Smart Boards in Education
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SMART Boards in Education by Marie Altieri
SMART Boards are revolutionizing classrooms across the United States. Although it looks much like a white board, it is a touch screen version of a computer and much more. Connected to a computer and a projection unit, the SMART Board can display lessons that teachers have prepared on their computers. Embedded links to Web sites allow the teacher to tap on the icon and within seconds bring the full class to a Web site. Students and teachers alike can participate in interactive sessions in all curriculum areas. Special markers allow students and teachers to take notes, fill in the blanks, connect lines and more. Teachers can move from a lesson to a blank white board with a tap, and all of the day's lessons are saved for posting, emailing or printing. View the following Web sites for more information about this instructional tool.
1. SMART Boards Research Summary This article contains a summary of a white paper researching the benefits of using a SMART Board in K-12 classrooms. It also links the user to case studies of schools using SMART Boards.
2. The Early Show reports on SMART Boards On August 23, 2006, The Early Show’s Julie Chen interviewed SMART Board inventor David Martin and teachers who are using them in their classrooms. Watch the video of the interview to see some clips of SMART Boards in use in classrooms.
3. Juliet Thompson K-3 Math and Language Arts SMART Board Sample Lessons Juliet Thompson provides extensive resources for integrating technology into all areas of the curriculum, and SMART Boards are no exception. This web site has sample SMART Board lessons for students in Kindergarten through Third Grade in Mathematics and Language Arts.
4. Wisconsin School District SMART Board Resources The Waukesha School District provides descriptions, lesson plans and web sites for SMART Board lessons in several curriculum areas.
5. Engaging Learners the SMART Board Way The eduscapes web site has sample lessons listed by elementary schools, middle schools and secondary schools as well as by subject area. Looking at several of these samples will give you a good idea of the myriad of interactive activities that SMART Boards can be used for in the classroom.
6. Sample Lesson Plans for using SMART BoardsThese lesson plans are divided by K-5, 6-8, and 9-12; along with subject area categories. The U.S. Map is a sample where the map is blank and students can go up to the SMART Board and drag the name of each state to the appropriate location.
7. SMART Boards replacing chalk boards in classrooms This article from wired magazine talks about the effect SMART Boards are having in classrooms, and many different ways they are being used.
8. What kind of SMART Board user are you? SMART boards can have varying degrees of impact on a classroom depending on how well they are used. Teachers can use this chart to evaluate their own use of SMART boards.
9. SMART Board Ideas This two sided tri-fold pamphlet gives teachers practical ideas for using the SMART board into math, science, social studies, art, music, and communication arts curriculum.
10. Incorporating SMART Boards into education A South Dakota teacher reports on the pros and cons of using a SMART Board in a fourth grade classroom when the technology was relatively new.
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