Belmont Ridge PTO November General Meeting Minutes

November 19, 2013

The meeting was called to order by Erin McMahon at 9:40AM.

In Attendance:

Erin McMahon – President

Ruth Kapusta – Communication

Janet Prezio – Ways and Means

Randi Deschamps – Diversity

Marianne Kasoff – Membership

Krista Darnell – Treasurer

Lisa Clippinger – Secretary

Mr. Hitchman – Principal

Jennifer Turner, Kristan Ash, Michele Donovan, Brenda Lowery, Duane Torbert, Terry Mawyer, Jayne Donohue, Christine Poulias, Wendy Hampton, Kristie McDonald, Janice Palumbo, Cindy Amos, Karlene Gardner

October Meeting Minutes – Marianne Kasoff made a motion to approve, seconded by Randi Deschamps. Minutes approved.

President’s Report – Erin McMahon

*PBIS is in full swing

*Student Council Association has written the PTO a thank you note for help with their Halloween event

*PTO Board voted electronically to give a $200 grant to Guilford Elementary, a Title 1 school. They held an event with help organizations such as Salvation Army, in attendance to help connect them with families in need. Belmont PTO’s grant was used to buy two bicycles, helmets, coats and raffle items which were given to students.

Hospitality Report – Tracy Bongianino

Thanks to all who participated in the November Teacher’s lunch, which was donated by Not Your Average Joe’s. Parents donated gift cards to be raffled. Next month’s event will be a Cookie Exchange.

Communcations – Ruth Kapusta

*All members should be getting the newsletter

*Facebook page has 150 likes

*Deadline for December newsletter is 11/22/13

Volunteers – Carol Suder

*Responses to all volunteer requests have been very good

Ways and Means- Janet Prezio

*Spirit Night at Subway and Zinga Ashburn Farm tomorrow night, 11/20

Diversity – Randi Deschamps

*We now have an MSAAC Representative who can’t attend PTO meetings but will send updates. Most recent meeting was about bullying and a recent suicide in Florida related to bullying.

*International Night will be March 13th. Efforts to have a committee meeting have been unsuccessful thus far.

Membership – Marianne Kasoff

*PTO membership currently at 511.

Treasurer’s Report – Krista Darnell

*PTO budget $15,000, $120 from membership, $64 from Target, $84 misc. income (Stone Bridge raffle donation).

*Two big income producers

BASAP Session 1 - $11,215 minus $6700 paid to teachers – Net $4500

Talent Show - $1950 plus $865 in online payments. No expenses paid yet. Net $2100.

Old Business-

*Ticket price for musical. Budget was approved for the Spring musical at the October meeting. Musical tickets have always been $8, but Musical Committee wants to raise the price to $9. They will be using Thundertix for online ticketing. Fees will be $1600 plus PayPal fees. They are trying to avoid the two hour lines to purchase tickets which existed last year. Ticket price change will bring in another $3000 in revenue. No in-person sales. Krista Darnell made a motion to approve and Randi Deschamps seconded. The new ticket price was approved.

*PTO umbrella covers the musical. All decisions made have liability for PTO officers. Ticket price, budget, and any increase for expenses over $250 per line item must be voted on by PTO Board.

*Musical Committee is requesting an additional $880 for costumes over their approved budget. Erin McMahon made a motion to give them an additional $500 from the PTO and requested that the committee go back over their budget in good faith and reduce some line items. The committee members said that that was not possible. Krista Darnell made a motion to give the musical committee an additional $880, seconded by Ruth Kapusta. The motion was approved.

*BASAP 2 – only four teachers have signed up so far

*Student/Staff basketball game will be held in February

Meeting was adjourned at 11:05AM