DATE9 June 2012
VENUESudima Hotel, Christchurch
The meeting opened at 10.30am and the Chairman welcomed representatives from clubs.
The following clubs were represented with delegates as listed (all 1 vote unless stated otherwise):
Alpine Sports ClubLesley Topping (2), Barbara Morris (2)
Christchurch TCChristina Zablan (3)
Hutt Valley TCGraeme Lythgoe (2), Dennis Page
NZ Alpine ClubRichard Davies (3), Sam Newton (3), Rob Brown (3)
Otago T & MDavid Barnes (2)
Otago University TCJaz Morris
Over 40’s TCIan Fussel, Rosemary George, Fay Jackson, Ken Lavender, Tom Cholmondeley
Parawai TCOwen Cox
Peninsula TCLeo Manders, Brian Smith
Rangiora TCBruce Banks, Rod Thompson
Southland TCPeter Wilson
Taupo TCBarbara Morris
Wellington T & MAnthony Mulick (2)
Whangamata TCRoss Bailey
39 Delegate votes
The following clubs submitted proxy votes which had to be reallocated due to excess votes for individuals named (all 1 vote unless stated otherwise):
Alpine Sports ClubBrian Stephenson
Cambridge TCLesley Topping
Howick TCBrian Stephenson
Katikati TCOwen Cox
Kaumatua TCOwen Cox (2), Graeme Lythgoe
Taumarunui TCLesley Topping
ToiToi Trekkers TCDavid Barnes
Wellington T & MRichard Davies, Dennis Page
12 Proxy votes
51 votes in total
Present as an observer:
John SimpsonMaerewhenua Trust
Phil GlassonParawai TC
Josie BroadbentSecretary FMC
Apologies were received from:
Allan Evans(Patron)
Arnold & Jan Heine(Patron)
Tony Haddon(Executive)
Rob Mitchell(Executive)
Claire Sims(Executive)
Robin McNeill(Executive)
Quentin Duthie(Executive)
Baz Hooper(Executive)
Mike Floate(FMC Tenure Review)
John Dobbs(FMC Travel Club)
David Round(Canterbury UTC)
Alison Thwaite(Upper Hutt Walking TC)
LawrieHalkett(NTC President)
Patrick Holland(NTC Secretary)
Tony Gates(PNTMC)
Robert Hammerton(ToiToi Trekkers TC)
Noel & Eileen Newsome (ToiToi Trekkers TC)
Baz Hooper (Nelson TC & Stratford TC)
Tony Gates(Palmerston T & MC)
AGREED that the apologies be received.
Minutes of 80th Annual General Meeting
These had been circulated to clubs before hand and were taken as read.
THAT the minutes of the 80th AGM be confirmed.
David Barnes / Dennis PageCARRIED
Annual Report
The Chairman presented the 81stAnnual Report and highlighted various matters which had occupied the FMC Executive during the year. Particular note was made to the advances in the MacKenzie Forum, the recent Mokihinui Dam decision, winners of the latest round of youth scholarships and the success of the full and partial declaration structure in adding flexibility for member clubs.
A special mention to the outgoing Exec members: Tony Haddon, Baz Hooper and Quentin Duthie.
Phil Glasson (previous FMC Secretary) was congratulated for all his hard work up to February 2012.
There was no discussion from the floor on aspects of the report.
THAT the 81st Annual Report be adopted
Richard Davies / David Barnes CARRIED
FMC Annual Accounts
The Treasurer presented the Statement of Accounts for FMC for the year ending 29/2/12.
The Treasurer noted the one-off large cost of the 2011 80th Conference AGM, the removal of SPARC funding which is theoretically replaced by the support of John Simpson and the Marewhenua Trust.
A question from the floor was asked about the impact of the new sub structure on income. The President asked Phil Glasson who is overseeing the implementation of the new structure on behalf of the Executive to comment. Phil commented that based on the subscriptions paid to the end of May 2012 (about 50% of clubs) there was no evidence so far of a potential decrease in sub income. In fact it looked like club membership may increase slightly. The biggest increase was in Individual Supporter membership which is now over 500 and still growing.
THAT the Annual Accounts for the FMC for the year ending 29/2/12 be approved
Graeme Lythgoe / Owen Cox CARRIED
FMC Mountain & Forest Trust Annual Accounts
The Treasurer presented the statement of accounts for the FMC Mountain & Forest Trust for the year ending 29/2/12.
There was no discussion from the floor on aspects of the Annual Accounts.
THATthe Annual Accounts for the FMC Mountain & Forest Trust for year ending 29/2/12 be approved.
Graeme Lythgoe / Dennis Page CARRIED
FMC Mountain & Forest Trust Annual Accounts
THATMarkhams Miller Dean Auditors be reappointed to audit FMC and Trust accounts for the 2012 tax year ending 28th February 2013.
Graeme Lythgoe / Richard Davies CARRIED
Election of Officers
The following were nominated by 11thApril deadline and as the number of nominations matched the number of vacancies they were all declared elected.
PresidentRichard Davies
Vice PresidentPeter Wilson
The following 10 people were nominated by 11thApril deadline for the Executive
ExecutiveDavid BarnesRob Brown
Owen CoxPaddy Gresham
Patrick HollandPeter Lusk
Robin McNeillRob Mitchell
Dennis PageClaire Sims
As only 10 nominations for the required 13 executive positions were received before the closing date of 11th of April, the following 3 people were nominated by the Executive under Rule 6(f).
ExecutiveBarbara MorrisNick Plimmer
Lesley Topping
These additional nominations were confirmed by Richard Davies.
The number of nominations now matches the number of vacancies for President and Vice President so no election is required.
The chairman advised that at its meeting on Sunday (10 June 2012) the Executive would consider a proposal to appoint Brian Stephenson as a Special Vice President under rule 7(f).
The President congratulated the new Executive on their election to FMC Executive.
Photo Competition
The President then announced that Wellington Tramping & Mountaineering Club was the winning club with the Supreme Winner in the 2012 FMC Photo Competition and had won a prize of $250.
A vote of thanks was carried by acclamation to Shaun Barnett and John Rhodes for their work in promoting and judging this competition.
General Business
Phil Glasson spoke about the need for the Exec to think about governance in the future, how not all of the Christchurch region clubs have delegates represented even though it is being held in Christchurch, and how smaller committees are usually more efficient in his experience.Brian Stephenson then spoke about how the organization of the Exec could be more efficient but not with the current reliance on volunteer base and how FMC should move towards a more professional advocacy role. No prior notice had been given.
THAT That this meeting ask the incoming Exec to give consideration to the overall governance of the FMC including but not exclusively the structure of the Exec, the role of the AGM and the greater involvement with clubs, and to report back to the 2013 AGM.
Brian Stephenson / Peter Wilson MOVED
The motion was then put to the vote and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
THAT That this meeting instruct the incoming executive to put in place robust, workable procedures to review honoraria and to report back to the 2013 AGM.
Brian Stephenson / Owen Cox MOVED
The motion was then put to the vote and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
There being no other General Business the President thanked everybody for their attendance and declared the meeting closed.
Meeting closed at 11:20 am