The LPGE Art Department
Dear parents and students:
Greetings from the LPGE Art Department! This quarter the 7th Grade Artclass will be experimenting from various categories including: still life, collage, clay baskets,painting, color wheel, and sewing. Students will learn to use various media such aspaint, fabric, clay, recycled objects, pencil, marker…ect. to create depth, value, texture, variety, and contrast with in their work. Students will have periodic homework assignments that must be completed before they can begin new projects. They will also learn about art history and a few particular artists.
Materials list for Drawing:
- An old flannel shirt or apron will be needed to cover good clothes. (I do have some extra in the classroom, but not enough for everyone)
- Need a pencil everyday!!
- Creative minds
This is going to be a creative and productive semester for all of the art classes here at LPGE. Every student can do well in this class if they work hard daily and take their artwork seriously. My office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30 to 8am. I will be at the elementary building in the afternoons.Please feel free to email or call me if you have any concerns or questions. My school email address is and my phone ext. number is 1718.
Ashley Pohlmann
Art Room Information
- Be respectful and cooperative. Show respect for other people, their artwork, and our art supplies. Don’t waste art supplies, when we run out, we run out.
- Be on Time!! When the bell rings you should be in your seat and ready to begin class. Use your time between classes for restroom, water, etc. *See attendance section below.
- Be prepared for class. Bring a pencil EVERY DAY! Bring in homework when assigned.
- Eat all snacks before or after class. NO FOOD WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE ART ROOM during class time. This is a safety precaution due to the chemicals we use in this room. Water only will be allowed as a beverage.
- Participate in class. TRY!! Follow directions and use time wisely.
- Clean your work area completely. We all make the mess and we will all clean up the mess.
- No cellphones should be out in class. I will take them.
Grades are based on the following:
- 70% on completed projects and tests. I will not grade incomplete projects.
- 20% on participation. This includes class-work. A simple way to do well in this class.
- 10% on Studio Cleaning & homework.
Late work- 75% will be accepted for one-day late work, after one day no assignments will be excepted unless permitted by Teacher.
Absences & Tardies
- You are responsible for making up any work that you missed while you were absent.
- I am here before schoolTuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for you to make up missed studio time or to get help with assignments.
- I take attendance daily and follow the school policy for unexcused absences.
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______