: 134 Females, 140 Males and 46 Families, Total 366(assuming 2 members per family).

Newsletter Julianne O’Neill: The bag stuffing and the semi-annual meeting will be mentioned in the next Newsletter, fall marathon training, and a planned trip to the red Sox on 10/1/16. Julianne is working on updating the membership list for Newsletter distribution.

Alternate (Siobhan Farrell): Laura suggested having a drawing for people who volunteered for fall water stops either a gift card to marathon sports or a shirt and a hat.

Race Director (Jen DeSimone): Everything is pretty much ready to go. We had to decide whether or not to have hamburgers for the runners. The Board voted to buy pizza (150 pizzas).

Unfinished Business

Review criteria for being selected for BAA numbers.

Discuss voting procedure and By Laws.

Open discussion on how we can get people to volunteer and generally low level of participation by members.

Submitted by Stan Nyberg