Drip pan
ΔT=10º C
Height = 1 Meter
t = 15 min.
45º tilt for gauges / Procedure (1,2)
Drip pan (same as milspec procedure I)
15 º tilt
t = 10 min (1)
t = 2.5 min/ side (2)
Raining/ blowing rain / Procedure I
Wind v = 40 mph
45º tilt
Rain 4”/ hr
t = 30 min
ΔT=10º C / Procedure (3,4)
Nozzle (fig 4,5)
t = 10 min (3)
t = 2.5 min/ side (4)
60 º angle (3)
180 º angle (4)
Jetting / water tightness / Procedure II
V = 40 mph
Nozzle (276Kpa)
48” from test subject
t = 40 min / Procedure (5,6)
Jet (fig 6)
2.5- 3.0 meters from sub
12.5 – 100 l/min
t = 3 min
Immersion / None / Procedure (7)
Depth = 0.15 meter from top or meter from bottom
Whichever is deeper
t = 30 min
Comparing and contrasting Milspec and IEC testing for rain and water tightness.
The main differences between the milspec and the IEC are:
1. The Milspec requires a temperature difference for seal testing
2. The Milspec uses a smaller distance for water jet testing
3. The IEC uses changes in exposure time and angle of wetting to gain a more separable level of testing.
4. The drop pan for drip proof testing is not the same for the two tests, although the pan is exactly the same for Milspec procedure I and IEC tests (1,2).
5. Milspec testing requires fans for blowing rain.