October 16, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. The following members were in attendance:

Chris Hogan, Brian Pentland, Charlie Hadlock, Georgia Chao, Roger Calantone, Pat Daugherty, Eun Ju Jung and Sue Haka.

Roger moved to accept minutes from the last meeting; Georgia seconded; motion passed.

A motion was moved for Chris Hogan to chair the committee next academic year. Roger moved to accept this motion; Georgia seconded; the motion was passed.

Cindy was asked to write a manual for the doctoral programs committee before the end of this academic year.

Information sessions for MBA students

A suggestion was made regarding doctoral program information sessions for current MBA students. After discussions it was decided that this would not be useful for the committee to focus on. It should be a department function. Accounting and Information Systems already have a 2 hour information session each semester.

Discussion then moved to focus on the undergraduates, presenting information on doctoral programs in the college. Charlie will come up with ideas and report back to the committee.

Life-time emails for grads

Sue indicated that plans are being discussed for doctoral graduates to keep their MSU emails for their lifetime.

College web site design

The college web site is being redesigned. It is very important for committee member to attend the information sessions for their input.

New Course Request

ITM 915 was discussed. This will be voted on at the next meeting.

Georgia indicated there will be a change in MGT 912. She will present the change at the next meeting. There will be an electronic vote so it can go before the next faculty meeting.

Responsible Conduct of Research

Sue Haka informed the committee that there will be a new system for tracking. Paul Mantica will attend the next DPC meeting to discuss the IRB and COI (RCR) modules in Kuali Coeus with the Committee.

Sue indicated there is much confusion between OISS and the colleges regarding the 999’s. A clear statement needs to come from OISS.

RCR training was discussed.

Meeting dismissed at 10:00.