The Local Offer – Kirby Moor School
- How will school / college staff support my child?
Kirby Moor School is an Independent Specialist School which works predominantly with pupils who have difficulties with managing their: Emotions, Social skills or own behaviour in a positive way. Many of our pupils also experience difficulties in learning. This can be a learning difficulty or presenting individual needs have made attending a mainstream school a challenge.
There is a maximum of 6 pupils to a class. The pupils work in their groups with a qualified teacher and learning support assistant. The staff team are fully trained and experienced in working with pupils who need additional support. The school has purpose built classrooms, science lab, art studio, ICT suite, subject specific classrooms. We also have a specialist Nurture Unit, Herdley Bank Centre, this is located approximately 11 miles east of the main Kirby Moor site. The pupils who attend Herdley Bank Centre are taught within in small group sizes of up to 6, and are taught by different teachers according to the subject. Pupils attend fulltime at Kirby Moor School and are taught all subjects of the National Curriculum. The specialist teachers will teach the class groups in the different subject areas. Each pupil has an individual plan which details their timetable and progress targets,each pupil also has a positive behaviour plan. The progress of each pupil is overseen by the Head teacher.
- How will I know how my child is doing?
Each term parents and carers are sent a written report detailing the progress being made by their pupil. In addition to this parents and carers are invited to Review meetings and when relevant to PEP meetings. Parents and carers are invited into school for an organised Parents/Carers meeting with the teaching staff once per year. Parents and carers are also welcome to come into school to talk to staff throughout the year should they wish to discuss any aspect of their child’s progress or learning.
- How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
The pupils at Kirby Moor are taught in very small groups of up to 5 pupils.We have two Nurture classes where the teaching is designed to help those pupils who have Moderate to more Severe Learning Difficultiesin addition to the Emotional, Behavioural or Social skills challenges they face. All other pupils are organised into Key Stages and are grouped according to their academic ability and Emotional Literacy within the Key stage the age of the pupil dictates. This allows the teaching staff to very carefully plan according to the ability and needs of the six pupils in the group. The teaching staff can then differentiate within the small group to allow for individual planning when necessary to promote learning and progress.
- What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?
The pupils at Kirby Moor School are taught in small groups with two members of staff. With such a high staff to pupil ratio, the staff build positive relationships with all of the pupils and are able to offer support and guidance whenever it is required. We have designated staff anti-bullying mentors and our pastoral team deliver individualised one to one resilience programmes. The school has a School Council and pupils have named council members they can talk to if they would like to share their thoughts and ideas. The school has a school nurse and a sick room. School has open communication with parents and carers where any concerns or issues can be discussed about the pupils and their welfare.
- What specialist services are available at or accessed by the school / college?
All of our staff are fully trained to work with pupils who have social, emotional and mental health difficulties and complex learning needs. Our three nurture groups are designed to offer high staff to pupil ratios and an environment which accommodates and supports pupils with complex needs. School works closely with Inspira to offer careers guidance for pupils and the local Inspira Officer is in school fortnightly. School also works closely with families and carers who have children accessing other therapeutic services.
- What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?
All of the staff at Kirby Moor School are fully trained to work with pupils who have social, emotional and mental health difficulties and complex learning needs. All of our staff are trained in Team Teach where 95% is using de-escalation techniques and we have designated staff that are trained in Advanced Team Teach. All staff have also attended training on Safeguarding, Internet Safety, First Aid, Autism Awareness, Attachment Disorders, Dyslexia and specific learning needs. Specific staff are also trained in role specific subjects such as counselling, medical intervention, anti-bullying, mental health,Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder, SEN frameworks and Education Health and Care plans.
- How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Kirby Moor School offer a full curriculum to the end of Key Stage 4 and a range of accreditation routes for individual pupils. Homework is set on a daily basis and each pupil should receive homework tasks suitable for their ability and according to their key stage. The homework runs on a weekly/fortnightly basic and there is a recommended time in which each pupil should spend on their individual tasks. Each homework task is individual to each group and according to subject. Details of the homework timetable are sent at the beginning of each term.
- How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?
At Kirby Moor School, we have an open door policy for all parents and carers. We regularly communicate with parents and carers. If and when an issue arises this communication ensures parents and carers are fully informed about their child’s welfare and schooling. Appointments with the Head teacher can be made through the Principal Administrator and telephone conversations can be arranged daily with either the Head teacher or the Pastoral Lead. For more formal discussions about your child’s education, we arrange parent open evenings, Annual Reviews and PEPs.
- How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
At Kirby Moor School, we offer a range of educational trips and visits off site to enhance the curriculum and your child’s learning. Letters are sent out to parents and carers notifying them of the trip or visit and its purpose, the date and any other information you and your child need. Packed lunches are provided for all off site visits if your child is not on site for lunch and school also provide transport. Kirby Moor have a school football team and they are included in a league. All football games are during term time and pupils are taken to their games by the PE staff. Transport is provided along with packed lunches. School also runs an extensive outdoor education programme which all pupils are included in and encouraged to take part in. Once again, transport and lunches are provided. Any equipment needed is provided by school or the facilitators of the activities.
- How accessible is the school / college environment?
Kirby Moor School is fully accessible to all staff, visitors and pupils. All pupil areas are fully wheelchair accessible and there is a disabled toilet. There is a meeting room available which is accessible for wheelchairs and one of the management offices is accessible. PE is delivered off site in venues which provide disabled access to toilets and changing facilities.
- Who can I contact for further information?
The first point of contact for further information is the Principal Administrator who can facilitate an appointment or telephone conversation with the relevant member of staff. All staff in school play a role in your child’s education along with the local authority. If you are unhappy with anything, please see the Complaints Policy on the website which will provide information on how to raise a concern.