Reviewing morning routine, practice finding seats and recognizing name...model model model behavior and review consequences, bathroom
Morning Message / 9:30-10:20
10:20-Restroom & drinks
CCSS:.K.CC.2, K.CC.4c, K.CC.6, K.CC.7
Math Practices: MP.1MP.2,MP.3, MP.4,MP.5, MP.6, , MP.8, MP.7,
* Start Math in A.M. & finish in P.M. / 10:30-11:00
Word Work/ Imagine-It
RL.K.2.a Identify the setting as well as the problem in the story and how the character(s) solve it
RL.K.7.c Use the illustrations to tell the story of an unfamiliar book or to retell a familiar story.
RI.K.7.c Explain how the illustrations add meaning to the text. / 11:00-11:15
BTL story Close Read and Questioning
*Literacy Stations
Each center will only 12-15 min/
Common Core:
Skill: W.K.3, RF.K.1d, RF.K.3.c, RF.K.4, L.K.1a, (RL.K. 7.c) RL.K.10 / 11:50 Students eat lunch
Recess 12:15-12:40
Read-Aloud 12:45
12:50-1:05 Literacy Interventions
skills practice page 53-54
weigh class pumpkin and see how much it weighs . / Math Topic 5
Content Language:
Students will complete the vocabulary review on p. 273 & 274 together.
Purpose: To understand the vocabulary that goes along with the classifying and sorting unit.
Social: Students will be able to talk and discuss the math as we go from problem to problem at their tables.
Do a fun Halloween sheet. / Imagine It: Unit 4 lesson 7
*Blend multisyllabic words using word parts.
*Blend initial and final sounds.
*Continue to associate /n/ with Nn. / Monday
Read: Pumpkin Town! by Katie McKy
Day 1:
On day one of the close read begin by having a “cold read.” Only minimally stopping. This is a simple read for enjoyment. Explain to the kids that they will be coming back to the text everyday and talking about a different point.
Venn Diagram on pumpkins and watermelons. Can be added to throughout week.
Writing Center: Pumpkin Town book review. Students will fill out parts they can.
Kotner: Guided reading for average to above average kids. Low groups will work on I like fall reading book.
Teacher will assess: reading word wall words, and letters/sounds.
ABC station: Word work mark it up.
Library: Pumpkin Town book review. Students will fill out parts they can.
Davis: Decodable story #
then, Word work mark it up.
skills practice pages 55-56 / Math Topic 5
Content Language:
Students will complete the reteaching pages together. See p. 275 & 276.
To be able to rethink about how to solve problems that include sorting, classifying, & counting data.
Students can work with a partner to complete the p. 275 & 276 on the reteaching of the unit.
*Today students will learn how to review what sorting and classifying means.
** How To: Teacher will show how to solve problems by thinking out loud. / Imagine It! Unit 4 Lesson 8
*Identify and create rhymes
*Match initial sounds.
*Learn to associate /l/ with Ll
*Practice writing letter Ll
Intervention Heggerty week 12 / Story: Pumpkin Town! by Katie McKy
Day 2: Vocabulary
Today the students will help make a vocabulary web with the vocabulary words. They will listen to try and locate them in the read aloud.
Vocabulary: dull, delicate, sagged, distant, marveled
Letter: Ll
Word Wall: my, play
Writing Center: Pumpkin Town book review. Students will fill out parts they can.
Kotner: Guided reading for average to above average kids. Low groups will work on I like fall reading book.
Teacher will assess: reading word wall words, and letters/sounds.
ABC station: Word work mark it up.
Library: Pumpkin Town book review. Students will fill out parts they can.
Davis: Decodable story #
then, Word work mark it up.
Write word wall words on Educreations on the iPad. / Math Topic 5
Unit Test
Content Language:
Students will take the classifying and couting data for this unit.
Purpose: This will help the teacher know if the students understand this concept of classifying and counting data.
Social; Students will be taking the assessment independently.
Students will complete the following pages 277-280. / Imagine It Unit 4 Lesson 9
* Objectives
*Blend compound words using word parts.
*Segment and match initial sounds.
*Continue to associate /l/ with Ll
Intervention Heggerty week 12 / Story: Pumpkin Town! by Katie McKy
Day 3: Text Dependent Questions.
* How does the actions of the characters within the story effect those around them?
* How does the author describe the process Jose’s family does every year in growing pumpkins?
* Look on page 7. What evidence shows us that the boys made a mistake?
Vocabulary: dull, delicate, sagged, distant, marveled
Word Wall Word: my, play
Letter: Ll
Writing Center: Write about one thing that happened in the story and draw a picture on the truck with a pumpkin paper.
Kotner: -at books. Lower groups will be doing a cut apart sentence and picture if they have time.
ABC station: Sort uppercase and lowercase letters.
Davis: CVC DAB
Skills Practice:
59-60 / Math Topic 5 Test:
Content Language: Students will go over the topic test as a whole group.
Purpose: Students will see how they can improve on the information for the next time.
Social: Students can talk about how they were able to solve the different problems on the test. / Imagine It Unit 4 Lesson 10
* continue to associate Nn with /n/ and Ll with /l/
* Match initial sounds
* Blend decodable words
* Practice writing letters
Heggerty Week 12
Morning message / Story: Pumpkin Town! by Katie McKy
Day 4: Collaborative Questions
The author writes: “ and that seemed to be the end of it.”
Predict what will happen next now that dad has thrown away the watermelon.
Students will use evidence from the story to support their answer.
dull, delicate, sagged,
distant, marveled
Word Wall: my, play
Letter: Nn and Ll
Writing Center: Write about one thing that happened in the story and draw a picture on the truck with a pumpkin paper.
Kotner: -at books. Lower groups will be doing a cut apart sentence and picture if they have time.
ABC station: Sort uppercase and lowercase letters.
Davis: CVC DAB
Skills practice pages 61
Ending of grading period 1. / Center Day for Unit 5 on Sorting, Classifying, & Counting Data.
- Picture the Stars-
- Make It Right
- Two Towers
- Popcorn Fun
Number Cards 0-10 for #2 center. See p. 245L in TM.
12 blocks of 4 different colors for #3 center. See p. 245L in TM.
Large amount of popped corn in a bowl, construction paper, glue, & crayons See #4 center on p. 245K in TM. / Imagine It Unit 4 Lesson 11
*Segment compound words into parts.
*Blend initial and final sounds.
*Learn to associate /i/ with letter Ii.
*Practice writing letter Ii
Heggerty Week 12 / Story: Pumpkin Town! by Katie McKy
Day 5: cumulative Writing
Today I will assess students understanding of the story by having the students describe through their writing or drawings the beginning, middle and ending.
Vocabulary: dull, delicate, sagged, distant, marveled
Word Wall: my, play
Letter: Ii