Otsego Manor Committee Page 2

December 14, 2010



December 14, 2010

Mr. Emhof reviewed the revenues and expenditures. He pointed out that a transfer will be needed for Building Maintenance to get through the year. He also explained that while the skilled nursing facility revenues are above projected, the Long Term Home Health Care Program revenues are behind due to coding changes. These should pick up next month.

Mr. Emhof requested approval to transfer $68,000 from 6020.4150 E Heat & Lights to 6020.4500 Materials and Supplies ($25,000) and 6020.4920 Building Maintenance Contract ($43,000).

Representative Fournier moved for approval. Seconded, Stuligross. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

Ms. Reitz requested approval for the following home modifications:

Ramp in Mount Vision not to exceed $4,000

Lift track system in Cherry Valley not to exceed $15,000

Grab bar in Maryland not to exceed $1,500

Rails on two stairways in Milford not to exceed $1,000

Grab bars in Schuyler Lake not to exceed $1,000

Representative Fournier moved for approval. Seconded, Stayton. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

Mr. Emhof requested approval to purchase three television sets at $500 each and a kiosk replacement at $2,095.

Representative Stuligross moved for approval. Seconded, Fournier. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

Mr. Emhof requested approval for the following:

Blanket purchase orders:

Adirondack Compressed Gases $ 6,000

Buffalo Hospital Supply $ 4,000

Ecolab $ 1,000

Hill and Markes $ 3,000

Hummel’s Office Supply Plus $ 2,500

McKesson Medical/Surgical $ 1,500

Medline Industries Inc. $ 2,000

Mohawk Hospital Equipment $11,000

Mountainside Medical Equip. Inc. $10,500

Network, Lockbox $ 4,000

NYS Industries for Disabled $ 6,200

Vasco Brands Inc. $ 500

Otsego Manor Contract Renewals ($20,000 or over)


Bryans & Gramuglia

Beth Cain, LCSW


Health Systems Services

Eleanor Lantvet, RN

NYS Industries for Disabled

Select Rehab


Otsego Manor Contract Renewals (under $20,000)

Kathryn Bouton, OTR

Sandra Derosa, RN

Upstairs Solutions Training

Long Term Home Health Care Program Contracts

Healthcare Monitoring System (Lifeline)

Jeffrey Emhof (RD)

At Home Care (AIDE, PCA, PT, OT, ST)

Elizabeth Cain (MSW)

Select Physical Therapy

Med Pro Physical Therapy

Otsego Rural Housing (home modifications)

Daniel Wilber (home modifications)

Curtis Drummond (home modifications)

Otsego County OFA (meals)

Robynwood (AIDE and PCA)

US Care Systems (AIDE and PCA)

Representative Fournier moved for approval. Seconded, Stayton. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

Ms. Reitz explained that they have seen some difficult cases recently and situations where people are unsafe in their homes.

Mr. Marchi reviewed the recent Resident Advisory Council meeting. He stated that they are still working on some television issues.

Mr. Marchi reviewed information received from a brokerage firm. The committee suggested sending a letter informing the firm that Otsego County is not interested in its services.

Mr. Marchi addressed concerns that Intergovernmental Transfer (IGT) funds will go away. He explained that it is written in law and is a federal program. The reason the County has not seen payments is due to State delays.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned.