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AUGUST 17, 2016
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Medinah Park District, DuPage County, Illinois was held on Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at the Connolly Recreation Center located at 22W130 Thorndale Avenue, Medinah, Illinois.
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM by President Lance Murphy
Roll Call was taken showing the following members present;
Commissioners Lance Murphy, President; Maryann Grygiel, Treasurer;
Present: Jean Ott, Commissioner; Hank Miller, Commissioner.
Commissioners Absent: Jessica Meyers, Vice President
Also Present: Bruce Baum, Executive Director/Secretary; Vince DeGrado,
Superintendent of Parks; Joe Donaldson, Superintendent of
Recreation; Bryan Mraz, Attorney; Rich Brawner, Park Ranger
Public: William H. Williams III, William Williams JR,
John I. Blankenship, Jimmy Fiashe, Jacob Vera,
Theresa Vera, Joseph McGeber, Michael Toms,
Joey Toms, Shane Toms, Nico Gemmati, Griselle Gemmati
Christina Toms, Cornell Yranis, April Schaefer,
Quinn Schaefer, Fared Schaefer
Mr. Murphy recognized a quorum.
Mr. Murphy led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Murphy asked if there were any additions, corrections or deletions to the Agenda. Mr. Baum stated that there were no corrections, additions to the agenda. Agenda item: Executive Session was removed from the agenda. It was moved by Hank Miller and seconded by Maryann Grygiel to approve the Agenda as presented. Mr. Murphy asked for discussion. There was none.
Aye: Lance Murphy, Maryann Grygiel, Hank Miller, Jean Ott
Nay: None
Absent: Jessica Meyers
Motion Carried.
It was moved by Maryann Grygiel and seconded by Lance Murphy to accept the Regular Meeting Minutes of June 15, 2016, as presented. Mr. Murphy asked for discussion. There was none.
Aye: Maryann Grygiel, Hank Miller, Jean Ott, Lance Murphy
Nay: None
Absent: Jessica Meyers
Motion Carried.
It was moved by Lance Murphy and seconded by Hank Miller to approve the Executive Session Minutes of June 15, 2016 as presented. Mr. Murphy asked for discussion. There was none.
Aye: Hank Miller, Jean Ott, Lance Murphy, Maryann Grygiel
Nay: None
Absent: Jessica Meyers
Motion Carried.
Mr. Baum said there was no correspondence at this time. Maryann Grygiel invited the Boy Scouts to attend a Public Meeting as it is required to earn a Badge. Maryann also thanked the staff and commissioners who volunteered at the Taste of Roselle.
It was moved by Hank Miller and seconded by Jean Ott to approve the payment of bills dated June 29, 2016 of $81,992.00. Mr. Murphy asked for discussion. There was none.
Aye: Jean Ott, Lance Murphy, Maryann Grygiel, Hank Miller
Nay: None
Absent: Jessica Meyers
Motion Carried.
It was moved by Maryann Grygiel and seconded by Lance Murphy to approve the payment of bills dated July 26, 2016 of $25,841.54. Mr. Murphy asked for discussion. There was none.
Aye: Lance Murphy, Maryann Grygiel, Hank Miller, Jean Ott
Nay: None
Absent: Jessica Meyers
Motion Carried.
It was moved by Jean Ott and seconded by Maryann Grygiel to approve the payment of future bills dated August 17, 2016 of $35,088.43. Mr. Murphy asked for discussion. There was none.
Aye: Maryann Grygiel, Hank Miller, Jean Ott, Lance Murphy
Nay: None
Absent: Jessica Meyers
Motion Carried.
It was moved by Lance Murphy and seconded by Jean Ott to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending June 30th, 2016 as presented. Mr. Murphy asked for discussion. There was none.
Aye: Hank Miller, Jean Ott, Lance Murphy, Maryann Grygiel
Nay: None
Absent: Jessica Meyers
Motion Carried.
It was moved by Lance Murphy and seconded by Hank Miller to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending July 31, 2016 as presented. Mr. Murphy asked for discussion. There was none.
Aye: Hank Miller, Jean Ott, Lance Murphy, Maryann Grygiel
Nay: None
Absent: Jessica Meyers
Motion Carried.
Mr. Murphy asked if there were any Comments & Question from the Audience. Resident Blankenship referenced a number of questions to staff and/or commissioners. Questions referenced a request to view monthly pre and post bills/invoices of the District, hiring practices of full and part time employees, the outcome of a park bench at Manary Park, program payment options for registrants (both over the counter and on-line), elimination and take down of trees at various park sites by outside vendor and available wood and/or mulch for residents.
Mr. DeGrado said with the recent rains, we have started to notice some new leaks in the gym roof. The roofer has gone over all the areas that had leaks and sealed those areas. We continue to keep a close eye on this. In order to prepare for the fence replacement along the north boundary of the Metra East parking lot, we removed all the over grown bushes and trimmed up the tree branches. We had three trees removed completely removed at the Metra lot and removed various dead branches that hung over parked cars. There were three ash trees removed at Riha Park, four at Manary Park and one near the main entrance of the Recreation Center at Thorndale Park. Fall soccer fields are ready to go based upon maintenance being completed.
Mr. Donaldson said 6 new Building Supervisors were hired to replace the part time employees that left to return to college. We have a great new group of teens and 1 adult. We have secured a long term rental with ERA Traveling Soccer for the Fall 2016 and are exploring another rental opportunity with the Chicago Volleyball Academy for the end of 2016 and the first part of 2017. Family Fest on August 27, 2016 is from 2:00PM to 8:00PM. Mr. Donaldson said all vendors and activities have been finalized. Youth soccer is underway with over 50 children registered. The Preschool program is set to get underway after Labor Day weekend. The Preschool Open House will be on Tuesday, August 30th from 6:30 – 8PM. Commissioner Miller asked about the availability of continuing to see Metra parking reports.
Mr. Baum said that Mark Goode would not be able to be here tonight. Issues surrounding the Lula (elevator) inspection requires additional work. A new inspection is going to be scheduled as we make the necessary changes that will allow us to pass. The Sprinkler System is now recommended to have a 5 year inspection on top of the annual one. Mr. Baum mentioned CPR Training was held on Thursday August 11th for both Medinah and Bloomingdale staff. The Emergency Operations Plan was presented to all full time staff.
Mr. Baum said Maria Piworski was not able to attend the meeting and asked if anyone had any questions related to the business department report. There were no questions.
Chief Brawner said everything is going well from a security standpoint. Rangers appreciate the new pier at Manary Park and the new security fencing at the Train Station.
Mr. Mraz said that Governor Rauner might be reinstating some OSLAD grants. Director Baum referenced ongoing discussions with IDNR about the possibility of the State of Illinois bringing back the 2015 OSLAD cycle, which we were part of. The stop gap 6 month budget approved by the state allowed for the OSLAD funds to be reinstated, but we as a District moved forward with bid openings in April, 2016 without certain aspects of the Riha Park OSLAD Grant due to our obligations surrounding our 50% obligation. We also removed ourselves from the grant cycle due to these bond issue requirements. Director Baum requested reinstatement from IDNR for our OSLAD Grant but was politely told we were removed on a permanent basis from the cycle. Options to still extend our available bond issue dollars will allow us to spend into 2017 for outstanding, still to be completed park projects. Attorney Mraz referenced arbitrage rules pertaining to tax exempt bonds, how bond issue money is spent and for that reason there are rules related to how quickly issue money is spent and on what type of capital project.
Mr. Baum said the invitations for the 25th Annual Golf Classic fundraiser have gone out. Anyone interested in participating in the event on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 should let him know no later than the end of August.
Mr. Baum reminded everyone that Family Fest, 2016 takes place on Saturday, August 27, 2016 at Thorndale Park from 2:00pm to 8pm. There will be plenty of activities, entertainment, food options and vendor booths. This year highlights include the opportunity to listen to 2 great bands during the afternoon and evening and to take a ride on a Zip Line.
Mr. Baum said the construction at Manary Park is about 95% complete. We continue to wait on finalizing the permit phases related to Riha Park and North Thorndale. All work has been competed at South Thorndale and Goodenough Park.
Mr. Baum said that staff continues to make progress on the accomplishment of the
2016 agency goals. The 2017 goals draft will be brought to the Commissioners at the
September board meeting for discussion.
Mr. Baum said the “Revenue and Expenditure Report” printed on July 11, 2016 contains very detailed information on each fund and account. The “Six Month Financial Report – Highlights (August 2016) references the Revenue and Expenditure Report and provides insight into a number of accounts and funds. Revenues and overall fund balances are very healthy through the first six months of the fiscal year.
Mr. Murphy asked if there was any Comments or Concerns from Commissioners. Jean Ott asked why the 5K run was in conjunction with the Family Fest and Mr. Baum said it started at 8:00am and was the second year we have help out a bit by using Manary Park. Joe Donaldson mentioned maybe in the future to join Roselle with the event and combining it with the Family Fest.
There was no Old Business.
Approval of Payout #2 – Manary Park Construction Project – E. Hoffman, Inc.
It was moved by Jean Ott and seconded by Maryann Grygiel to approve Payout #2 in the amount of $44,631.00 to E. Hoffman, Inc. for work accomplished as of June 17, 2016 on the Manary Park Project, subject to attorney’s final approval.
Aye: Lance Murphy, Maryann Grygiel, Hank Miller, Jean Ott
Nay: None
Absent: Jessica Meyers
Motion Carried.
Approval of Payout #3- Goodenough Park Construction Project – Allstar Asphalt, Inc.
It was moved by Hank Miller and seconded by Lance Murphy to approve payout #3 in the amount of $15,800.00 to Allstar Asphalt, Inc. for work accomplished as of August 10, 2016 on Goodenough Park project, subject to attorney’s final approval.
Aye: Maryann Grygiel, Hank Miller, Jean Ott, Lance Murphy,
Nay: None
Absent: Jessica Meyers
Motion Carried.
There was no Other Business.
It was moved by Lance Murphy and seconded by Jean Ott to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 8:16PM. Mr. Murphy asked for discussion. There was none.
All in Favor: Aye
Opposed: Nay
Motion Carried
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce E. Baum
Board Secretary
President / Call to Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes –
June 15, 2016
Approval of June 15, 2016 Executive Session Minutes
Written/Verbal Correspondence
Approval of Bills:
June 29, 2016
Approval of Bills:
July 26, 2016
Approval of Future Bills: August 17, 2016
Approval of Treasurer’s
Report: June 30, 2016
Approval of Treasurer’s Report: July 31, 2016
Comments/Questions from the Audience
Staff Reports –
Recreation Report
Safety Report
Park Ranger
Attorney’s Report
Director’s Notes –
Family Fest
Items for Discussion
Construction Updates
Quarterly Agency Goals Update
Six Month Budget Report
Commissioner Comments & Concerns
Old Business
New Business
Approval of Payout #2: Manary Park Construction Project – E. Hoffman, Inc.
Approval of Payout #3: Goodenough Park Construction Project-
Allstar Asphalt
Other Business
Adjournment of Regular Meeting