STC Module Q & A

  1. From BanettaLeemon, ESE Special Programs, relayed by Iris Neil, ESE Program Planner for Transition Compliance, West Palm Beach:
    Please define "possible in-service points."
    Follow-up activities have been vetted that teachers may use in their local districts for the award of three in-service points.
  2. From BanettaLeemon, relayed by Iris Neil, West Palm Beach:
    Who is monitoring the in-service submissions?
    Monitoring completion of the activities for in-service points will need to be handled at the local level. (Rubrics are included.)
  3. From BanettaLeemon, relayed by Iris Neil, West Palm Beach:

How long is this module going to be available?
The secondary transition and compliance online module will be available indefinitely. When changes occur with the reauthorization of IDEA and subsequently to Florida Administrative Code, the module will be pulled briefly for updates.

  1. From Iris Neil, West Palm Beach:
    So it sounds like the districts will need to open a professional development component for in-service points to be awarded and check the follow-up activity. In order for us to develop the component can you send us the objectives for this unit and upcoming units?
    The objectives can be found in the introduction section from the menu of the course. If you have trouble locating, Project 10 can always cut and paste and send them to you.

[The learner objectives for the STC on-line module are to

-Develop an understanding of transition requirements based on Florida’s Compliance Self-Assessment for State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator 13,

-Identify frequently asked questions and answers, and

-Ensure compliance with Florida State Board of Education Rules.]

  1. From Iris Neil, West Palm Beach:
    If we don't open a component for in-service points can the teachers take this course as a refresher and receive the certificate that they can show their administration for their professional development plan and not earn in-service points?
  2. From Iris Neil, West Palm Beach:
    Will this module take the place of the PDA-ESE Transition course?

No. The PDA-ESE Transition Module is a comprehensive facilitated module that enables teachers to earn 60 in-service points. The Project 10 modules are intended to be brief, independent study modules to bring folks up-to-speed on more focused topical areas.

  1. From Janet Brashear, Exceptional Student Education, Vero Beach, FL:

We just received the information about your transition module. Is this information newer than that in the PDA-ESE Module? Our Resource Specialists (compliance) have just completed the PDA Module and want to be totally up-to-date.

It’s not that the content is “newer” in one module versus another. The difference is that the Project 10 modules are very focused on specific areas of secondary transition. The recently released Project 10 module focuses exclusively on secondary transition and compliance with interactive activities, whereas the PDA-ESE Transition Module covers the broad aspect of secondary transition. As the Project 10 Secondary Transition and Compliance (STC) Module is only a three-hour module versus the 60 hour PDA-ESE module that can be completed at the participant’s leisure, it may be beneficial for those involved in addressing compliance areas to take the STC module as well.

  1. Question relayed by Heather:
    Do you have to complete the module at one time or can it be spread over two or three days?

You do not have to complete the module in one sitting. There is a “resume module” feature that takes you back to where you previously exited the module. You can go backwards and forwards in the module from there.

  1. From John Platt, UWF Instructor:

I would like to have your permission to include the module in my transition courses at a Florida University.

As they are part of the state public education system, they are covered under the copyright.
As long as he has the students login and take the course, it’s not a problem. Universities use the LRC module all the time.
I was hoping that I could get a direct link for my class that would expedite the process.
Please add the STC link to your course and have the students individually complete the module as an assignment.

  1. From JoAnnGoldrich, Transition Program Specialist, Pinellas County Schools:

Our district will be setting up a component through our Professional Development department for the new FDOE Secondary Transition and Compliance PDA Module-- through which our staff will be able to earn in-service points when completing the module. In order to do so, we need the specific learning objectives for this module. Can you please provide these?

The module is intended to familiarize ESE teachers and transition staff with material adapted from Florida’s State Performance Plan secondary transition and compliance guidelines for Indicator 13. There are three objectives for the STC module related to secondary transition requirements:
1. Provide a brief overview of the secondary transition requirements that align with Florida’s Compliance Self-Assessment for Indicator 13 of the Florida State Performance Plan (SPP). Indicator 13 focuses on transition planning for students 16 years of age or older.
2. Provide answers to frequently asked questions about secondary transition requirements related to Indicator 13.
3. Provide information on Secondary Transition requirements in the Florida State Board of Education Rules.