Under the auspices of Mr Mondher Zenaidi, Minister of Health
the Mediterranean School of Oncology (MSO)
and the Mediterranean Task force for Cancer Control (MTCC)
organise a joint Postgraduate Course
in collaboration with
the Tunisian National College of Oncology
Association Tunisienne d’Assistance aux Malades du Cancer du Sein (ATAMCS)
Association de Radiothérapie Oncologie de la Méditerranée (AROME)
“Breast Cancer: From Epidemiology to Treatment”
Tunis, November 14th, 2008
Hotel El Mechtel.
Tunis. Tunisia
Local Scientific Board
Hamouda Boussen MD
Khaled Rahal MD
Farouk Benna MD
Amor Gamoudi MD
Slim Ben Ahmed MD
Noureddine Bouaouina MD
Lotfi Chouchane PhD
MSO International Scientific Committee
Stefano Iacobelli MD, Italy
Valeri Tzekov MD, Bulgaria
Hussein Abdel-Hamid MD, Egypt
David Khayat MD, France
Massimo Crespi MD, Italy
Mahmoud Sarhan MD, Jordan
Brahim Khalil El Gueddari MD, Morocco
Luis Antonio Costa MD, Portugal
Josep M Borras MD, Spain
Ayse Nurdan Tozun MD, Turkey
MSO Secretariat
Mediterranean School of Oncology
Valeria Cannavicci Mrs
Marco De Biagi Mr
Giovanna Di Credico Mrs
Anna Scattone Mrs
Cattedra di Oncologia Medica, University “G. D’Annunzio”
Via dei Vestini, 5 – 66100 Chieti – Italy
E Mail :
Local Organizing Secretariat
Mme Meriem Mili-Michelucci
E Mail :
Message from the Directors
Dear Colleagues,
It’s a great pleasure to welcome you in Tunis to the first Post-Graduate Course co-organised by Mediterranean School of Oncology(MSO) and the Mediterranean Task Force for Cancer Control (MTCC) on“Breast Cancer: From Epidemiology to Treatment” that will take place in Tunis in November 14th, 2008 at the Hotel El Mechtel.
This Course, under the auspices of Mr Mondher Zenaidi, Minister of Health, is co-organised by MSO and MTCC in collaboration with the Tunisian National college of Oncology, the Association Tunisienne d’Assistance aux Malades du Cancer du Sein (ATAMCS), the Association de Radiothérapie Oncologie de la Méditerranée (AROME) and the Institut Salah Azaiz of Tunis.
The selected topics are intended to give a comprehensive approach to an important health problem in our Mediterranean countries due to persistent delayed diagnosis and the poor impact on prognosis. This important event will take place in a country interested in its long history by many historical moves between the two sides of our mother water. It gathers experts from southern and northern parts of the Mediterranean Basin, united and concerned by the problem of breast cancer.
It’s oriented to young specialists in oncology, but also first line physicians from North Africa that need to be involved in an important multidisciplinary effort to improve the prognosis of breast cancer by earlier diagnoses and adequate therapeutic management protocols according to international guidelines and internationally recognised good clinical practices.
We address our thanks to the diligence and efforts done by our Italian MTCC-MSO friends and colleagues Massimo and Stefano and to the local scientific and organizing committee. Our thanks to the you and all for the interest and the acceptance to participate to this event.
Hamouda Boussen MD
Stefano Iacobelli MD
8:30 : Opening of the Course
Pr Stefano Iacobelli
Pr Hamouda Boussen
8:45 – 11:00
Session 1 : Epidemiology and Diagnosis
Chairmen Pr Farouk Benna Pr Slim Ben Ahmed Pr Gianni Saguatti
8:45 Epidemiology of breast cancer
Massimo Crespi (Rome, Italy) (in English or French)
9:10 Screening for breast cancer in Europe and USA
Gianni Saguatti (Bologna, Italy) (in English)
9:35 Genetics and molecular biology in breast cancer
Ouejdane Mahfoudh, Elham Hassen, Lotif Chouchane(Faculté de Monastir, Tunisia) (In English)
10:00 Histopathological prognostic factors in breast cancer
A Gamoudi (ISA-Tunis) (In French)
10:25-10:45 Discussion
10:45-11:00 Coffee break
Session 2: Prognosis
Chairmen Pr Khaled Rahal Pr Pier Giorgio Natali Pr Giuseppe Petrella
11:00 User-friendly methods for the assessment of the HER-2 status (short presentation by CD) Marcella Mottolese, Pier Giorgio Natali (Rome, Italy) (In English)
11:25 Clinical prognostic factors of breast cancer
Samia Kanoun, Sameh Tebra, Noureddine Bouaouina(Hôpital Farhat Hached, Sousse, Tunisia) (In French)
11:50 Surgery management of breast cancer (in English)
Giuseppe Petrella (Rome, Italy)
12:15 Surgery in inflammatory breast cancer
Khaled Rahal (ISA. Tunis)(In French; slides in English)
12:40-13:00 Discussion
13:00 Lunch
Session 3 : Medical Treatment
Chairmen Pr Sami Khatib Pr Stefano Iacobelli Pr Kamel Bouzid
14:30 Adjuvant chemotherapy:
Olfa Gharbi, Slim Ben Ahmed (Sousse-Tunisia) (In French)
14:55 Adjuvant endocrine therapy
Stefano Iacobelli (Chieti-Pescara, Italy) (in French)
15:20 Experience of trastuzumab in Algeria
Kamel Bouzid (Algiers, Algeria) (In French)
15:45 Other targeted therapies in breast cancer
Assia Bensalem (Constantine) (In French)
16:10-16:30 Discussion
16:30-16:45 Coffee break
Chairman Pr Noureddine Bouaouina Pr Yazid Belkacemi Pr Francesco Cognetti
16:45 Medical therapy: what is new, what is useful
Francesco Cognetti (Rome, Italy) (in English)
17:10 New modalities of radiotherapy in breast cancer
Yazid Belkacemi (Centre Oscar Lambret. Lille. France) (In French)
17:35 Neoadjuvant therapies in breast cancer
Hamouda Boussen (ISA-Tunis) (In English)
18:00-18:20 Discussion
18:20 Closing remarks. Conclusion
Inscription obligatoire MAIS GRATUITE, pour avoir une estimation du nombre de participants
Cours ouvert à tous les médecins et paramédicaux intéressés par le sujet
Directeur du Cours: Pr Hamouda Boussen, InstitutSalah Azaiz, Tunis, Tunisia, E Mail . Téléphone 71577813, Fax 71574725
Registration is mandatory, FREE OF CHARGE, to estimate the number of participants
Director of the Course: Prof Hamouda Boussen, InstitutSalah Azaiz, Tunis, Tunisia, E Mail . Téléphone 71577813. Fax 71574725