Board Members (2013/2014) / Present
Kyle Ferland, Band Director / 
Rob Bastos, President / 
Mary Joe Moran, 1st VP / 
Terri James, 2nd VP
Toni Diaz, Treasurer / 
Charles Hafner, Correspondence Secretary / 
Gale Hoover-Richmond, Secretary / 
Amanda Bastos, Concessions / 
Chairperson(s) in Attendance
Lynda Carpenter Color Guard / 
Jenn Miller, Volunteer Coordinator / 
Ed Diaz, Equipment / 

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.


Rob welcomed everyone to meeting.

Yankee Candle fund raiser brought in just under $2,900, with $1,300 being distributed among Students toward their assessment fees.

We have approximately $12,500 in our account. We still need to pay the Sam’s bill and the band staff. We will have around $5,500 in the account after paying Sam’s and a portion of what is owed to staff.

Mr. Ferland will be getting racks for the trailer to store uniforms for Christmas Parade. Color Guard will take their uniforms home and come dressed to parade. They will be wearing white. The band has been told they can wear Santa Hats as long as all of the hats are the standard red Santa Hat. Our call time for parade is going to be around 8 or 9 a.m. We will be meeting at NAPPA as we did last year. All volunteers will be a given a new white shirt for the parade. The lay out order for parade is: Banner followed by Color Guard followed by Band with Truck and Trailer at the end. Terri was not able to attend Board Meeting, so Rob will let her know what was decided applicable to the Band uniforms and Christmas Parade.

Mr. Ferland will have dress rehearsal for the Prism concert on Tuesday December 10th. We will need a few parents to be in the rooms supervising students prior to performances. No other volunteers are needed for concert. Jenn will send Mr. Ferland the list of parents who volunteered. This year the Prism concert will be split in two parts with a short intermission. The concert is a fund raiser. It will cost $5.00 to attend. This year there will be a combined Band/Choir performance at the end of the concert.

All State is the first week in January. The fudge fund raiser will be in mid-January for delivery by Valentine’s Day. Merry Joe is planning the Gander Mountain to be January 11th, 2014.

The Board discussed Band Assessments as it relates to seniors and outstanding fees owed. Toni will give Mr. Ferland a list of seniors with a star by their name, if they owe more than $500. The Board discussed coming up with a plan for next year as it related to seniors and assessment fees.

Rob asked if anyone had something to discuss prior to ending meeting. Lynda asked if the Tuba players could have screens that say Wekiva. She said her husband volunteered to make them. Mr. Ferland wants to see the screen prior to authorizing.

Mr. Ferland stressed that the vendor fund raiser forms HAVE TO BE SIGNED and turned in; otherwise there will be no payment made to the vendor.

Board meeting for January 7, 2014 has been cancelled and will resume in February 2014.


December 5,6,7,8, 2013Tri State Festival Concert Band at FSU

December 12, 2013 Prism Concert

December 14, 2013Apopka Christmas Parade

January 8th thru 11th 2014FMEA All State (Tampa)

January 21st/23rd/24th 2014All County Concert Band Rehearsals

January 25th 2014All County Concert Band Performance

February 6th, 7th and 8th 2014Ferland requested WHS to host Solo Ensembles that would include WHS also providing concessions.

February 20th – 22nd 2014All County Jazz Rehearsals

February 24th 2014All County Jazz Performance

March 6th – 8th 2014District MPA

March 27th – 29th 2014State Solo Ensembles

April 5th 2014Apopka Arts and Jazz Festival

April 21st, 22nd, or 23th or May 1st– 3rd 2014StateMPA

May 15th 2014Spring Concert

May 17th 2014WHS Band Picnic