River Oaks Elementary
Wednesday, November 15, 2016
SDMC Minutes
The meeting (virtual) was called to order at 2:01 PM. Attendance was as follows:
Members PresentArgue, Stacy
Elmer, Amanda
Fovargue, Keri
Goodman, Liz
Hale, Molly
Hulse, Alisha
Huseman, Kimberly
Knolle, Ellecia
Lemoine, Alex
Liner, Michelle
Macomber, Lindsey
Mohammad, Askari
Rensberger, Laura
Scholin, Tiffany
Tropoli, Sarah
Young, Andrea
Dr. Fovargue opened the meeting by sharing hot topics from the legislature. According to McGraw-Hill, state lawmakers have filed hundreds of bills on the first filing day for the 2017 legislative session, with education issues featuring heavily. State Sen. Judith Zaffirini (D-Laredo), filed Senate Bill 35, which would create universal pre-kindergarten programs for four-year-olds, while Senate Bill 160, filed by state Sen. Jose Rodriguez (D-El Paso), and would prevent the Texas Education Agency from implementing arbitrary caps on students receiving special education services. State Rep. Tony Dale (R-Cedar Park), filed House Bill 218 to ensure educators who engage in inappropriate relationships with students are reported and charged, which Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has included as one of ten priorities to address next session. State Rep. Eddie Lucio III (D- Brownsville) filed a bill to prohibit corporal punishment in schools, while House Bill 112 by state Rep. Harold Dutton (D-Houston) would cap the amount of tuition public universities can charge students. Lawmakers reconvene in Austin in January.
Additional news reported involved “recapture.” Houston voters chose not to purchase attendance credits. Principals have not been told exactly what happens next as it relates to campuses; however, Dr. Fovargue stated she would share information received from the district. There is also a runoff for the District VII Board Member, Anne Sung and John Luman. This means that ROE will most likely be used as another voting site during the run-off. Dr. Fovargue stated we will make arrangements, once we know more.
Secondly, Dr. Fovargue inquired about purchasing another panel for swipe badge access. This would allow to use badge entry for 9 additional doors. These doors would be:
- Administrative hallway (2 doors)
- Back science door
- Back workroom door by coke machine
- Back café door
- Ms. Simon’s door
- Kinder walker
- Kinder door near nature center
- Admission’s office
Placing swipe badge on these doors would alleviate employees from propping open entrances, because teachers do not have master keys. It will also give the front office staff members a way to secure the area should they encounter an active shooter, and alleviate hallway traffic from campus visitors. Here is the quote:
------Estimate ------
Estimate#: 000-1073
Date: 10/25/2016
Service Qty Rate Amount
Services Installingcardaccess 42 70.00 2,940.00
equipment 8doorturbotermcontrol 1 2,950.00 2,950.00
equipment Altronixaccesscontrol 1 425.00 425.00
equipment HIDReader 2 185.00 370.00
equipment BoschRexMotion 2 90.00 180.00
equipment 3/4"doorcontact 2 9.00 18.00
equipment BW108enclosure 2 30.00 60.00
equipment HES5000electricstrike 2 245.00 490.00
equipment 1000ftPlenumaccess 1 1,400.00 1,400.00
equipment 12VDC7AHBatteries 3 25.00 75.00
MISC Miscellaneous 1 180.00 180.00
Total: $9,088.00
All members in attendance approved the budget item, so the item passed unanimously. Ms. Elmer stated that safety is our number one priority. Dr. Fovargue shared that the funds would come from the General Fund, and there are funds allotted for safety upgrades as aligned with our School Improvement Plan.
Lastly, the safety minutes from the October meeting were reviewed. Many members thanked Dr. Fovargue for the information and convenience of the meeting format. The meeting was adjourned.