September 9, 2012


Missy Walton, Paul Johnson, Luann Todd, Staci Dowdell, Denise Lutz, Chris Robbins, George Paulus, Dan Dankowski, Tim Giardina, Jeff Grundey, Janet Wermuth, Dave Slovina, Brian Walton

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm at Dairy Queen

Approval of prior minutes:

-______motioned to approve minutes with the addition of

______to the attendees

-______second the motion

-all yea’s

Public Input:

-Introduction and welcome of North Boys Coach, Chris Robbins.

Presidents Report: Tim Giardina:

-a meeting is scheduled on 9/18 at 1:30 pm with Mark Aprille, Vince Utterback and Daryl with PLA (Tim, Paul and George) to discuss fields

-Tim has emailed Mark Aprile requesting meetings between our team directors and assistand AD’s.

-PLSD HR Dept. is more involved. Tim and George will be setting up and having a meeting with HR to be sure that PLA is complying with all PLSD requirements.

-A motion was made to rehire Norm Deena as North girls head coach

-Tim motioned

-Paul second

-all yea’s

-A motion was made to hire Matt Erdlitz, Brian McDonald (will serve as head JV) and Dave Slovina (will assist with varsity) as Central boys assistants and to hire Shayne Denihan as Central girls assistant.

-Tim motioned

-Luann second

-all yea’s

Vice President Report: George Paulus:

-It was asked that we dismiss to executive session later to discuss coaches pay

Treasurers Report: Janet Wermuth

-Janet and Paul are working together to create our new budget, as well as assist in transitioning.

-Janet will contact/work with Staci, Dave and Denise

-Brian asked for Team Directors to be included in budget discussions

-Signature transfers are complete.

-Paid Bolinger

-Still waiting for the May 2012 bus invoice.

-Expecting OSU checks

-A financial handout was distributed

Membership: Paul Johnson

-Paul emailed an updated draft of the registration form.

-added a section addressing eligibility pertaining to volunteering.

-Estimating: 35 Central boys, 32 Central girls, 45 North boys, 27 North


-email Paul any thoughts on the new form.

-Still need Mark Diemonds ss # for a W-9

-Will work on US Lacrosse

Publicity: Denise Lutz

-waiting for access to the websites.

-asked about the job postings, leave up or remove? Leave up for now. George

Will instruct when to remove.

-Tim asked that a page be added to the website regarding the history of PLA,

alumni, etc.

Fundraising: Staci Dowdell

-OSU still needs a 2-3 more workers for this week.

-When sending out emails asking for volunteers, please specify the dress code

(black pants (Docker style), white collared shirt.

-Potential conflict on 10/6 as both schools have homecoming. Spread the word and ask for volunteers.

Equipment: Dave Slovina

-After discussion at the August meeting, Dave obtained quotes from other vendors

Regarding Central boys uniforms. Dave presented quotes and made a motion

To purchase Nike uniforms from Lids Team Sports for $78 per uniform. We are also receiving a $1000 credit from Lids to use toward Nike apparral.

-Dave motioned

-George second

-11 yea’s, 1 no, 1 abstain. Motion passes

*Brian pointed out that this price is less than we paid for lower quality, very basic uniforms 3 years ago.

-Helmets: in order to receive the $115 discounted price, there is a minimum order of 12 required. We are only purchasing 5 for each school. We can still receive discounted pricing within the tiered discount. North helmets will be $138 and Central will be $153 (the price difference is due to different face masks)

-Dave motioned to purchase 5 of each CPX-R helmets for each school, not

To exceed the price listed per helmet

-Paul second

-all yea’s

-Dave motioned to recondition helmets and will ask the company to

Discuss any additional work they feel is needed before proceeding (such

As chin straps, etc). The reconditioning will cost between $21-$26 each

-Paul second

-all yea’s

-Still missing a few North boys uniforms

Central Boys: Brian Walton


North Boys: Jeff Grundy

-working on schedule

Central Girls: Luann Todd

-Schedule almost done, most OCC games confirmed

-Central girls are planning an overnight trip in April

-2 teams will be going to DeSales and OSU

-Coach Miller still needs her contract

-Tom has all girls uniforms. Some jerseys still need repaired.

-North vs Central game will be 5/17 at North

North Girls: Dan Dankowski

-waiting to hear from Mark Aprille regarding meeting asst AD

-inquiring about locker rooms. Game day as well as during the school day.

-working on conditioning schedule, time in the field house

-game schedule will depend on track schedule

Old Business:

-Still working on PLA goals, strategy, etc

New Business: none

Regular meeting moved to Execuive Session a 8:04

-Luann motioned to move to executive session

-Paul second

-all yea’s

Executive session moved back to regular PLA meeting at 8:13

Meeting adjournedat 8:13

-Paul motioned to adjourn

-Luann second

-all yeas