The Maurice Gaffney Scholarship

Application Form 2017/2018

Deadline for Applications

Please complete your application in full, attaching all required and supporting documentation, and return to:

The Honorable Society of King’s Inns

Henrietta Street

Dublin 1

All applications must be received no later than 5pm, 31 July 2017

For queries please contact

The Maurice Gaffney Scholarship 2017

The Scholarship is named in honour of Maurice Gaffney SC (1916-2016). Holding a BA in Economics from UCD (1939) and H. Dip in Education (1943) Maurice Gaffney was a teacher at Glenstal Abbey and at James’s Street, Dublin, who studied for the Bar at night and was admitted to the degree of Barrister-at-Law at King’s Inns in 1954. Maurice Gaffney was made Senior Counsel in 1970 and practised at the Bar of Ireland for 62 years until his death aged 100 years. He worked in criminal law, conveyancing and property, landlord and tenant and employment law and served as Chairman of the Employment Appeals Tribunal. The Maurice Gaffney Scholarship provides that the Education Committee of King’s Inns may remit course fees payable by students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds who face exceptional hardship and wish to attend the course leading to the Diploma in Legal Studies.

The Maurice Gaffney Scholarship 2017


The Education Committee will remit fees payable to the Society by a limited number of students per annum from a socio-economically disadvantaged background who faces exceptional hardship in respect of the Diploma in Legal Studies course.

What does Gaffney Scholarship offer?

·  Remission of the fees payable in whole or part thereof in both year 1 and year 2 of the the Diploma in Legal Studies course of the King’s Inns, including any repeat assessments on the Diploma in Legal Studies course up to the limit of attempts permitted under the Education Rules of the Society (Edition of December 2016). Where a Gaffney Scholar chooses to undertake the Entrance Examination Fee to the Barrister-at-Law degree course, the fee or part thereof, for ONE attempt at that examination will also be remitted.

How to Apply

1.  Applicants are required to

a.  complete a detailed application form

b.  submit a reflective piece max. 750 words)

c.  supply the names of two referees whom King’s Inns may contact

2.  Applicants are shortlisted and may be invited for interview

3.  Final decision regarding eligibility is determined by the Education Committee with the approval of the Standing Committee.

Eligibility Criteria

1.  Applicants who are, or who will be, eligible to apply for a place on the Society’s Diploma in Legal Studies course *


2.  Applicants who meet a correct combination of financial and social background criteria

* Educational qualifications for admission to the Diploma Course

Every person who seeks a place on the Diploma in Legal Studies course shall

(i)   Hold a degree from a third level institution (as defined in Rule 4(b) other than an approved degree (as defined in Rule 4(c), or

(ii)   be at least twenty three years of age on the 1 of May in the year in which he presents himself for examination in Part I of the diploma examination. Consideration will be had to (a) academic and professional qualifications and (b) occupation and work experience. An applicant who holds an approved degree may not apply for a place reserved for mature applicants.

Every person who seeks a place in the diploma course must lodge the appropriate application form not later than the 31 May in the year in which he seeks a place. In the case of an applicant who is in the process of acquiring the necessary educational qualifications to be eligible for a place in the diploma course, the application may be made on a provisional basis not later than the 31 May and shall be treated as conditional upon such educational qualifications being acquired not later than the 1 July in the year in which he seeks a place. Applications are also accepted on payment of a late fee up to 1 July in the year which he seeks a place. Fees must be paid in accordance with the directions that are laid down by the Society.

An applicant who has been allocated a place shall be notified in writing by ordinary post to the address given in his application form or a subsequently amended address which must be notified in writing to King’s Inns. He shall signify his acceptance of such place not later than ten days from the date of posting by payment of such fee as may be laid down from time to time. If he fails either to indicate his acceptance or to pay the required fee within the specified time, his place may be offered to another candidate designated by the Education Committee. The decision of the Education Committee as to the allocation of places in the diploma course shall be final.


In respect of the above categories, persons in category (i) are graduate applicants and persons in category (ii) people are “mature” applicants for the purpose of both application to the course and for the purpose of this form.

Application to The Gaffney Scholarship 2017

Please complete EACH of the following panels; if a panel does not apply to you (e.g. because you are asked about third level education as a mature non graduate applicant) then please write “not applicable” in that panel.

Personal Details

Surname: / First Name(s):
Date of Birth* (DDMMYY): / Country of Birth:
Gender: / Male o Female o
Home Address:
Correspondence Address
(if different):
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Mobile Phone:
*Please enclose a copy of your birth certificate or passport


Have you ever attended a third level degree course? / Yes o
No o
If yes, please provide the following details:*
Institution / Course Title / Year / Completion Date
Did you complete the Course? / Yes o No o
If not, please provide details:
Did you receive Access funding as an undergraduate? / Yes* o No o
If yes, please provide details:

*If you received Access funding, please enclose a letter from your former third level institution confirming same.

Did you apply for or receive a SUSI or Local Authority funding as an undergraduate? / Yes o No o
If yes, please provide details:
Have you availed of any other funding towards your Education in the past? / Yes o No o
If yes, please provide details:
Schools attended (starting with most recent) / Dates of Attendance
From / To
Are you a mature applicant?* / Yes o No o
*At least twenty three years of age on the 1 of May in the year in which he/she presents themselves for examination in Part I of the diploma examination. Consideration will be had to (a) academic and professional qualifications and (b) occupation and work experience.
If you are a mature applicant, did you:
(a) complete your Leaving Certificate / Yes o No o
(b) complete any Educational courses* / Yes o No o
* If yes, please provide details


Are you currently employed? / Yes o Part-Time o Full-Time o
No o
Please provide details (starting with most recent)
Place of Work / Role / Dates
From / To
Are you an EU National?
Have you been granted Refugee Status? / Yes o
No o
Yes o Year Granted: _____
No o
If not, do you require an education visa to study in Ireland? / Yes o
No o
Are you in a position to work in Ireland? / Yes o
No o


Particulars of Family Members (i.e. parents, siblings and dependents)*
Surname / First Name / Date of Birth DDMMYY / Indicate (yes/no) whether this person is currently resident in the family home / Highest level of education achieved to date (i.e. Primary Education, Group/Inter/Junior/Leaving Certificate, PLC, Adult Education, Certificate Diploma, Degree, Masters Programme etc.) / Current Occupation or current place of study

*Additional information can be added on an extra sheet attached to the application if required

Current Place of Residence

Please tick the appropriate box:
Home Owner / o
Private Rented Accommodation / o
Local Authority Tenant Purchase Scheme / o
Local Authority Rented Housing / o
Local Authority Rented Flat / o
Other non-permanent accommodation (please give details) / o
Do you own additional property? / Yes o No o
If yes, please provide details:

Place of Residence during Childhood

Please tick the appropriate box:
Home Owner / o
Private Rented Accommodation / o
Local Authority Tenant Purchase Scheme / o
Local Authority Rented Housing / o
Local Authority Rented Flat / o
Other non-permanent accommodation (please give details) / o
Did your parent(s) own additional property? / Yes o No o
If yes, please provide details:

Financial Information

Section A

Particulars of income from paid employment (including self-employment). If you are residing with parents, please give details of their income.*
Estimated total income for the year ended 31 December 2016
Self / Spouse/Partner / Father / Mother / Documents Required
Occupation (be as specific as possible) / N/A
Income from employment e.g. PAYE – salary, wages, fees etc. / P60 and P21
Income from pension (from former employer or pension scheme) / Notice of Assessments and Accounts
Income from self-employment / P60 and P21
Income from land: profits from farming activities / Notice of Assessments and Accounts
Income from any other source. (Please specify) / Relevant evidence

* If neither you/your spouse/partner/your parent(s) are in paid employment please go to Section B

Financial Information

Section B

Particulars of income from Department of Social Protection (DSP) (Complete where applicable)
Estimated total income for the year ended 31 December 2016
Self / Spouse/Partner / Father / Mother / Documents Required
Current or most recent occupation (be as specific as possible) / N/A
DSP – Jobseekers Benefit (short-term) / P21 and Social Welfare Statement
DSP – Jobseekers Allowance / P21 and Social Welfare Statement
DSP – Jobseekers Transitional payment (JST)
DSP – Supplementary Welfare Allowance / P21 and Social Welfare Statement
DSP – Pension Payment (please specify) / P21 and Social Welfare Statement
DSP – Rent Supplement / P21 and Social Welfare Statement
DSP – Mortgage Interest Supplement / P21 and Social Welfare Statement
DSP – Illness Benefit / P21 and Social Welfare Statement
DSP – Disability Allowance / P21 and Social Welfare Statement
DSP – Partial Capacity Benefit / P21 and Social Welfare Statement
Other DSP payment (please specify) / P21 and Social Welfare Statement

Medical Card/GP Visit Card

Do you possess a medical card/GP Visit Card valid on 31 December 2016? / Yes o No o
If yes, please specify which and provide the number: / Medical Card o
GP Visit Card o
No. ______

Additional Information

Other information on the financial circumstances of the family, including any regular outgoings such as rent, loans, childcare, mortgageor debt repayment that you may wish to include for consideration:

Reflective Piece

Please enclose a typed reflective piece (max. 750 words) with this application form, explaining why you wish to pursue the Diploma in Legal Studies and setting out your career aspirations and motivations, along with an explanation of how your experience to date has influenced your decision to apply for the Diploma in Legal Studies course. This piece can include any additional information you believe would support your application, including information on your personal circumstances and the benefit you believe you would derive from being awarded the Gaffney Scholarship.


Please provide the details of two referees e.g. a tutor / teacher from a course you have attended or supervisor from a place of work.

Referee 1
Job Title
Relationship to you
Telephone No.
Referee 2
Job Title
Relationship to you
Telephone No.


Please ensure the following documentation is enclosed with your completed application form

o  Letter from your former third level institution confirming that you received Access funding (if applicable)

o  Financial Information to support Section A and/or Section B (where applicable)

o  Reflective Piece (max. 750 words)

o  Transcripts of all law degree/diploma/certificate results (if applicable / available at time of application)


I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided is true and accurate.

Signature of applicant: ______

Date: ______

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