Pastor’s Ponderings

“Please let there be a double portion of your spirit on me.” II Kings 2:9

In my devotional time this morning I was reading the Holy Scriptures in the first few chapters of II Kings. As I read about Elisha, I came to realize that this man was totally consumed with his walk with the Lord. There was nothing in his life that took his attention away from God. Every tiny bit of his life was colored by God and His will. As he lost his “Elijah” he immediately turned to God. The power was there. One miracle after another followed him. It seems every event in his life had the touch of the miraculous in it. Matter of fact, his life was so consumed with the Lord that those who observed him took note that, “The spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha.” (II Kings: 15), “The word of the Lord is with him.” (II Kings 3:12) and many others. Of special note is the comment of the lady in II Kings 4:8 “I perceive that this is a holy man of God.” And all he did was have lunch with them.

Now here is the thought that came to my mind: wouldn’t you like to live a life like Elisha did? A life that is so intertwined with God’s that people notice by your everyday, normal activities. Think of it, the closeness with God that makes it possible for God to be able to do through you anything He wants to do. One of the thoughts out of our Men’s Bible study is that you can do anything that God can do – because it is God who works through you.

Can we make it our goal, our heart’s desire that we strive to live a life that is at least as close to God as that of Elisha?

Pastor Homer


Are you ready to worship on Sunday morning?

Here are some practical suggestions on how to grow as a true worshiper of the Father. Make sure that you truly believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.You don’t worship to gain eternal life; you worship because God has given you eternal life. Establish a daily time alone with God in the Word and prayer.Worship is your response to the truth that God has revealed in His Word. Prayer is a response to the truth of the Word. Without spending consistent time alone with the Lord, your soul will shrivel up. You won’t worship. Prepare your heart Saturday night for corporate worship on Sunday morning.I’m not saying that you shouldn’t go out on Saturday night. I am suggesting that you should get home early enough to spend some time before the Lord, making sure that your heart is right with Him and praying that He would be honored by our worship as we gather on Sunday.

There are many other ways to prepare your heart for worship.These are just a few.

Also, be in prayer as the choir rehearses for the Easter Cantata. The songs have a great message lifting the name of Jesus, our Savior and Lord.

Serving Our Savior, Joe

If you know anyone in our church who needs wood to stay warm, or someone in need of coats or blankets, please let the Baptist men know.

Thank you for all those who contacted our senator asking them to approve our sister in Christ, Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education. Praise the Lord she was confirmed.

Please continue to pray for President Trump as he leads us back to the way we should be. Please pray that his Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch will be confirmed. Please contact our senators asking them to vote for his confirmation. He is a man who shares our values. Here are their phone numbers: Richard Burr 202-224-3154; Thom Tillis 202-224-6342.

Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering persecution for their values. Let’s specifically pray for the florist who has lost her case in refusing to serve a same sex wedding.

Let’s pray for the continued separation of men's and ladies’ restrooms. ………………………David and Jody

1- David Faulk

3-Debbe Blair

4-Nancy Hough, Alyssa Benton

6-Penny Blackburn

7- Reba Moser

13-Leon Ferguson

14-David Williams, Sarah Ferguson

15-Rena Bailey

18-Elizabeth Page©

19-Betty Timmons, Christy Ferguson, David Wyatt

23-Chuck Glover

26-Carl Mullis, Jacob Carpenter, Jeffery Fagan, Natalie Pegram

27-Coy Ritch, Elaine Skeens

28-Brady Blevins (c)

29-Judy Ann McManus

30-Addison Loveless ©

31-Donald Lisk, Denise Villegas

February was an exciting month for us! We celebrated NFL Night, Heart Night , BARF night and we had store night. We are very excited about the things that are happening in March. We have an Ice Cream Challenge going on to boost our attendance! If we grow our club attendance by 20% (5 kids or more) the whole club will receive Ice Cream courtesy of an AWANA Missionary!

What an awesome start to 2017. We have had great turn outs at our monthly meetings.

Baptist men are continuing to get things done around our church and have many projects upcoming. We will be painting the Sunday school building and upgrading both the Women and Men’s bathrooms.

On February 2nd, we started a study group in Experiencing God. We have 13 men taking this course and we have been greatly blessed. This is a 12-week course and I urge all our men to please join us when we do our next study.

On March 7th, we will have a men’s fellowship with Soup/Chili and a movie,“Courageous”. Last time we had 19 men come out, so come join us.

"Let's Be about Our Father's Business"

God Bless, Tommy Calucci

Ladies on Missions

To God be the Glory. Great things He has done and greater things are ahead for us at Clear Creek Baptist Church.

We have set our goal for Annie Armstrong Offering at $1000.00. We will continue this offering during March or until we meet our goal. It is a joy to be a part of mission work all over the world.

Ladies, our next “Ladies Night Out” is March 7th. We will be going to Judy Lily’s house for a movie, sandwiches, desserts and popcorn.

On March 21st, will be our regular meeting at 6:30 pm in Mrs. Norma’s Sunday School room. We would love to have more of our ladies to come and be a part of this ministry to help us share God with our neighbors and our world.

I want to thank all the ladies who took part in our Baptist Women’s Day. Homer and I are so thankful for you and all that you do for us and for our church.

Each month we are collecting items for our Christmas Joy Boxes. For March, we will be collecting a small Bible and pens. Please place your items in the basket in the foyer. April, we will be collecting comb & brush or hair accessories.

Our ladies are continuing making our Salvation Dolls and really enjoying our fellowship. We sent some of our Salvation Dolls to Japan in January and one other mission office.

We have other projects in the making and a trip to an antique store in West Jefferson, NC coming soon.

Our Secret Sister program is going good. Remember your secret sisters in your prayers and with cards or gifts.

We still have a lot of cookbooks to sell and they make good gifts.

Love you all,Barbara

16Shadrach, Meshach and Abednegoreplied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter.17If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliverus from it, and he will deliverus[c]from Your Majesty’s hand.18But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Daniel 3:16-18

The youth had a great time at our Valentine’s day party, we played Valentines games, made Valentine’s day cards for the residents at Woodridge assisted living home and had lots of sweet treats! Reminder that the youth goes to visit Woodridge assisted living home the first and last Sunday of every month from 2:30-3:30 all are welcome to come with us to fellowship and sing with the residents!! The youth had atruly wonderful time at Winter Jam this year, it was such a great time of fellowship and worship. Thank you to all of our chaperones, Laura Hough, Brandon Wade, and ChrisMangum.

Mark yourcalendars!! The youth will begoing to Camp Caswell again this year, week 6 July 24-29. We had an amazing experience last year at Caswell and we are very excited about going again this year!! The total cost will be around $150 , but the first deposit will be due in April. If you are interested in going this year please see Maggie Brandon!


The Book of the Month for adults is The Hiding Place. This is the autobiography of Corrie ten Boom which she coauthored with John and Elizabeth Sherrill. A movie was later made by the Billy Graham association which was based on this movie. If you enjoyed the movie, you will love the book. It fills in some details that the movie leaves out.

For youth, the Book of the Month is the Embraceable Mystery God. This is actually a workbook. It would be great for your personal devotions. We have several copies of this book in our library.

For the children, the Book of the Month is volume 2 of the series on Presidents. This volume features Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. There are also smaller biographical entries of famous Americans who made significant contributions during the years 1800 to 1817.

1 covers George Washington and John Adams. It also contains short biographical information on other leading patriots. This will be an excellent resource if any of the kids having to do research on any of these people.


Welcome our newest Church Member

Natalie Pegram


Can you believe it is time for Vacation Bible School?!?! We are so excited to introduce you all to Galactic Starveyors! We will be having a meeting on Sunday March 5th after worship service in the Family Life Center. The purpose of this meeting is to introduce you to the theme and give you an opportunity to sign up to serve in VBS. Lunch will be provided. Please sign up in the vestibule so we can get a head count of who plans to attend. Thanks!