Network Meeting
Date: 3rd Oct 2016
The Lovell Room, Alba Building, Golspie, KW10 6TG
In attendance: Sarah MurrayRoyal Voluntary Service, Marie McIlwraithScottish Health Council, keith Moncur Highland Council, lesley Hellon GWT, Yvonne Brown Dornoch Firth Group, Charles Minall Dornoch Firth Group, Michael Bullen North lands Creative Glass
GWT national update:
- our next national conference taking place on Wednesday 8th March 2017, Stirling Court Hotel – University of Stirling, Stirling. Proposals should meet the aims of the conference to share good practice, learn from each other, network, create new ideas for future intergenerational work and demonstrate how to successfully embed and sustain this work.
Contributions can come in different forms however we ask that they fit with one of the following themes:
•case studies – showing how intergenerational approaches benefit young & old
•Introducing new ideas (we would especially like to hear from LGBT, disability and ethnic groups)
•Embedding intergenerational practice within policy and organisational outcomes
•Demonstrating how intergenerational work has been included in training opportunitiesIllustrating how you are sustaining intergenerational work
- Share your images with GWT
GWT is looking for high quality photographs for new promotional materials. If you are happy to share your images from your intergenerational project showing younger and older people working together please email copies to
- Accelerating Ideas Project - Big Lottery (stage 2 submitted) will hear on the 7th of December
GWT has successfully recruited two schools in both Glasgow and Perth & Kinross to take part in the Age Friendly School part of the project. There will be opportunities within this project later on for Fife.
- Intergenerational training Course for Practitioners and Trainers - new dates now online
, Orkney & Shetland 8 & 10th Nov, 21st Nov Inverness, 13th Feb Ayr and 23rd March Edinburgh – cost £35.00 (includes CPD accreditation)
- Cycling UK is looking for local community groups and organisations to deliver some fun, interesting and meaningful events to promote cycling as a daily or frequent journey change for both work and pleasure with the aim to promote health and wellbeing.Up to £2,000 funding available for community groups to encourage and promote everyday cycling through Cycling UK’s Big Bike Revival Initiative, taking place from 19thSept to 31stOctober. Cycling UK is aiming to help all areas of local communities gain the skills, knowledge and confidence to cycle more. If you are interested please . and I can help you get a grant application in, turn around for funding is only a few days.
- Living Communities Fund – Perth & Kinross Council
The LCP Fund is available to primary and secondary schools in Perth and Kinross to support projects exploring their local heritage.
You can apply for up to £1200, or up to £5000 if working in partnership with another school,
Projects can be delivered over more than one academic year. Schools may make only one application per year and preference will be given to applications which can demonstrate they support one or more of the following criteria:
Benefits for marginalised or vulnerable children and young people and/or addresses inequalities
Intergenerational projects
An exploration of local heritage and culture at the heart of the project
Strengthened school/community partnerships
Applications will be available in two rounds in 2016 with deadlines on 16 September and 9 December. More details from Rebecca Berger at or on the GWT website
The Climate Challenge Fund is OPEN for applications.
Climate Challenge Fund and Young People
You can find out more about previous and current climate action projects, led-by and involving young people through the videos at
Climate Challenge Fund 2017/18
- In 2017/18 the Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) will focus on funding projects which deliver the greatest reduction in carbon emissions and support Scotland’s most deprived communities, with grants up to £150,000 per project available.
- Keep Scotland Beautiful manages the CCF on behalf of the Scottish Government and encourages community-led organisations interested in applying for grants to check the criteria, application process and upcoming application deadlines.
- For new applicants the deadline for the first stage of the application process, an Expression of Interest, is 28 October 2016.
Report - A Plan for Scotland – Putting People in charge and creating opportunities
The Scottish Government have announced in the above report that they will develop a National Social Isolation Strategy to ensure a holistic approach across government to problems of loneliness and isolation.
(see page 76)
Tools to measure loneliness - The organisation‘Campaign to end Loneliness’has produced a resource called ‘Measuring your impact on loneliness in later life”. Download the resource here:
Sharing and networking –
- High school, Common Ground Hub delivering IG work
- Dementia Training at Golspie High School for lots of pupils, then going into local hospitals, Migdale & Dornoch.
- Fiddle blankets still being made for local community.
- Golspie in Bloom is now becoming IG projects - young people gaining Saltire awards.
- Golspie Golf Club, are delivering family days to teach about golf etiquette and golf
Yvonne, guest
- Explained about local learning centre, Dornoch 5th Project – being IG
- Bakery project is set up for special needs people – cook together eat together is working well, where young kids and sharing with older people and is breaking down barriers
- Local young people are identifying older people who are lonely for possible hamper delivery towards Christmas
GWT Constitution – copies available on request – Lesley/Cheryl
Please continue to seek your two voting members per network (cannot be a member of staff however one place could be the volunteer coordinator).
The normal term of office for a voting member will be 2 years however people may stand for re- election at the end of each term of office.
Next meeting: