Revised 12/2014
11107 Lakeland Circle3301 G MVR Hall
Ft. Myers, Fl 33913Cornell University
(607) 280-2846 (cell)Ithaca, NY 14853
e-mail: (607) 255-2512
Fax (607) 255-4071
EDUCATION:CORNELL UNIVERSITY, College of Human Ecology Ph.D., 1981.
Major: Human Service Studies (Emphasis: Program Planning and Higher Education)
Minor: Human Development and Family Studies (Adolescent Behavior and Sexuality Education) Dissertation Title: "Effects of Teacher Training on Sexuality Education"
SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, Graduate credits in Sexuality Education, 1979.
State University of New York at ALBANY, M.S. 1977 (summa cum laude)
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Thesis: "Comprehensive Sexuality Education"
UNION COLLEGE, Graduate Credits in Human Sexuality, 1976.
(Sex Evolution, and Development)
State University of New York at PLATTSBURGH, B.S., 1975 (cum laude)
Major: Home Economics
Minor: Education
HONORS & AWARDS:Selected by a PAM outstanding senior (Alison Smith) as being her most influential professor (2014)
Sustainability Award presented by Sustainable Tompkins (2011)
International Women’s Day Award forSignificant Contributions to
International Women at Cornell (2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2011)
Biltmore’s Who’s Who in the Profession of Education (2007)
Golden Key International Honor Society (2007)
Sex, Gender and Violence program travel/research award through the Cornell Law School (2002) Traveled to Belfast, NI
Richard Cross Award for Significant Contributions to Public Sexuality Education (Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (2000)
Nominated for the Weiss Teaching Award, Cornell University (1999, 2000, 2001)
Cook Award presented by the Advisory Committee on the Status of Women Cornell University 1994
Omicron Delta Kappa Society (National Leadership Honor Society)
Diplomat in Sexology, 1990
Phi Upsilon Omicron (National Home Economics Honorary)
Kappa Delta Pi (National Education Honorary)
Who's Who in the East. 1988, 1987, 1986
Omicron Nu (National Home Economics Honorary)
College of Human Ecology Distinguished Teaching Award, 1987 Human Service Studies Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1987
Outstanding Professor, Presented by The Mortar Board Society, October 1987
International Who's Who in Sexology, 1986
Spotlight Award, 1984, Presented by New York State Home Economics Association for outstanding contributions to Home Economics
Selected as Outstanding Young Woman of America, 1983
Edward Sheldon Scholar (Awarded by Cornell University) 1979
CERTIFICATION:Board Certified Sex Educator - The American Board of Sexology 1990
Certified Sex Educator - American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (A.A.S.E.C.T.) 1983
Certified Secondary Home Economics Teacher - New York State Education Department 1975
2000 to presentProfessor, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University. Courses taught include Human Sexuality (PAM 3800) Teaching Apprenticeship (PAM 4030); Advanced Research and Teaching in Human Sexuality (PAM 454), Health Care Services: Consumer and Ethical Perspectives (PAM 5520); Contemporary Issues in Women's Health (PAM 3500/FGSS3500), Complementary and Alternative Medicine (PAM 427); Global Perspective on Violence Against Women (PAM4440/FGSS4480); Reproductive Health Policy (PAM4050/FGSS 4050).
2014 SummerVisiting faculty for the Semester at Sea Program through the Institute for Shipboard Education , University of Virginia. Taught Human Sexuality
2014 SpringVisiting faculty for the Semester at Sea Program through the Institute for Shipboard Education , University of Virginia. Taught Gender and Society, Human Sexuality, and International Public Health
2012 SpringVisiting faculty for the Semester at Sea Program through the Institute for Shipboard Education , University of Virginia. Taught Gender and Society, Technology and Reproduction, and Marriage and the Family.
2010 –2012Faculty advisor to Afghan Women’s Advocacy Group, Cornell University
2010 –2012Faculty advisor to Citizens of the World, Cornell University
2009 SummerVisiting faculty for the Semester At Sea Program through the Institute for
Shipboard Education, University of Virginia. Taught Comparative Human
Sexuality and International Women’s Health
2009 – presentFaculty Fellow at the Flora Rose House (living/learning initiative, Cornell University)
2009Reviewer for promotion for Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
2008Ph.D. Dissertation reader, RMIT University, Australia
2007Reviewer for Promotion for a faculty member in the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Stanford Medical School.
2007Reviewer for Promotion for University of Chicago
2007Ph.D. Dissertation reader, RMIT University, Australia
2007Director of the Human Sexuality program, Upstate Medical University, clinical
2006 SummerVisiting faculty for the Semester At Sea Program through the Institute for
Shipboard Education, University of Virginia. Taught Comparative Human
2001 FallVisiting facultyfor the Institute for Shipboard Education, “Semester at Sea” program through the University of Pittsburgh. Taught Cross-Cultural Women’s Health, Comparative Human Sexuality and International Biomedical Ethics on the SS Universe Explorer. Students studied the issues presented in the courses through a field component in nine countries: Japan, China, Vietnam, Singapore, India, Seychelles Islands, South Africa, Brazil, and Cuba. (whileon sabbatical leave from Cornell)
1994 to 2000Associate Professor. Department of Policy Analysis and Management (formerly Human Service Studies). Cornell University. Courses taught include (HSS 315/PAM 380), (PAM/HSS 403); Ecology and Epidemiology of Health (HSS 330); Health Care Services and the Consumer (HSS 325); Teaching Human Sexuality in School and Community Settings (HSS 607); Health Issues and Sexual Concerns of the Adolescent (HSS 507); Human Services in Contemporary Society (HSS 101); (HE101) Sexual Abuse and Assault Prevention (HSS 507); (HSS 625/PAM 652); (HSS 335/PAM 350), Medical Dilemmas of AIDS (HSS 491); (HSS 612).
2001Reviewer for promotion for Auburn University
1999- 2001Catalyst for Diversity Team Member for New York State Cooperative Extension
2001-2012Clinical Professor of Psychiatry in the Human Sexuality Program Upstate Medical University, Clinical Campus, Binghamton, NY
2001-2004Provided technical assistance to the Mentors and Moms program in Albany and Schenectady county, NY
1983 to 2001Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry. Health Science Center at Syracuse Medical College, Clinical Campus, Binghamton, NY; teaching Human Sexuality to Medical Students.
1999 -2004Department of Justice: Panel Member - Review grant proposals for Violence Against Women's Funds
2000Reviewer for promotion to tenure for Baruch College
1996 to 1999Coordinator. Bridge for the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention and Sexuality Special Interest Groups of the National Network for Health and the National Network for Family Resiliency.
1988-1994Assistant Professor in Human Service Studies, Cornell University.
1986 -2005Co-founder and Chair, Cornell Coalition Advocating Rape Education (Cornell CARE).
1992 to 1994Consultant on acquaintance rape prevention to the Zuni Indians, Zuni, New Mexico.
1987 to 1988 Senior Lecturer, Department of Human Service Studies and Biology & Society, Cornell University. Courses taught include HSS 315, HSS 403, HSS 330, HSS 325, HSS 607, HSS 507, HSS 101.
1986 to 1989Co-Instructor. Women's Self Defense Class, Cornell University.
1980 to 1987Lecturer. Department of Human Service Studies. Cornell.
1983 to 1991Consultant. Campus Crime Prevention Programs, Goshen, KY.
1982 to 1984Faculty in Residence, South Baker Hall, Cornell University
1982 to 1984 Consultant to Sunburst Communications, which produces audio visual materials for elementary and secondary schools.
Reviewer of text materials for Little, Brown; Prentice-Hall; Wadsworth and Wiley Publishing Companies.
1981Consultant for Project MOVE (Maximizing Options for Vocational Education), funded by the New York State Education Department Office of Sex Equity, evaluating and analyzing data and writing a five-year evaluation.
1978Consultant and Technical Assistant: New York State Education Department, Sex Equity Office.
1975 to 1978 Secondary School Home Economics Teacher: Shaker High School, North Colonie Central School District, Latham, NY.
1974Director of Teenage Mother's Program: Warren County Cooperative Extension.
2009Kristan Peters-Hamlin Fund for Women in the Middle East -Research on Women in Afghanistan $5,000 requested
2006 - 2008Using Information Technology to Provide Extension Education Statewide: Virtual Visits and Public Service Announcements, Smith Lever$20,000 requested.
2005Teaching Grant for innovative Undergraduate Teaching, funded by the Department of Policy Analysis and Management 2005, $3,500
2004Innovative teaching grant, Cornell University, funded for $55,000
2003-2005Department of Education grant “Bystander Intervention and Social Norms Approach to Reduce High Risk Drinking and Related Problems such as Sexual Assault on Campus”.
2003 – 2004Coalitions/Networks Building in NYS to reduce sexual assault. $166,564 submitted to the NYS Department of Health.
2002 - 2004Sexual Violence Prevention, Treatment and Services for International Students at Cornell University, Submitted to the Department of Justice. $200,000 Funding awarded. Funds rejected by Cornell University
2000 - 2002Cross Cultural Sexual Assault Prevention submitted to the Department of Justice, $400,000.
2000 - 2002Teenage Pregnancy Prevention and Sexuality Education in NYS Cooperative Extension - $30,000. funded through Smith Lever funds.
1996 - 1999Bridge on Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention and Sexuality for the NNH and NNFR, USDA funding. $40,000.
1993 – 2001Adolescent Prevention, Peer Support and Skills Development. New York State Department of Health, AIDS Institute. Served as Co-Principal Investigator With Donald Tobias. $175,000 per year.
1997"Unheard Voices," NYS Department of Health, $150,000 for a 1 year period
1993The Effectiveness of An Acquaintance Rape Education Program in Decreasing Students' Rape Prone Attitudes. Funded by the President's Council for Cornell Women. $1,500.
1993Factors Contributing to Adolescent Pregnancy Outcomes: Sexual Assault, Alcohol, Male Involvement, and Port of Entry Information. National Institute of Health, Health & Human Services Adolescent Family Life Research. Principal Investigator. $357,000.- Funding not available.
1991 - 1993"Legal Management of Rape on College Campuses." Funded for $6,000 by the College of Human Ecology Grants Committee. Served as Principal Investigator.
1989-1992 "A Comparison of Acquaintance Rape Patterns and Services in Rural and Urban Colleges in New York State." HATCH funded for $40,000. Served as Principal Investigator.
1990NIMH: "Behavioral Strategies to Prevent AIDS." Approval recommended, funding not available.
1987 - 1988"Acquaintance Rape Prevention in High School Populations" in New York State. New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Reproductive Health. $16,962 funded from July 1, 1987 to June 30, 1988. Served as Principal Investigator.
Books and Chapters
Parrot, A. (in preparation) Rosemary Stasek : Human Rights Activist Improving the Lives of Women in Afghanistan
Parrot, A. & Allen J. (In preparation) The impact of international AIDS policieson women worldwide .New York: Routledge.
Parrot, A. (2012) Sexual Slavery against Girls and Women Worldwide.Angela Browne-Miller (ed)in Violence and Abuse in Society, volume three, pp. 271-287.. Oxford: Praeger.
Parrot , A. (2009) Impact of Culture on Lactation Policies: The case of the United States and
Liberia in Safe Motherhood in a Globalized World Barbara Wejnert, Suzanne Steinmetz, Nirupama Prakash (eds). New York: Routledge.
Wejnert, B., Parrot, A., Djumabaeva, A. (2009) Maternal Health Policies in Countries in
Transition: Poland and Kyrgyzstan, 1990 – 2006 in Safe Motherhood in a Globalized World Barbara Wejnert, Suzanne Steinmetz, Nirupama Prakash (eds). New York: Routledge
Parrot, A. & Cummings, N. (2008) Sexual Slavery of Girls and Women Worldwide. Westport CT: Praeger.
Parrot, A.& Cummings, N. (2006) Forsaken Females: the Global Brutalization of Women. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Parrot, A. (1999). Coping with Date Rape and Acquaintance Rape (4th ed.). New York, NY: Rosen Publishing Group.
Parrot, A. (1998) Sexual Assault Prevention Programming for Males. In Anderson and Stuckman- Johnson (Eds.), Sexually Coerced Males. Guilford CT, Guilford Press.
Parrot, A. (1997). Sexually assertive communication training. In Jackson, T. (Ed.), A Mental Health Professional's Guide to Dealing with Acquaintance Rape. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Exchange.
Parrot, A. (1994). Incest, Infertility, Infant Sexuality. In Bullough, V. & Bullough, B. (Eds.), Human Sexuality Encyclopedia. New York: Garland Publishing. pp. 289-310.
Bohmer, C., & Parrot, A. (1993). Sexual Assault on Campus: The Problem and The Solution. Boston, MA: Lexington Books.
Parrot, A. (1991). Vital Childhood Lessons: The role of parenting in preventing Sexual Coercion. In Graverholy, E. and Koralewski, M. (Eds.), Sexual Coercion Sourcebook: Its Nature, Causes and Prevention. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
Parrot, A., & Bechhofer, L. (eds) (1991). Acquaintance Rape: The Hidden Crime. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Parrot, A. (1986). Structuring a Large Human Sexuality Class to Provide Students with the Personal Contact of a Small Class. In McGee, R. (Ed.), American Sociological Association Mass ClassMonograph. American Sociological Association.
Parrot, A., & Ellis, M. (1985). Homosexuals should be allowed to marry and adopt or rear children, in H. Feldman, M. Feldman, (Eds.), Current Controversies in Marriage and Family Studies. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publishing.
Feldman, H., & Parrot, A. (1984). Human Sexuality: Contemporary Controversies. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publishing Company.
Journal Articles
Parrot, A. (2011) Human Rights and the Health Status of Girls and Young Women in Afghanistan under the new Democracy: Forced and Child Marriages. Barbara Wejnert (ed) in the special issue of Research in Political Sociology on Democracies: Challenges to Societal Health, volume 19, pp. 11 – 25
Parrot, A. (2008) Harmful Lactation Policies Worldwide, in Marriage in Family
Review. volume 44, (issue 2 – 4) pp. 71-90.
Wejnert, B., Parrot, A. & Djumabaeva, A. (2008)Maternal Heath Policies in Countries in
Transition: Poland and Kyrgyzstan Marriage and Family Review volume 44 (issues 2 – 4) pp. 180-209
Parrot, A., Cummings, N., Marchell, T., & Hofher, J. (1994). A Rape Awareness Prevention Model for Athletes. Journal of College Health Association, 42(4), 179-184.
Marchell, T., Hofher, J., Parrot, A., & Cummings, N. (1992, November). Prevention by Education. Athletic Management.
Parrot, A., Ormondroyd, J. (April, 1992). Can a woman really be pregnant for twelve years? or is scholarly learning possible from reading tabloid literature? Teaching Sociology. 20(2), 158-164
Parrot, A. (1991). Acquaintance Rape Prevention Education: An agenda for High Schools. School Intervention Report, 9(1), 3-6.
Parrot, A. (1991). "Using Famous Personalities to Teach about Sexual Subjects." Family Life Education, 9(4), 31-34.
Parrot, A. (1990, April). Date Rape. Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality.
Parrot, A. (1989). "Acquaintance Rape Among Adolescents: Identifying Risk Groups, Intervention Techniques and Prevention Strategies." Journal of Social Work and Human Sexuality, 8.
Ormondroyd, J., & Parrot, A. (1988). Making real changes: A President's initiative grant at work. Cue.
Parrot, A. (1987, July). "Is the Queen of England Giving a Lecture Today?: Teaching Human Sexuality Using Famous Personalities." Teaching Sociology, 15(3), 257-262.
Parrot, A. (1984, Winter). "Why Do Men Force Friends and Lovers to Have Sex": The Problem of Acquaintance Rape." Human Ecology Forum, 14(4).
Parrot, A. (1983, January). "Reviewing Audiovisual Materials for Equity and Bias." School Health Digest, 8(2).
Parrot, A. (1983, January). "How Sex Stereotyping Contributes to Adolescent Pregnancy." Journal ofSchool Administration Association of New York State, 14(1).
Parrot-Eggleston, A. (1982, Spring). "How Sex Stereotyping Contributes to Adolescent Pregnancy." Human Ecology Forum, 12(2).
Parrot-Eggleston, A. (1981, Fall). "School-Based Sex Education: Recommendations for Reform." Human Ecology Forum, 11(2).
Monographs and Manuals
Parrot, A. (2000) Promoting Women's Health Across the Generations. Cornell University Cooperative Extension, Ithaca, NY.
Parrot, A. (2000). Teaching Assistants' Manual for Human Sexuality (15th ed.). Ithaca, NY: College of Human Ecology, Cornell University.
(contributing author) (1995) Recommendations and Guidelines for Physicians to Treat Adolescent Victims of Acquaintance Rape. American Medical Association.
Parrot, A., Cummings, N., & Marchell, T. (1994). Rape 101: Acquaintance Rape Prevention for Athletes. Holmes Beach, Florida: Learning Publications.
Parrot, A. (1991). Acquaintance Rape and Sexual Assault Prevention Training Manual. Holmes Beach, FL: Learning Publications.
Parrot, A. (1988). "I Know You Said "No", But I Thought You Meant "Yes"" Manual. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
Parrot, A. (1987). Facilitators' Manual for STOP DATE RAPE. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
Parrot-Eggleston, A., & Connolly, N. (1980). Understanding Human Sexuality: Teaching Modules for Educators. Ithaca, NY: College of Human Ecology, Cornell University.
Shapiro, C. H., Eggleston, A., & Kenworthy, R. (1979). Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention: A Team Approach. Ithaca, NY: College of Human Ecology, Cornell University.
Editorial Responsibilities:
Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality -- Contributor
Referee: Journal of Teaching Sociology
Referee: AIDS Journal
2014 – presentMember Faculty Against Rape
2011-presentMember of Kappa Omicron Nu – Association of National College Honor Societies
2008-2012Member of the Board of Directors of Mira’s Movement – A Foundation working toward the prevention of childhood cancer. (secretary 2008 –2012)
2006-2009Member of the Sexual Violence Primary Prevention Committee (SVPPC), of the New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Women's Health, Rape Crisis Program.
2005- 2012Member of the Board of Directors of the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra (co-secretary 2010 – present)
2003- 2011Member of the board of directors of the Foundation for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (secretary 2008 – present).
2003-2006Member of the Board of Directors of the NYS Coalition Against Sexual Assault
2002-2008Scientific Review Committee for the Eastern Region SSSS
1980-2012Society for the Scientific Study of Sex (SSSS), Personnel Committee Chair (1985-1988), Eastern Region Secretary (1986-1988), National Convention Program Chair (1987), Nominating Committee (1991-1993), Scientific Committee (1999), ER Conference Chair (2001).
1980-1990American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists.
1979-1990Sex Information and Education Council of the United States.
1981-1984New York State Federation of Professional Health Educators.
1975-1985American Home Economics Association. Past New York State Southern District Secretary and Past New York State Eastern Board Member.
1975-1985New York State Home Economics Teachers' Association. Past Area #3 Assistant Coordinator, Area #18 Coordinator, Area #3 Coordinator, Regional Convention Chair; 1979 Semi Annual Convention, 1982 State Convention Planning Committee, 1984 State Convention Chair.
1982-1986Education Committee for Planned Parenthood of Tompkins County.
Faculty Memberships
Cornell University
Sloan Program in Health Administration
Department of Policy Analysis and Management
Graduate Field of PolicyAnalysis and Management
Graduate Field of Feminist Gender and Sexuality Studies
Biology and Society Program
Southeast Asia Program faculty
Upstate Medical University, Syracuse: Clinical Professor of Psychiatry (1985-1993)
Institute for Shipboard Education, University of Pittsburgh (2001) Visiting Professor
Institute for Shipboard Education, University of Virginia (2006, 2009, 2012, 2014) Visiting Professor
Cornell University:
2013 - present Cornell Council on Sexual Violence Prevention
2012 Human Ecology representative to the United Way
2010-2011 Educational Policies Committee
2006-2012 ROTC Advisory Committee (URRC)
2005-2008 Public Safety Advisory Committee (Chair)
2008 Don Barr Memorial Committee
2006-2009 Biology and Society Educational Policies Committee
2004 -2005Marion Minot Memorial Committee
2004-2005Migrant Program Transition Team
2003-2005Judicial Administrator’s sexual harassment prevention mentors
2003-presentFGSS (Women’s Studies) graduate field
2003-2004Faculty advisor to DOVES (anti-domestic violence student group)
2000-presentGraduate Field of Feminist Gender and Sexuality Studies