PTA Minutes

September 22, 2016

Attendees: Dave Shaffer, Linda Smith, Ann-Marie West, Jen Wike, Linda Ables, Sherita Wilkins, Marsil Zook, Sanjeev Singh, Melissa Dober, Jaime Broughton, Sanjita Sethi, Graciela Olivares, Carolyn McCormick, Nikisha Diehl, Mike Strange

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 a.m.

I. Report of Officers

A. President - Ann-Marie West

·  Ann-Marie welcomed the new and returning parents to the PTA

·  Introduced the new PTA Board members for 2016-17

B. Principal - Dave Shaffer

·  Mr. Shaffer introduced the 6th Grade Dean, Melissa Dober and our new Assistant Dean, Nikki Diehl. He welcomed all to River Bend; looking forward to an exciting school year.

·  During his 2 years at River Bend, we now have Twitter with 759 followers, Face Book with 700 followers. River Bend information available on the new Loudoun County School APP.

·  River Bend - A School to Watch; one of 40 Middle Schools

·  Hiring and Recruiting - 48% minority candidates

·  School data - 2 years in a row, RBMS gone up in all subjects.

·  Working on - 8th grade writing; writing in content. Roll out of personalized learning. Full roll out of 800 I Pads for piloting Discovery Education initiative. RBMS is one of 5 middle schools participating in initiative.

C. Treasurer Report - Mike Strange

·  Audit not approved.

·  PTA Board approved $159 for Money Minder software.

·  Discussed budget line items; net balance $5,087.

·  Jen Wike motioned for approval of the budget; Linda Ables 2nd; all approved.

II. Special Reports

A. MSAAC - Wendy Hodge and Diane Leipzig (Sherita Wilkins attended 9/21 meeting)

Theme for the year is “Perceptions and Expectations: How they impact the equitable learning environment”

The meeting started with an Ice Breaker Activity introducing ourselves to our fellow cluster members in attendance. Our cluster included four individuals from Countryside Elementary, one representative from Potowmack Elementary, and Sherita represented River Bend MS.


1.  The ICE conference for young men and ladies will be held on Sep 24, at Park View HS, from 9-4.

2.  2016 LCP College Fair Sunday 9/25 at Briar Woods HS

3.  PEP event on Monday 6pm at Cedar Lane ES

4.  ES Gifted Education Session @ Belmont ES and Sully ES on 9/27 @ 7pm

5.  MS Gifted Education session was held on 9/22 @ Stone Hill MS, Lunsford MS, Harper Park MS

6.  Community Engagement Coalition – Town Hall discussion on building relationships with local authorities. This was created in light of the past and ongoing events with law enforcement occurring at various locations around the nation. Oct 5, @6:30 – Tuscarora High School.

Cluster Activity – We were presented with four animals: dog, cat, lion, turtle. We chose which animal best represented us and we gathered around the room at our designated animal location. As a group we listed characteristics of that animal. Once we finished, we listed characteristics of the other three animals. We discussed the difference between how we saw animal and how other viewed our animal. Bottom line: others may not see us as we see ourselves. Therefore it is important we get to know the person as an individual .

III. Committees

A. Membership - Linda Smith

·  As of Sep 20th, 273 paid members; 54 staff

·  Mrs. McCormick will follow up with the staff

B. STEM Program - Sanjeev Singh

·  Sanjeev talked about programs offered: Robotics, Math Tournament, Programming support

·  Future need for equipment

·  Funds used to assist with - band field trip, merit scholarships, Odyssey of the Mind (OM)

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 a.m.