The Lone Star
CoDA Courier
January 2018 Volume 14 Issue 1
CoDA Texas Officers: Chair-Marilyn B., Vice Chair-Open, Treasurer-Brenda R.,Secretary-Open
CoDA Lone Star Courier
If you would like to contribute a recovery-related article or have any CoDAevents you would like published, please email Marilyn at or call 281 782-8309. Also, if you would like to write a little something about your experience at Retreat, State Assembly or Campouts, feel free to email them to me.
Mark Your Calendar –District, State and International Business
CoDA Annual Spring Retreat, March 16-18, 2018, Camp Lone Star in LaGrange, TX
CoDA Campout/Indian Powwow, June 1-3, 2018, Lake Tombigbee, Livingston, TX
2018 CoDA Service Conference begins October 9-12 and Convention Oct.12-14 in San Diego, CA
CoDA Texas Website
The CoDA Texas website URL is
CoDA Texas E-Mailand Mailing Lists
If you are interested in receiving emails regarding CoDA Texas, anyone who wants to be added to or opt out of the Texas e-mail list may email/write to . To correct or change an address for the postal mailings or opt out of the mailing, send an e-mail or a letter to Dan W., 813 Rock Creek, Irving, TX 76039.
CoDA Texas Retreat News
The CoDA Texas Retreat is planned forMarch 16-18, 2018at Camp Lone Star in LaGrange. It will be hosted by the Austin Area and chaired by Charlotte S. If you have never been to retreat, you will love Camp Lone Star. It’s set in a beautiful, wooded area with a lake, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, blue bonnets, eagles and many serene areas to just get away and relax. The Theme this year is Making New Traditionswhere we will learn how to work through the traditions as a group in a non-traditional way, seeRegistration and Agenda attached.
CoDA World
The 2018 CoDA Service Conference (CSC) will be held in the Oct.9-12 in San Diego and the International Convention (ICC), workshops and speaker meetings was Oct. 12-14. Anyone is welcome to attend the Conference, however the people with voice and vote is limited. The International Conference is where Voting Entity Delegates and CoDA Board Members meet to discuss and vote on VEI’s (Voting Entity Issues), Motions and CoDA business at the World level. Anyone can attend the Convention and (as an observer) if you have a question or thought – you can talk to your VE Delegate and they can ask the question for you. For more information or registration info., please go to or ask your local Delegate or Intergroup Office.
Texas 7th Tradition Donations
According to the 12 Traditions, CoDA is self-supporting through its own contributions. Seventh Tradition donations help CoDA Texas send Delegates to CoDA Service Conference, provides seed money for the annual retreat, pays for the CoDA Texas web site, PO Box, provides seed money for State Assembly, and pays for postage to mail these newsletters! Suggested donations above prudent reserves are 60% to the city community, 30% to CoDA Texas, and 10% to CoDA World. Send Texas donations to: CoDA Texas, P.O. Box 300511, Austin, TX 78703-0009. Please provide the Meeting number and Group Name with your donation.
THANK YOU to all CoDA Meetings and IndividualsGracias a todos las reunionsCoDA y los
for the 7th Tradition contributions to CoDA Texasindividuos por sus contribuciones de la 7ª tradución.
From the CoDA Texas Treasurer,Brenda R.De la TesoreraCoDA, Brenda R.
TX051 – Kingwood Group $40.00
Total Contributions As of 1/31/2018 $40.00
Total 2017 Contributions as of 12/31/17 $1474.48
Total 2016 Contributions as of 12/31/16 $1522.96
Total 2015 Contributions as of 12/31/15 $1130.02
Total 2014 Contributions as of 12/10/14 $2363.50
CoDA Texas Welcome
As a reminder, group Representatives are requested to attend their local Intergroup Meetings and anyone is welcome to attend the CoDA Texas Board Meetings. At the last Spring Board Meeting, we discussed that there may be some money available for new groups from their Intergroup Office. Check with the CoDA Houston or North Dallas Intergroup Office for more details.
Also, once new meetings get established, they can request a New Meeting Packet from CoRE free of charge. Once they are stable, it is suggested that they begin to contribute 7th Tradition money to District, State and CoDA World organizations from their basket money. Seventh Tradition donations help CoDA Texas send Delegates to CoDA Service Conference, provides seed money for the annual retreat, pays for the CoDA Texas web site, PO Box, provides seed money for State Assembly, and pays for postage to mail these newsletters! Suggested donations above prudent reserves are 60% to the city Intergroup, 30% to CoDA Texas, and 10% to CoDA World. If there is no Intergroup Office in your city, it is suggested that 90% go to CoDA Texas and 10% to CoDA World.
Did You Know?
CoDA groups all across Texas are desperately seeking male and female sponsors! If you are interested in sponsoring, please attend regular meetings in your area and offer to become a sponsor, even if it’s just temporary! It’s difficult to carry the message to others without adequate sponsors and newcomers need help and guidance. You can sign up on the website as a contact for Texas and you will receive phone calls and emails (probably when you need it most)! This is very rewarding for everyone.
Texas 2017 State Assembly
Greater Houston CoDA Intergroup hosted the Assembly on November 3-5 in Houston. Linda, Lisa and others put together a terrific State Assembly with fabulous speakers, hilarious skits and fantastic workshops and fellowship.Thank you CoDA Houston and a big thanks also to CoDA Houston North (TX020) for providing snacks and drinks for the weekend! CoDA Texas Officers gave their reports about Texas activities, the Delegates reported on their experience at CSC and we discussed old/new business and new Officers were elected. We want to thank the former Officers for their service and welcome Brenda R. from CoDA North Houstonas the new Treasurer and Mark M. from Waco as the new Jr. Delegate. We are still looking for a Secretary to take minutes at the Spring and Fall Board Meetings for a 2-year term and we need a Vice Chair and alternate delegates to attend CSC if our elected delegates can’t.
CoDA Texas Events
Campout Committee
If you like tent camping, please consider doing service work for CoDA Texas by joining the Committee in charge of the event. The committee needs people who are willing to help coordinate as a healthy service work opportunity. Some places do have cabins available for those who don’t “rough it”! This year, there will only be 2 campouts, one near Lake Livingston at Lake Tombigbee andone at Krause Springs near Austin coordinated by Marilyn B. unless someone else would like to take over.
Scheduled Upcoming Events, Workshops, and Gatherings for CoDA Texas
Calendario de Eventos, Cursos, y CongreGaciones Para CoDA Texas
MonthEventWhenWhere Contact
Mar. Spring Retreat Mar. 16-18, 2018 LaGrange Charlotte S.
June Campout/Powwow June 1-3, 2018 Livingston/Woodville Marilyn B.
If you are interested in organizing or attending a campout, please contact: Marilyn B., 281 782-8309,
CoDA Texas needs a Secretary to record Minutes at the Board Meetings in the Spring and Fall for a two-year term. Computer literate, access to a computer, and MS Word or similar software other people can open are necessary.
Duties include the following:
- Take minutes at biannual business meetings (to include a list of attendees). Prepare an electronic version of the minutes and send out draft copies to Board members and Delegates via e-mail for review within one month of meeting. If e-mail addresses of other attendees are available, draft copy may be sent to them as well.
- Bring draft copy to next Board Meeting for final review and make required changes. If revisions are extensive, send out for review again.
- Distribute final copy by sending to Coda Texas Messenger volunteerfor distribution. If CoDA Texas Messenger is also the liaison to the webmaster ask the CoDA Texas Messenger to send to webmaster to post on CoDA Texas web site.
- Send Voting Entity issues to CoDA, Inc. Board at least two months prior to annual CoDA Service Conference (CSC).
- Provide names and addresses of Delegates attending Conference to CoDA, Inc. by filling out CSC Form and getting Delegates to sign it. Send form to Events and CoDA World Board.
- Keep track of e-mail decisions and bring info to next Board Meeting for approval/ratification.
- Provide past records to the new Secretary. Support the new Secretary after his/her term of office by being available, if asked.
CoDA Texas also needs a Vice Chairperson to attend Meetings in the Spring and Fall for a two-year term.
Duties include the following:
Vice Chair takes a leadership role if the Chair cannot fulfill his/her duties. Assists Chair as needed and participates in votes and Board meetings. The Vice Chair shall perform such other duties from time to time asmay be requested by the business meeting or Chairperson.
Making New
CoDA Texas Spring
Retreat & Fellowship
Mar 16-18, 2018
Have you ever worked through the 12 Traditions? We’re going to work through them as a group on the workshop writings of San Diego CoDA which helped personalize the work. This is going to be a non-traditional and more customized way of looking at them.
In the beautiful Texas Hill Country at Camp Lone Star, 2016 Camp Lone Star Rd. La Grange, TX 78945, Phone 800-362-2078. Website & Map
- Please bring your green Twelve Steps and 12 Traditions workbook for notes and your mailbox/envelope from last year if you have one.
- Please bring a new or gently used silent auction item, proceeds to benefit CoDA Texas.
- Questions? Call Charlotte at 512 497-8276(2) $75 Scholarships Available upon early approval of Retreat Committee
Please make checks payable to CoDA Texas.
Mail to CoDA Texas, ATTN: Registrar, P.O. Box 300511 Austin, TX 78703
Early bird registration-before Mar 1: Deposit of $80, refundable or transferable until Mar 9, 2018, remainder payable at retreat.
Check Option
Fri-Sun, 2 nights + 6 meals (Fri dinner through Sun lunch) $150 _____
After Mar 1:$160_____
Saturday only + 1-3 meals, (breakfast, lunch & dinner)
breakfast included if you arrive at 8 am $80_____
My Name: ______Phone: ( ) _____- ______
Address: ______Email: ______
My Roommates: ______
2018 Spring Retreat Agenda
Fri Mar 16, 2018
4:00 to 8:00 pm Registration Desk Check-In
5:30 to 8:00 pm Dinner-Soup and Sandwich bar for late arrivals
7:00 to 10:00 pm Evening Activity Tradition #1 “Unity” Recovery Quilt
7:30 to 8:30 pm S’Mores at the Campfire
Sat Mar 17, 2018
7:30 to 9:00 am Registration Desk Check-In
8:00 to 8:45 am Breakfast
9:00 to 10:15 am Opening: Serenity Prayer, 12 Steps, 12 Traditions
Making New Traditions
10:15 to 10:30 am Break
10:30 to 11:30 am Making New Traditions
11:30 to 12:00 pm CoDA TX Special Meeting: Elections and State
Assembly Discussion All are encouraged to attend
12:00 to 1:00 pm Lunch
1:15 to 3:00 pm Making New Traditions
3:00 to 3:15 pm Break
3:15 to 5:15pm Making New Traditions
5:30to 7:00 pm Dinner
7:00 to 8:00 pm Speaker Ally R. “Finding Ally” followed by Q & A
8:00 to 10:00 pm Fellowship & Evening Activity Tradition #5 “Carrying
the Message” Mailboxes and Support Notes
Sun Mar 18, 2018
8:00 to 8:45 am Breakfast
9:00 to 10:15 am Morning Meeting
10:30 to 10:45 am Break
10:45 to 11:45 am Affirmations and Closing
12:00 to 1:00 pm Lunch
The next newsletter (Volume 14, Issue 2) will be distributed electronically in May.
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