Approved Meeting Minutes
Mountview PTA General Meeting
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Attendance: Daria Liston, Patty Walton, Heather Tarantino, Brian McCarthy, Cindy Senes, Kevin McDonough
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm
Review of Action Items: Daria Liston
- Advisor for Science Olympiad-Brian unaware if position has been filled.
- Patty waiting for invoice from Bob Champlain for scholastic books that were ordered.
- Cat’s Meow-after much discussion it was decided to go forth with idea and purchase 60 Cat’s Meow of Mountview Middle School. Proposal to order 60 at $584.35
- Motion to approve: Cindy Senes, 2nd Heather Tarantino-approved unanimously
- Kids in the Kommunity to participate in Holden Winter Festival-$100 to be donated to fund a craft table, students will participate in singing, Make A Wish and helping at various tables.
Approval of meeting minutes from September 25, 2014
Motion to approve: Daria Liston, 2nd Cindy Senes, approved unanimously
Stipend/Grant Requests: Daria Liston
No new stipend/grant requests
Treasurer’s Report:Patty Walton
- Overview of stipends and requests paid
- Reviewed profits of Butter braid sales
- Expenses paid- guest speaker Tom Thelen
- Reviewed status of homework zone and its profits-Profit of $8900 for 1st term. If profits continue, we will look to make purchases in the spring.
- PTA dues to the state have increased by $0.50, now $4.50 to the MA PTA
Butterbraid Fundraiser Update: Heather Tarantino
Successful Butter Braid fundraiser-$1700 profit
Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser Details: Daria Liston
January, Thursday 22nd is Dine In Night: PTA will receive 20% of all sales
Gift card fundraiser-selling gift cards for two weeks in December
Discussion of collaborating the evening with a Barnes & Noble book night (see Action Items).
Teacher/Staff Appreciation: Daria Liston
Heather Tarantino to coordinate cookie buffet
Monday, December 22nd is the agreed date for buffet
Principal’s Comments: Brian McCarthy
- Search for a PTA teacher liaison continues
- Winter concert dates are December 9th, 10th, 11th See website for grades
- Next coffee chat is tomorrow Friday, November 21st at 9:00 am in cafeteria
Other Business:
- Patty shared the idea of having Sandwich Specialty as another fundraiser opportunity (see Action Item).
- Kevin expressed interest in set design for spring play (see Action Item).
- There was discussion of the need for a treasurer next year. A potential candidate for treasurer was identified. Patty will follow up with candidate to gauge her interest.
- Kevin discussed having the library staffed with volunteers and having set operating hours.
- Discussion on using a different company for school supply kits (see Action Items).
Motion to adjourn: Brian McCarthy, 2nd Patty Walton- all approved
Meeting adjourned at 8:26 pm
Action items:
- Cindy and Kevin will look into Barnes & Noble Book Night.
- Patty will speak to owners of Sandwich Specialty.
- Daria to speak with school play coordinators, Candy and Hope, regarding a set design coordinator.
- Daria to look into different companies regarding school kits.