The Lord’s Day ~ Oct 14, 2012

9:15 amThe Lord’s Supper

Nursery: Betty MacDonald, Emma Clement,

Kim Donnelly

10:30 amTea & Fellowship

11:00 amFamily Bible Hour

Speaker: John DeVries

Nursery: Gloria MacDougall, Joy Crozier

1’s & 2’s: Jennifer Baglole, Kelly Clark

6:30 pmSpeaker::Dave Boisvert

Nursery: Dianne MacLeod, Chandler Younker

This Week: October 14 - 21

Tuesday 9:00 amLadies Prayer Meeting

10:00 am Ladies Bible Study

6:25 pm Awana

Wednesday 7:00 pmPrayer & Bible Study

Nursery: Joy Crozier, Cynthia Boisvert

Friday7:00 pmFall Conference

Sunday 9:15 am The Lord’s Supper

Nursery: Lauri Anne Good, Maria Mooney,

Katelyn Lewis

11:00 amFamily Bible Hour

Speaker: Rex Trogdon

Nursery: Paula Younker, Dixie Boisvert

1’s & 2’s: Carla Clark, Rhoda Heggie

6:30 pm Speaker: Rex Trogdon

Nursery: Nichole MacLean, Laura DeVries

Cleaning Schedule

Oct 14-20: Bill & Kaye Lewis, Jonathan & Jessica Simmonds

Oct 21-27: Wayne & Linda Shaw, Allan & Krista Johnson

Oct 28- Nov 3: Josh & Nichole MacLean, David & Margaret O’Connor

Chairman’s Schedule

Oct 14AM: Dan Frew PM: David Boisvert

Oct 21AM: John DeVries PM: Dan Frew

Oct 28AM: Norman Machon PM: Gregor MacIsaac

Door Watch

Oct 14AM: Franklin MacDonaldPM: Trent Good

Oct 21AM: Norman MachonPM: Lyle Bigney

Oct 28AM: Myron MacDonaldPM: Alan Craswell


Emergency Prayer Chain: Kathy Larsen, Peggy MacDonald, Gloria MacDougall

Those Who Are Sick: Bill Waller, Brenda DeVries, Dale Moore, Brian Clow

Our Assembly: The Elders Sunday School Youth Group AWANA

Maritime & Commended Workers

Bob & Marg MacGregor Cliff & Norlene Campbell Marj Robbins

Gerald & Denise St. Laurent Dave & Anne Spearing Mark & Kim DeJager

Harold & Barb MacDougall Noel & Dwana Bondt


Marjorie BeckwithLuke & Lois DeJager Garry & Claudette Weeks

Pearl Winterburn Marie MacDougall Jessie Tremblay

Rocky & Liz Niclasen Mike & Rachel Maletich John & Dorothy McKim

Keep in Your Thoughts and Prayers

Maritime Assemblies2013 Camp MinistryMargaret Small Bert Kelly

Shawn & Hayley Cuthill Family Bible Hour Pearl McLellan Louis Voyer

Wedding Announcement

And the two shall become one...


Dave & Elaine Simms

Up Coming Programs & Events

Fall Conference – October 19-21

Guest Speakers: Rex Trogdon & Dennis LeBlanc

There will be a Fellowship time following the Friday evening meeting.

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers for Saturday evening meal clean-up, Sunday lunch meal clean-up and Sunday supper clean up (did we mention we are using paper plates?)

Also we need some sweet loaves, pies and mustard pickles if you have any to spare.Please sign up where you can help! The sheets are posted on the bulletin board in the Awana Office.

Monday, October 29 ~ Emmanuel Bible Camp meeting ~ Time 7:00 pm

Monday, November 5th ~“How to Study the Bible” ~Time 7:00 pm

Facilitator Leonard VandenBerg

Everyone is invited to attend and encouraged to participate

Tuesday, November 6th ~ Ladies Missionary Meeting ~Time 10:00

“Come when you can, leave when you must”