Matthew Houser

Matthew Houser

Department of Sociology, Michigan State UniversityPhD Candidate

466 Berkey Hall

East Lansing, MI 48824


2018Ph.D.Michigan State University, Sociology (expected)

2015 M.A. Michigan State University, Sociology

2013B.A. The Pennsylvania State University, Interdisciplinary Studies


Nitrogen fertilizer management in the context of the Midwestern corn agro-ecological system: an environmental sociological analysis

Committee: Sandra Marquart-Pyatt (Chair), Diana Stuart, Aaron McCright, Wynne Wright, Scott Swinton


Environmental Sociology / Coupled Systems / Agriculture
Social-Psychology / Environmental Change / Power/Political Ecology

REFEREED PUBLICATIONS (* denotes equal contributions)

Stuart, Diana & Matthew Houser (In Press). Producing compliant polluters: seed companies and nitrogen fertilizer application in US corn agriculture. Rural Sociology

Stuart, Diana, Riva Denny*, Matthew Houser*, Adam Reimer* & Sandra Marquart-Pyatt (2018). Farmers’ selection of sources of information for nitrogen management in the US Midwest: implications for environmental programs. Land-Use Policy‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 70, 289-297‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Houser, Matthew, Diana Stuart Michael Carolan (2017). Is seeing believing? Applying a realist framework to examine agriculture and climate change.Environmental Sociology3(4), 321-336

Houser, Matthew (2016). Who framed climate change? Identifying the how and why of Iowa corn farmers’ framing of climate change.SociologiaRuralis


Houser, Matthew Diana Stuart (Revise and Resubmit). Exploring social attractors: what reinforces the resilience of inefficient nitrogen fertilizer application?Ecology and Society

Reimer, Adam, Matthew Houser Sandra Marquart-Pyatt(Revise and Resubmit).Farming decisions in a complex and uncertain world: nitrogen management in Midwestern corn agriculture.Journal of Rural Studies

Houser, Matthew, Riva Denny, Adam Reimer, Sandra Marquart-Pyatt & Diana Stuart.Strategies to enhance University Extension’s role as an agricultural information source.Journal of Extension

Houser, Matthew, Sandra Marquart-Pyatt, Riva Denny, Adam Reimer & Diana Stuart. Farmers, information, and nutrient management in the US Midwest. Journal of Rural Studies


Denny, Riva, Matthew Houser & Sandra Marquart-Pyatt. Conservation practice adoption of Midwestern US corn farmers. Society and Natural Resources

Houser, Matthew. How the political economy of agriculture is influencing farmers’ reactions to biophysical climate change.Agriculture and Human Values

Houser, Matthew. Over application of nitrogen fertilizer as a non-issue: using Lukes to explore inaction in corn farmers’ nitrogen management. Rural Sociology

Houser, Matthew. Moving beyond “climate change”: insights toward encouraging pro-climate views among rural conservatives. Climatic Change


2018Landscape simplification and the drivers of Midwestern farm size increases, Kellogg Biological Station Long-Term Ecological Research Program Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program (Declined)

2017A comparative analysis of Michigan farmers’ and the general public’s climate change views, Michigan State University Institute for Public Policy’s Social Research’s State of the State Survey Award for Doctoral Students ($14,000)

2017Farmer fertilizer use and climate change: a social-ecological systems approach, Kellogg Biological Station Long-Term Ecological Research Program Summer Research Fellowship for Long-term Ecological Research ($7,000)

2017Reacting to biophysical climate change: Michigan corn farmers’ beliefs, perceptions and actual nitrogen fertilizer use, Charles P. and Linda A. Thompson Endowment ($4,400)

2017Graduate Office Fellowship Award, Michigan State University ($4,400)

2016Department of Sociology Teaching Workshop Instructor Award ($1,100)

2016 Graduate Office Fellowship Award, Michigan State University ($2,200)

2015Graduate Office Fellowship Award, Michigan State University ($740)

2014Rural Sociological Association Sociology of Agriculture and Food Research Interest Group Outstanding Student Paper Award

2014Conference Travel Funding, Michigan State University ($350)


2017-Present Co-Investigator, Reacting to biophysical climate change: Michigan corn farmers’ beliefs, perceptions and actual nitrogen fertilizer use,Kellogg Biological Station and College of Social Sciences, Michigan State University(PI: Sandra Marqaurt-Pyatt)

*Designed mail and internet survey and gathered biophysical climate data to investigate influence of climate change experiences on beliefs and behaviors of Michigan farmers.

2017-Present Co-Investigator, A comparative analysis of Michigan farmers’ and the general public’s climate change views,Department of Sociology, Michigan State University (PI: Sandra Marqaurt-Pyatt)

*Designed phone survey to investigate the Michigan general public’s climate change beliefs and experience with biophysical climate.

2017-Present Research Assistant, Kellogg Biological Station Long Term Ecological Research Midwestern row crop survey, Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University (PIs: Sandra Marquart-Pyattand Scott Swinton)

*Participated in mail survey and codebook design and conducted surveypre-test focus groups; data analysis in progress.

2014- 2017 Research Assistant, A social-ecological analysis of nitrogen in agricultural systems of the upper Midwest, Kellogg Biological Station and Department of Sociology, Michigan State University (PI: Diana Stuart)

*Participated in survey and interview guide design; initiated and conducted focus groups and one-on-one in-person interviews with >60 farmers; transcribed, coded and analyzed qualitative and quantitative data.

2016Research Assistant, Structural equation models for social-ecological systems analysis,Department of Sociology, Michigan State University (PI: SandraMarquart-Pyatt)

*Conducted literature review of Structural Equation Modelling use in social-ecological systems literature.

2015Research Assistant,Training the next generation of environmental scientists: a systems approach to understanding human-impacted landscapes, Kellogg Biological Station and Department of Sociology, Michigan State University (PIs: Jennifer Lau and SandraMarquart-Pyatt)

*Developed survey instrument, conducted interviews and analyzed data; contributed to National Science Foundation grant proposal.


Beyond “climate change”: insights toward farmers’ development of pro-climate


2017Michigan State University Sociology Department Speaker Series. East Lansing, December

Is seeing believing? applying a realist framework to examine agriculture and climate change.

2017Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting.Columbus, July

2017 Michigan State University Sociology Department Environmental Graduate Student Showcase, East Lansing, April

Who framed climate change? Identifying the how and why of Iowa corn farmers’ framing of climate change.

2016 American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Seattle, August

2015 Environmental Science and Policy Program Research Symposium. East Lansing, October

Agriculture, resilience, and greenhouse gas emissions: exploring the persistence of corn farmers’ inefficient nitrogen fertilizer use.

2016 International Association of Society and Natural Resources. Houghton, June

Social attractors in agro-ecological systems: an enhanced perspective on the resilience of nitrogen fertilizer pollution.

2015 American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, August

Local food, universal values: assessing local food purchasing using Value Beliefs Norms Theory.

2014 The Rural Sociological Society Conference. New Orleans, August


2015Consultant, Office of Campus Sustainability, Michigan State University

*Advised on research methods related to developing an Energy Transition Plan.

2012- 2013Dialogue Facilitation Consultant, World in Conversation, The Pennsylvania State University

*Provided consultation on facilitation skills to facilitators; assisted in designing and delivering educational material for facilitators.

2011- 2013Dialogue Facilitator, World in Conversation, The Pennsylvania State University

*Facilitated more than400 dialogues on the issues of race, gender, the Middle East and deviant behavior; Received training and experience in dialogue facilitation skills, conflict resolution strategies and sexual assault counseling.


2013Co-Instructor, Advanced Dialogue Facilitation, Department of Sociology, The Pennsylvania State University (Co-Instructor: Laurie Mulvey)

*Co-Instructed 2-hour long class sessions 1 day per week



Reviewer, Journal of Rural Studies

Environmental Sociology

International Journal of Sociology


2016Co-Creator/Co-Leader,The New Cohort Orientation Workshop,Department of Sociology, Michigan State University, August 20-22

2015-2016Member, Department of Sociology Graduate Education Committee, Michigan State University

2013-2014Member, Department of Sociology Advisory Committee, Michigan State University


ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods, University of Michigan

Longitudinal Data Modeling, Including Categorical Outcomes

Department of Sociology, Michigan State University

Structural Equation Modeling

Multi-Level Modeling

Categorical Regression

Linear Regression

Department of Geography, Michigan State University

Geographical Information Systems (in progress)

Software Proficiencies






2014-Present American Sociological Association

2013-PresentRural Sociological Society


Sandra Marqaurt-Pyatt


Department of Sociology

Environmental Science and Policy Program

509 E. Circle Drive, Room 316 Berkey Hall

Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI 48824


Phone: 517-353-0745

Diana Stuart

Assistant Professor

Department of Earth Science and Environmental Sustainability

Blg SBS West Blg 70 Room 274

Northern Arizona University

Flagstaff, AZ 86011


Phone: 928-523-0736

Aaron McCright


Lyman Briggs College

Department of Sociology

Associate Chair of Sociology

919 East Shaw Lane, Room E-35 Holmes Hall

Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI 48825


Phone: 517-432-8026

Wynne Wright

Associate Professor

Department of Sociology

Graduate Program Director of Sociology

Coordinator, Gender, Justice and Environmental Change Specialization

Department of Community Sustainability

509 E. Circle Drive, Room 408A Berkey Hall

Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI 48824


Phone: 517-353-4760