4th Grade mastery Check 2
Social Studies
The map below will need to be on the screen for each question on #1-5.
- What are the landforms that are found in the Midwest region of the United States? (G.4.1.4)
- Mountains
- Plains
- Volcanos
- Rivers
- What landforms are found in the West region of the United States? (G.4.1.4)
- Mountains
- Plains
- Wetlands
- Rivers
- What major body of water is found bordering the Northeast region? (G.4.1.4)
- Volcanos
- Pacific Ocean
- Atlantic Ocean
- Arkansas River
- What region in the United States has a state made out of several islands(Hawaii)? (G.4.1.4)
- South Region
- Northeast Region
- West Region
- Midwest Region
- What body of water is touching the South Region? (G.4.1.4)
- Plains
- Gulf of Mexico
- West Region
- Pacific Ocean
- Which feature is a political feature of the Midwest? (G4.1.3 and G4.1.5)
- Plains
- Grand Canyon
- New York City, New York
- Topeka, Kansas
- What feature is a physical feature of the Midwest?(G.4.1.3 and G.4.1.5)
- Plains
- Grand Canyon
- New York City, New York
- Topeka, Kansas
- What are some examples of physical features of the West? (G.4.1.3 and G.4.1.5)
- Plains and Wetlands
- Mountains and Desserts
- Cities and State Capitols
- Washington D.C.
- What is NOT a political feature? (G.4.1.3 and G.4.1.5)
- Rivers
- Highways
- Cities
- State capitols
- What are some examples of physical features of the South? (G.4.1.3 and G.4.1.5)
- State Borders and Highways
- Northeast Region and Midwest Region
- Atlanta, Georgia and Miami, Florida
- Wetlands and the Mississippi River
- Using the map legend, what is the capitol of New Mexico?
- Washington D.C.
- Topeka
- Honolulu
- Santa Fe
- How can you tell the border of one state from another?
- The legend tells me that a white line represents state borders.
- The legend tells me that a red line represents state borders.
- The compass rose tells me the border of each state.
- I used the scale to tell me the border of each state.
- What state would we consider to be southeast of Kansas?
- California
- New York
- Louisiana
- Arizona
- Using the scale, about how many miles is it from Dodge City to Garden City?
- 100 miles
- 50 miles
- 1,000 miles
- 150 miles
- The rivers in this map are identified by blue lines. Which river is directly north of Scott City?
- Smoky Hill River
- Arkansas River
- Saline River
- The Flint Hills
Question / Standard / Topic / Answer / Misconception 1 / Misconception 2 / Misconception 3 / Source of QuestionExample / R.5.2.12 / Setting and Importance / B / A / Identifying Problem / C / Incorrect Setting / D / Limited Vocabulary / St Island
1 / G.4.1.4 / identifies major landforms and bodies of water in regions of the U.S / B / A / landform not found in the Midwest / C / landform not found in the Midwest / D / physical feature, but not a landform
2 / G.4.1.4 / identifies major landforms and bodies of water in regions of the U.S / A / B / landform not found in the West / C / landform not found in the West / D / physical feature, but not a landform
3 / G.4.1.4 / identifies major landforms and bodies of water in regions of the U.S / C / A / landform not found in the Northeast, so it couldn’t border. Also it isn’t a body of water. / B / body of water, however, it is not bordering the Northeast / D / river that does not border the Northeast
4 / G.4.1.4 / identifies major landforms and bodies of water in regions of the U.S / C / A / this region doesn’t have a state made of islands / B / this region doesn’t have a state made of islands / D / this region doesn’t have a state made of islands
5 / G.4.1.4 / identifies major landforms and bodies of water in regions of the U.S / B / A / landform, not a body of water / C / the name of a region, not a body of water / D / body of water, but it is not touching the South
6 / G.4.1.3
G.4.1.5 / identifies and gives examples between political and physical features within a region; locates major physical and political features by memory / D / A / physical feature of the Midwest, not a political feature / B / physical feature of the West / C / political feature of the Northeast
7 / G.4.1.3
G.4.1.5 / identifies and gives examples between political and physical features within a region; locates major physical and political features by memory / A / B / physical feature of the West / C / political feature of the Northeast / D / political feature of the Midwest
8 / G.4.1.3
G.4.1.5 / identifies and gives examples between political and physical features within a region; locates major physical and political features by memory / B / A / neither of these are physical features of the West / C / both are political features / D / political feature
9 / G.4.1.3
G.4.1.5 / identifies and gives examples between political and physical features within a region; locates major physical and political features by memory / A / B / political feature / C / political feature / D / political feature
10 / G.4.1.3
G.4.1.5 / identifies and gives examples between political and physical features within a region; locates major physical and political features by memory / D / A / both are political features / B / both are names of regions, not physical features of the South / C / both are political features of the South, not physical
11 / G4.1.1 / applies geographic tools, including grid systems, symbols, legends, scales and a compass rose to construct and interpret maps / D / A / This is a national capitol not a state capitol. / B / Topeka is the capitol for the state of Kansas, not New Mexico. / C / This is the capitol of Hawaii, not New Mexico.
12 / G4.1.1 / applies geographic tools, including grid systems, symbols, legends, scales and a compass rose to construct and interpret maps / A / B / A red line shows national borders. / C / A compass rose shows directions, not what a state border is. / D / The scale helps show distance, not what a state border is.
13 / G4.1.1 / applies geographic tools, including grid systems, symbols, legends, scales and a compass rose to construct and interpret maps / C / A / California is west of Kansas, / B / New York is northeast of Kansas. / D / New York is southwest of Kansas.
14 / G4.1.1 / applies geographic tools, including grid systems, symbols, legends, scales and a compass rose to construct and interpret maps / B / A / Student doesn’t understand that half of the scale is equal to 50 miles. / C / random number, if chosen student isn’t making a logical choice. / D / Student is choosing the distance from a further city.
15 / G4.1.1 / applies geographic tools, including grid systems, symbols, legends, scales and a compass rose to construct and interpret maps / A / B / The student is choosing a river that is South of Scott City, or the name of a river they are more familiar with. / C / The Saline River is north, but not directly north of Scott City. / D / The Flint Hills are landforms not a river.