SUB-PROJECT APPLICATION FORMGeneral instructions for filling in the Application Form
This application form is part of the application pack for BIO-EN-AREA sub-projects applicants, which includes:
-Application form and financial annex
-Manual for sub-projects
-Co-financing statements
The Manual for sub-projects will provide applicants with further guidance on the way to develop the sub-project and to prepare the application form. It is available on the BIO-EN-AREA Project website (
Applicants are also encouraged to consult INTERREG IVC Programme Manual at
Technical instructions
-Applicants are asked to fill in only the white fields of the application form. Grey fields are not to be completed.
-The maximum number of pages/characters is indicated for each box.
-Please use font Arial size 10
Paper version
The application form and annex must be completed, printed out, dated, signed by a duly authorised representative of the Lead Participant and stamped (if available at Lead Participant’s institution). It should be sent together with the co-financing statements (for all participants listed in Section 2) by mail/courier to BIO-EN-AREA Lead Partner (EREN) at the latest by the end of the call. This will be checked through the date of postal stamp in the envelope.
Electronic version
An electronic version of the completed application form must be sent by email to at the latest by the end date of the call.
1.2 Acronym
1.3 Duration / Nº of months / Start / dd/mm/yyyy / End / dd/mm/yyyy
1.4 Sub-objective / Type of approach / exchange of experience
transfer of good practices
joint development of new approach
1.5 Brief summary of the sub-project
Please provide a brief summary of the sub-project's background, objectives, partnership, main activities and expected results. It is strongly advised that this field is filled in after the entire application form has been completed. Note that in case of approval this summary will be published on the BIO-EN-AREA website and may be made available for wider dissemination. Thus it should be easily readable, self-explanatory and without references to other parts of the application form or other documents. Maximum 2.500 characters
Registration date / Sub-project number
2.1 Participant Nº 1: Lead participant
Legal status
Post Code
Participating Region
Contact Person
Brief description of the organization including the relevance of this participant to the sub-project and its experience in interregional cooperation projects (if any).Maximum 1.000 characters
2.2 Participant Nº 2
Legal status
Post Code
Participating Region
Contact Person
Brief description of the organization including the relevance of this participant to the sub-project and its experience in interregional cooperation projects (if any). Maximum 1.000 characters
2.3 Participant Nº 3
Legal status
Post Code
Participating Region
Contact Person
Brief description of the organization including the relevance of this participant to the sub-project and its experience in interregional cooperation projects (if any). Maximum1.000 characters
Please, add as many boxes as necessary.
3. SUB-PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Please, limit your response to 5 pages in total)3.1 Justification
Please describe the necessity of your sub-project and in particular the issues/problems that it will address.
3.2 Aim and Objectives
Please describe the overall aim of the sub-project and in detail the objectives and their relation to the expected outputs and results.
3.3 Outputs, results and impact
Please describe the outputs and results and its innovative character. Please quantify the indicators.
Outputs: tangible deliverables and visible outcomes or products of the sub-project (Indicators: study visits, seminars, participants, publications...)
Results: effects resulting from the sub- project (Indicators: good practices successfully transferred, staff with increased capacity…)
3.4 Actions and activities
Please describe the actions and activities planned. It is recommended to use Annex 1 of this Application form to show its sequence.
3.5 Contribution to the BIO-EN-AREA Project and in particular to the sub-objectives addressed by the sub-project.
Please describe how your sub-project will contribute to achieve the BIO-EN-AREA objectives and the sub-objectives chosen.
3.6 Relation to INTERREG IVC Programme and consistency with EU Horizontal Policies
Please describe how your sub-project will help to achieve the INTERREG IVC Programme objectives and also how your topic will address each of the EU Horizontal Policies: Equal Opportunities and Environmental sustainability.
4. APPROACH (Please, limit your response to 5 pages in total)
4.1 Relevance of partnership
Please describe how the partnership is relevant to the sub-project objectives
4.2 Project management
Please describe the structure, responsibilities and how the day-to-day management and coordination of the sub-project will be organised.
4.3 Roles and tasks among partners
Please describe how the different tasks will be distributed among partners.
4.4 Communication Plan
Please describe target group (direct and indirect), messages to deliver, actions and evaluation.
4.5 Evaluation
Please describe the evaluation methodology
4.6Legacy and durability of the sub-project
Please describe how the durability of the sub-project will be ensured.
By signing the application form, the Lead Participant hereby confirms that:
- the sub-project neither in whole nor in part, has or will receive any other complementary EU funding during its whole duration
- the sub-project is in line with all relevant EU and national legislation and policies of all the countries involved
- all participants described in Section 2 of the Application Form are committed to taking part in the sub-project’s activities
Signature of the Lead Participant / Official stamp of the Lead Participant’s institution (if available)
Name of the signatory
Title of the signatory
Lead Participant’s institution
Date of signature
ANNEX 1. Activities/Outputs time plan
Please specify the main activities and outputs in the first column and colour the cells to indicate when they will take place.
Year / 2011 / 2012
Months / jan / feb / mr / apr / my / jun / jul / aug / sep / oct / nov / dec / jan / feb / mr / apr / my / jun / jul / aug / sep / oct / nov / dec
Activity 1
Output a
Output b
Activity 2
Output a
Output b
Activity 3
Output a
Output b
Year / 2011 / 2012
Months / jan / feb / mr / apr / my / jun / jul / aug / sep / oct / nov / dec / jan / feb / mr / apr / my / jun / jul / aug / sep / oct / nov / dec
Activity 4
Output a
Output b
Activity 5
Output a
Output b
Please insert additional rows if necessary