Mindy J. Bedrossian

Awards and Accomplishments

2013The College Board Forum 2013 in NYC: Invited to present topics on how to incorporate original research in Advanced Placement Chemistry classes.

2011The Association of Educational Publishers Award: The National Science Teachers Association chooses their best article each year for submission to this prestigious group. My article, “From Generation to Generation: Oral Histories of Scientific Innovations from the 20th Century,” won the AEP Distinguished Achievement Award. The results of this highly competitive competition can be found at:

2010AAAS/Subaru Teacher Award (American Association for the Advancement of Science: The largest organization of scientists in the world)

2010AAAS/Subaru Essay published and peer reviewed on the web

Present- 2004NSTA National Conference, invited presenter (National Science Teachers Association). I have lectured on Chemistry topics both on the national forum multiple times over the last 7 years. All presentations are on teaching Chemistry and must undergo an extensive selection process in order to be invited to speak. In addition, teachers attending the session submit speaker evaluations to NSTA, where my scores are consistently among the highest for any presenter at the conferences.

2010Toyota Tapestry Grant Award for $10,000 for Advanced Chemistry students to do original research

2010The Science Teacher “From Generation to Generation” project feature article (where Strongsville Chemistry students interviewed senior citizens at the Ehrnfelt Senior Center), peer reviewed, published in the Summer Issue 2010. This journal is the premier High School journal published by the National Science Teachers Association and is read by nearly all HS science teachers in the country.

2009National Public Radio, The Morning Edition, selected by NPR to be interviewed about science and the media in HS classrooms, broadcast nationwide.

2009Channel 3 News, Ramona’s Kids Feature: Students from my chemistry classes broadcast on local television for unique project involving our community’s senior citizens.

2009Toyota Tapestry Grant Awardfor $2500 for my chemistry classes to learn how to make podcasts after interviewing the elderly about what life was like before modern scientific advancements.

2009Strongsville Education Foundation Grant for $1500

2007Best Buy Grant Award $2500

2007PTA Grant $300

2006Elected District Director, SECO (Science Education Council of Ohio)

2006Toyota Tapestry Grant Awardfor $6000 to fund all the supplies necessary to start up the HS Forensics class by having students create educational videos on the science of Forensics.

2005The Journal of Chemical Education This prestigious journal published and peer reviewed a feature article on one of my original lab activities.

2004Science Teacher of the Year, Honorable Mention, Great Lakes Science Center (nominated by Strongsville High School)

1999-2005 EPA Peer Grant Reviewer, where I helped review and award grant money for the Ohio EPA

Total Grant monies received for the benefit of my students:$22,800

Unique Programs

These original activities are now used by teachers on a national level thanks to my presentations at conferences all over the country.

1.Literacy and Science Fiction in the High School Chemistry Classroom

Science, like fiction, begins with the imagination. From Timeline by Crichton which uses real quantum theory to travel to an alternative universe, to The Radioactive Boy Scout by Silverstein (true story about a teen who built a nuclear reactor in his back yard), students read and imagine the future of science. Books are followed by projects that express learning using multiple intelligences (Gardner). They can express their learning through music, art, creative writing (write a sequel!), photography, and a myriad of other ways.

Promoting literacy across the curriculum is a national standard.

2.Chemistry in the Community

From NASA to the Cleveland Clinic, hair stylists to exterminators, chemistry is used every day in so many jobs in our community. Before they even head out to the job site, students must write a formal research paper and literature review of the science and chemistry involved in what they will be seeing. This enables the student to really get so much out of the experience. For example, one student wrote a research paper on blood tests and chemistry labs in hospitals. When she actually went for her shadowing a few weeks later, she knew nearly everything they showed her. The Chief Lab Technician was so impressed that they personally called me to invite her to intern there over the summer, even though she was only in high school. This student is currently finishing up her PhD in biochemistry as a result of this experience. Following the shadowing experience, students submit an extensive personal journal on what they learned as well.

Making connections between society and science, and how science affects the community is a national standard. Extensive writing on scientific concepts, both research and journal styles is a national standard.

3.The Molympics

This is a fast paced review game where the athletic events are solving chemistry problems as fast as possible. Students get themselves into teams or countries, create a flag, sing their national anthem, and train their athletes to compete. Every athlete must compete in a different event such as All In the Nuclear Family (nuclear chemistry), Balancing Act (balancing equations), Stir Me Up, Buttercup (solutions), and The Empirical Strikes Back (formulas). The entire team competes together in the final event, The Reaction Relay. A terrifically fun way to review concepts and compete for extra credit points.

4.From Generation to Generation

From horses to the space shuttle, slide rules to computers, and from libraries to the Internet, the advances of the 20th century have changed society forever. Today’s youth have no idea of what life was like before the development of modern technology. In their world, computers, cell phones and iPods have always existed. My students used digital recorders to record the stories of our local Senior Citizens about what life was like for them growing up during the scientific revolutions of the 20th century. After researching some of the most important technological and scientific innovations and discoveries of the past century, my students used digital recorders to interview the elderly on how different their lives were when they were growing up. Students then learned how to use editing software to create podcasts, which were then posted on the high school website.

As an example, when one student asked someone what they did for fun when she was young, the lady responded that they took out their Victrola. “Victrola? What’s that?” the student asked. When told that they played records the student responded, “Ohhhh! Those are those big black round things! My dad has some of those!” (Now don’t you feel old?).


Master’s in Education:Curriculum and InstructionCSU2005

Teaching Certification:ChemistryCleveland State University1998

Life SciencesCleveland State University1998

Chemistry equivalent of another BS achieved

Post-Masters credit hours:15 (continual classes since 2004)

BA BiologyCase Western Reserve University1976

Minor in Chemistry

BA AnthropologyCase Western Reserve University1976

Second minor in Child Psychology